Turn Your Voice Into The New Game.

I would like to start by saying Happy New Years! I hope that people are excited about the news and just want to move forward and put this gig into gears. I need to hear your thoughts on a concentrated level about the new game coming out. With that said, lets use this particular room for discussion of what you the fans / competitors / organizers / moderators / admins want in this new game.

Try your best to keep me informed as I will be working hard to really ensure that the voice of the community is heard. Everyone deserves a chance to speak their mind on things, my role here is to make sure that your message doesn't fall on dead ears.

Stay on topic : What would make the next SC game GREAT. details details details... Take care everyone.

FilthieRich (www.twitter.com/filthierich) (www.facebook.com/soulcalibur)
oh dear god. i just discovered this thread. as a hwang main since the beginning of the series, of course i beg to have him back, but what i want is not important.

what IS important is this...i/we love soul calibur. we love it for what it is. we love it for what namco has created for us, not for what we have created for us.

please take everything with an entire cup of salt. please make the game as you guys see fit, not as people ask. we trust you. allow a select group to playtest and allow a select group to give input as to patch requests. outside of that, allow your developmental team to do their jobs. clearly, we all believe that they can do it well.
oh dear god. i just discovered this thread. as a hwang main since the beginning of the series, of course i beg to have him back, but what i want is not important.

what IS important is this...i/we love soul calibur. we love it for what it is. we love it for what namco has created for us, not for what we have created for us.

please take everything with an entire cup of salt. please make the game as you guys see fit, not as people ask. we trust you. allow a select group to playtest and allow a select group to give input as to patch requests. outside of that, allow your developmental team to do their jobs. clearly, we all believe that they can do it well.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank You Thank YOU!!!!
First i would like Namco to support this game as they support tekken, you would see how big and united this community is if you do, BALANCE, please bring back the same epicness the game used to have, stages and music like Soul calibur 1,2, and specially 3, PLEASE bring back HWANG AND LI LONG, Critical finish was a great idea, bring back soul charge if you can, some things i want are already mentioned by some of my fellow players. Pleaseeeee i would like to see this game with a great online gameplay, please release the game in Arcade first, if i have any more ideas i would post here.

Thanks for taking the time to listen to us.

Omega from Dominican Republic.

Absolutely Omega! Im making sure that the voice of the SC community is falling on the right ears.
I'm excited over the prospects of a new SC game. That said I'd like to see:

1. Better balance. Give some more tools to the low tier characters and bring the current top tier characters down a notch. Somewhere in the middle would be ideal.

2. Better netcode. While lag-free gaming is impossible, it can be better than the current SC4 netcode.

3. Better online lobbies. Make it like Blazblue CS where I can set restrictions on who is allowed to enter my room based upon their connection strength. Also, make it so that I can go into training mode while waiting in a lobby for someone to join my room (again see Blazblue CS), though give me the option of kicking someone who enters the lobby while remaining in training mode (its annoying when someone keeps on coming back and you have no desire to play them again for whatever reason). And make it so that if you join a lobby with a game in progress, that you have the option of watching it. Also, display more than 5 at a time in the lobby list.

4. Don't make the custom characters have different hit boxes than their base characters! Particularly, when you change the gender of a character, their hit box currently can change substantially, to the point that moves whiff that shouldn't and character-specific combos no longer work.

5. Improved training mode. Make it so that I can pick moves from a list for the training dummy to do against me and be able to have it execute those without any delay. It would be handy for practicing against setups of other character's that I don't necessary know the execution for 100% (which generally leads to small gaps where a skilled player wouldn't have any) as things like just frames or moves like summon suffering are a hassle to train against when you haven't practiced their input to record. Also, add in a button input display in training mode so we can see where we are making mistakes in our inputs. A quick reset button would be nice, that would put the characters back to their starting positions, reset any armor breaking, and reset the soul gauges.

6. Bring back an Edgemaster/Character/Olcadan style character, they were always fun to play.

7. Add in the option of having both online and offline character selection be double-blind.

8. Soul charge was fun and could be brought back, perhaps with some sort of tie-in to the soul guage for its use.

9. A more lenient input buffer would be nice, it would probably help a lot online with punishing unsafe moves when there is the presence of lag.

10. Bring back a normal survival mode that uses the standard game rules (no tag team stuff and no special vs stuff).

11. Add in the ability to save replays like in Blazblue, but of both offline and online matches.

12. If you are going to keep in the armor break mechanics (which really didn't influence gameplay hardly at all), please don't tear the custom character's clothing to shreds. Either model a damaged state like you did for the normal characters for the custom parts, or just leave them intact.

