[Jun 10, 2011] CEO 2011 Fighting Game Championships (Orlando, Florida)

Krazie: Sorry. I wasn't trying to sound all pretentious about it, and sorry if it came out that way. I never expected CEO SC4 to be as big as FSAK, but I DO think that CEO is one of the biggest events of the year, and one of the only majors left besides DEV that's still pushing SC4 from when it was first announced (what, last year?). Because of that, while I never expected full SC4 community attendance, I did think that there would be (more hype about it and) at least a few more RSVPs. But I'm not seeing that everyone else has life to deal with as well

Swagga: Still in the same spot, man! ain't went nowhere
FSAK had 60+ of north america's best SC4 players all in one conglomeration. i've been involved in tournament calibur since 2003 and i've never seen such a gathering, nor will i likely see one any time in the near future. we can't expect a repeat of that; not at CEO, not at DEVASTATION, not anywhere. best thing to do is thank the fates that you got to be there and get that priceless leveling up experience!

i wish i could go to CEO. i loooooooooooooove florida. remember, blackstar, that many players don't bother to RSVP and just go. you can expect a strong turnout for sure. good luck to all the players!

time to get hyyyyyyyyype!

Great Words Lobo, that coming from someone who's avatar says go to DEV makes me happy :).

What most of this community needs to understand is with the resurgence of fighting games cause of SF4 the other companies are starting to get more involved IE Namco. If you don't come out and support these events they won't be so interested in the long run, so events like CEO and DEV are the last Remaining SC4 tournaments that matter. If we show Namco(Who's of course watching CEO through the eyes of Filthie Rich) what the community for SC and Tekken are made of, things could be great when Soul Calibur V comes out and they'll get even more involved. CEO 2011 is just trying to lay a foundation for future events to come. If you can make it out you should if you want to see this game's community grow beyond a forum and the well known tourneys just for SC. Look what's happened with Mortal Kombat, nobody ever really thought it was a big draw game, and granted who knows if it'll last past EVO but now they're company has taken notice and attended events like the National Tourney(regardless of it being a PDP stick only event) and I'm sure they'll be at EVO in a big way. Show support if you love the game and want the community for a specific game to grow.
There's a spectator Badge for only $20 for the entire weekend that can just purchase at the door, They receive a Special Badge for keeps, access to Casual Station, Free NOS, The Capoeira Exhibition, King Of ChinaTown Screening, Spectator Photo Scavenger hunt for prizes. Hope this really isn't a problem once you see the quality of this venue and event.

Oh yeah and in case since most of you don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook. The Tekken Project Team including FilthieRich, Michael Murray and Harada San will be at CEO!!!!!
Crimson, Are you able to get any copies of SC4 and or PS3 Setups with EVO Monitors. I only have one on my own and Namco was unable to send me any copies of the game. Can you let me know if this community is willing to help out with that.

PS Monitors aren't really an issue as much as the copies of the game. Also is there a master save file someone can link me to so I can copy them over to mulitple stations, I'm unaware of what needs to be unlocked with this game.
You actually cant use a save file because they dont work outside the account they were created on. I have a PS3 I'll be bringing
Really Suirad? I know MK9 Lets you transfer game saves for unlockable characters but has it been proven it won't work for SC4? If so, I'll def need more PS3's for Setups. Would like to have at least 4/5 For SC4 to run smoothly. Only have about 18 Pre reg so far for it.
Yea, Namco kind of locked the whole swapping consoles thing out with the PS3. The 360 can do it by way of memory card or hard drive and being able to move the gamer tag but PS3 I don't think can unless it can be done via USB stick. I have a PS3 and SC4 that I can bring. I can bring either HDMI cables or Component, whichever.
A whole 3 days of Sc4, life couldn't get any better. Won't be joining any of the tournaments though, I don't feel like embarrassing myself. Will be fun though. looking forward to coming.
Crimson, Are you able to get any copies of SC4 and or PS3 Setups with EVO Monitors.

I'll try and make a stop by some game shops and pick up some copies for everyone. No need for compensation.. unfortunately no monitors can be provided, but I do have one console.

What time will the staff meet be, I know it's on the Thursday before, right?
It's Thursday at 8 pm. You'll still take control of the SC4 Brackets?

So about the save data, is SC4 on Default everything with no unlocks viable or do people play unlocked bonus characters?
If you go through story mode a couple of times, you can unlock what you need. Bonus characters are banned.
It starts you off with enough gold to unlock 5 characters. that leaves 6 more characters left to unlock. You also need to go through story mode with vader to unlock apprentice. I'll figure out exactly the fastest way to get enough gold to unlock everyone else later tonight when I'm able to.
Yeah, the bonus characters are banned so we don't have to worry about those. thank god too because unlocking them is a pain.
I'll bring my copy of SC4, but I'm not able to bring the PS3 as it isn't mine to bring and my brother wouldn't want to be without it for the entire weekend.