13. Unlock all of the characters from the start. Its frustrating having to unlock the new characters that you want to try, and even more so when you want to play with a bunch of friends and not everyone's favorite character is unlocked on that console yet (especially if it takes a long time to unlock a character, see Mu-12 in Blazblue CS for a character that takes prohitively long to unlock on a friend's console).

14. Not so much a game request, but, stick around on these forums and see what the players have to say about, both during development of SC5 and after its release to see our reactions to the game and what we end up doing with the game and find in the game (your testers won't catch everything that we will find).

15. More stage variety. A lot of the stages in SC4 were basically identical to each other. And try not to design stages that give advantage to characters depending on which side they start on (the garden stage in SC4 for example, the P1 side gets a wall behind them while the P2 side gets an open edge behind them).

16. Would be nice if it saved your previous character selection across game sessions. The last Blazblue patch did this and its convenient.

17. When unlocking things, please don't save after we buy every single item, save when we exit the character creation/store/whatever you use this time around. That just slows the process down unnecessarily.

18. Punish rage-quitters online more. Show a disconnect ratio (and try to only flag the player who did disconnect and not both of them), and give us the option of blocking them from entering our lobbies again.

19. Keep the execution simple, there's no need to make it any more complicated than SC4 currently is. I find it more rewarding/fun to win a game because of superior tactics, not superior input-abilities.
First of all SC4 is a pretty great game. The fact that it was abandoned by Namco after the first patch is quite sad cause it could have been the best SC out of all with one more patch imo. Huge opportunity missed.

So above all, just dont quit the game and the community please. I dont really care if we get a game where there are 2-3 semi-broken moves at first and i play in tournaments. As long as you support the game this is not a problem, nobody is asking for a 100% perfect game from the beginning. So rather concentrate on a kick-ass engine, step system etc. instead of figuring out for too long if Move A or B should be -13 or -12. We will do the in-depth testings for you!! Just give us the chance to and support the game.
Sure if a move jumps over lows, has a Tech crouch window, Ring out, fully tracks behind your back, auto-GI's ALL mids and does 85 Damage you should know something is wrong. But if not we will tell you :)

Most of the other stuff was already mentioned, please DO NOT listen to specific move changes etc. The programmers and creators should be as FREE AS POSSIBLE during the development.

What i would like to see is a better trainingsmodus. It is bugged in SC4, combos work which do not in VS Mode (Cervantes :6:B:(B):~iGDR) and moves that get buffered will cause problems if they get recorded.

What i would love to see is the ability to influence the A.I. When you play vs Ivy on the highest difficulty she is doing on retarded Unblockable after the other. What would rock so bad is the option to give priorities to moves. Maybe just from 0 (DONT USE IT) to 3 (Spam the move).

So you could set the AMY A.I to use :3::B:, :3::B::A:, :(3)::B:, :2::B::+::K: etc on the highest priority, while setting others to 0. What we would get is a A.I that fights like 90% of the Amyplayers in High-Level, this would make training so much more effective.


EDIT: Ahh, again the [B ] problem, sorry for the bold, fuck HTML :)
Keep the ability to change button configuration on the character select screen and the multiple, savable button config mappings. Not that I think anyone was thinking of getting rid of it, but please don't all the same.

Other things I care about I've already seen mentioned, but just in case repetition counts the main ones are: 1) Let quality players test the game 2) Some more Balance/bug patches, doesnt have to be a ton 3) Soul Crush was a good idea and fits well with the series, so keep it and/or expand on it 4) Custom clothing shouldn't disappear on equipment break, a "tattered" version like normal costumes would be nice, but failing that just leave it on.

Otherwise, SC4 is a great game and SC a great franchise, I have faith the devs understand what they're doing well enough.
Do what you want. What I have seen from Project Soul is that they put a lot of effort into making it the best game they can despite not getting the same love from Namco that Tekken does. I'm sure if Namco puts as much support behind the game for the competitive scene as they do for Tekken the game will turn out amazing.
Everybody agree in one point: Balance.

But What Namco have to do to get a good balance in the next game? Jaxel added a good point. Some people said, just launch in arcade to test before release, others said, give the beta to the better SC players; I will say this: maybe they have to get more in contact with real physics. Damage and speed in SC is directly related to the weapon weight, but some examples are unreal or exaggerated.

They did a good job with SC4 but a lot of moves have properties almost impossible in reality. If some people know more about this then can help me explain.

I know that Namco have a great database that they gather in the old soulcalibur.com so maybe this can help them knowing what we really want.

But for know, I would put my best efforts to improve the netcode; my lag in SSF4 is like 0.05 seconds but in SC4 is like 1.0 and more if is a international match(against USA players almost 3.0 secs lag!)
It'd be great if quick match from SC:BD made a return to SC5 those AI's are insane and so much fun to play against, much better than SCIV Arcade mode.

Also more stages and some epic music. :)
It would be absolutely amazing to see Hwang as a full fledged character again; that's pretty much the most important thing to me at this point.

As far as the technical stuff goes... everyone seems to be doing a great job hitting the big topics, so I shall not be redundant.

...And thanks so much for taking the time to get all our thoughts and opinions to Project Soul; it's quite a treat!
Im not sure if anyone has said this, but make the AI edge master CP is able to do most combos, hit mostly with safe moves, punish ...etc make them more similar to high level play, so that people like myself who have literally 0 offline opponents can still practice daily with a "worthy" opponent.

It great you want to gets some ideas we have for the game but as lobo said before, take all the information you see as a grain of salt.

People don’t realize the implication when they suggest changing aspects of a character or the games mechanisms. So please don’t take everything you see here to heart.

When Jaxel talked about how moves should consist of 2 properties of 4 choices Range, Powerful, Speed, and Safety, his intent is to balance the game but there are much more factors to consider.

Pushback from block attack; An attack could be a fast long ranged move that is unsafe on paper, but the pushback in the game makes it safe. Moves the that Tech Crouch (Goes under highs), moves that Tech Jump (Jumps over lows), Evasive Moves, Guard Crush Moves, Auto Guard Impact Moves. Moves done on tip range having better properties. These are all thing that affect Moves and either make them weaker or stronger.

There also the Human Reaction factor, even if a move is unsafe on paper, it might be a very fast move, that it become very difficult to react and punish

People here have good intentions, but be careful when you consider these ideas.

If you have ideas on creating new move for character you can discuss them in the Soul Arena, and that would help in the creative process.

Pretty much everyone discussed the aesthetics stuff they would want in SC5

1) Every Character should have all their standards costumes from Soul Blade, SC1, SC2, SC3, and SC4. Also these costumes should be standardized, meaning when I Select a character like Ivy, I will see all her old costumes as default ones. So when an armor piece breaks the wont be in their underwear. Also PLEASE DO NOT LET ANY 1P COSTUMES from any version of Soul Calibur be CUSTOMABLE. 1P out fits are unique to the character theme and idenity and no other character should have that. Also I really don’t want to see a Character like Talim in Ivy’s Dominatrix out fit.

2) Stage from all pervious Soul Calibur title should be in SC5, and the Music that comes with that stage, and maybe just Update Some of the Soul Blade and SC1 Music. Also Stages like the seesaw that are small and dumb should be in Special Verses. One more thing for the character select menu, we should able to any Soul Calibur character select menu music to play in the back ground.

3) The return of the Characters with everyone’s move set. There are 3 of Them Edgemaster, Charade, and Olcadan. All these character SHOULD PLAY THE SAME. NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS SHOULD HAVE SOME ADVANTAGE LIKE 10% BOUNUS DAMAGE OR HAVE EXTRA MOVES. These characters are the same only difference should be aesthetics and nothing else.

4) More Weapons, again this is more aesthetics. In SC4 each character has 7 weapons, I would like that double, so people can customize more. Also give us the ability to edit the colours of the weapons.

This is your product and you should design it, as you like. In the end we will buy SC5.

Now the only thing I really want to discuss or wish for SC5 is for our community to be united.

In SC4 the community as of now is divided, because of a few characters. Algol, Hilde and the Starwars Character have splintered this community. Now I am not going to discuss where these character are broken or not, because that debate is not for this thread (and I ask other member not to bring that debate here).

These characters have caused the most controversy because their differences are very apparent. Soul Calibur is a weapon-based game so when a character like Algol who shots bubbles is introduced it changes the very foundation of the game. This lead people who love Soul Calibur for it weapon-based aspect hate Algol because of this difference. To them Algol does not represent Soul Calibur.

Hilde was just overpowered; the risk reward was to great in her favor. She is a fine addition to SC and a unique character, but she just need to be toned down.

Starwars Character. These character are not overpowered and seem to have a lot of thought put into them, but there reason I bring this up is because they are Starwars Character and NOT Soul Calibur Character. These Starwars character just take away from Soul Calibur, because all it shows is that Soul Calibur need some ploy to be marketable, and that it can’t stand on it own two feet.

I am in Toronto and our Community is very broken up. I have talked with my own community members asked their opinions on Algol and I firmly believe he is bad for the community. Recently there was a debate in the Toronto Thread about Algol, and it illustrates the division we have about this character.

The American SC4 Scene is dead except in the East Coast and that because they disallowed Algol and Hilde.

The French community is thriving; they are the most active and have the most player. This is because they remove the Controversial Character, Algol, Hilde and Starwars Characters. THIS KEPT THE GAME FUN FOR THEM.

So when you create Soul Calibur 5 please do not put character like Algol, Guest Character or Bonus characters. As in then end this will divide the community and kill off the game.


Please Review the changing done in Broken Destiny. Whether or not this is the direction you want to take Soul Calibur in is up to you, but review they change to see it they are beneficial for Soul Calibur.

1) Damage in Broken Destiny is significantly higher than SC4. The game seems to focus alot on combos.

2) There is less Air Control as more move now have unique properties that limit air control by creating some air stun animation.

3) No Verticals at all track.

4) Everyone has the same step and step is quite large; in SC4 everyone had his or her own unique step.

5) The Amour Purge that was created makes Critical Finish non-existent. Amour Purge input is weird (Down, Down, Down A+B+K). Amour Purge animation look silly. Running forward increase the Soul gauge immensely.

6) Please Review the New Character Dampierre. This character will for sure be another controversial character if he remains the way he is now. He is a character that has many random attacks. If that is the design you want him to have that fine, but please review his tools. He has a half-life combo. He has a random Unblockable attack that can either be very fast or very slow. But if the Fast Unblockable hits it leads to his half-life combo. He also has an infinite if he get you near a wall, but this infinite is random as he will sometime fall down. He also has some ground grab where he has a chance to get 60 plus damage and where you can only get a down kick or down vertical attack if you defend correctly. The risk-reward is heavily sewed in this favor as he has little risk for heavy reward. Please just review this character and balance him if you plan to put him in SC5.

The Voice Acting and Dialogue in SC4 was much better compared to other SC version. So please keep maintain that.

Also can you make Nightmare and Cervantes sound bad ass again like they did in SC2. In SC4 Nightmare and Cervantes just sound lame.

Come back to me ...my child -->


Just want to add one more thing. In SC3 people could bring there own custom edit and colour edit to a friend house by using a PS2 memory card. But for SC4 there no way to bring your custom edits to your friend system. Only way to have your custom is to create it yourself.

For SC5 is it possible for you to let user upload maybe just one(not sure if more would be possible) custom edits/colour edits online. That Colour Edit would be associated with that user name. And if you do this you would have to create a new feature that lets put your friend PSN ID, and then it will copy their custom to your system. Just on problem with that is that anyone who know someone PSN can copy or view their custom edit.

In SC4 you have the ranked match leader board. So the player score is upload to that server. So why no have something for people to upload their custom edits.
I don't think this should be hard, because it not you uploading an image, but just the codes for the colour changes.

I know some people have mention usb, this could also be an option. For the usb to work. SC5 would have to give a feature to export the Custom Edit on to usb. And then an import feature to allow you to play using you custom edits.
The new SC should include all the modes and that were in SC2 and/or SC3. Also, it would be awesome if there was a story mode just like the one in SC3. In addition to that, another Chronicles of the Sword or Weapon Master mode (either of them) would be great...
As for the characters, there should be no guests, but the old abandoned ones should make a return (Li-Long, Edgemaster, Necrid, Nightterror, Inferno etc). Additionally, all of the canon characters must come back and most importantly, KEEP SIEGFRIED, PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE!!!
About the music now... The new soundtracks should be more like the ones in SC2/SC3. If some SC2/SC3 soundtracks would make a return, they will be welcomed (Hellfire, Forsaken Sanctuary, etc).
Concerning Siegfried now (assuming he returns), please don't kill him again... Make him suffer a little bit... I mean that, he should somehow find out that Soul Calibur is as dangerous as Soul Edge (Taki is right)... Ohh... And please, in the end (not in this SC nessecerily) let him find out that the only sin he commited was killing accidentally his father, the rest of the sins were just Soul Edge's against his will... Also a great ending for him would be, the freeing and resurrection of all of the souls inside Soul Edge and maybe the magical resurrection of his father... Last but not least, DO NOT MARRY HIM WITH ANYONE, NEVER. He is better alone... So, please forget about SCBD's Sarya (or whatever her name)... PLZ, PLZ, PLZ, PLZ, PLZ.
As for the moves and stuff, I'm not an expert so, I'll leave that to the experts here who know what's going on. All I can request about that is balance.

Well, silly or not, that's what I'd like to see in the new SC. Thank you for this GREAT opportunity!!!

PS: The series should last a very long time with loads of sequels... Besides, THE LEGEND WILL NEVER DIE!!!
An in-depth tutorial mode like the story mode of BD. May have been mentioned before.

More just frames for some characters. Like Xianghua.
1: Amy was just plain nuts. Let's see some thorough testing so that sort of thing doesn't happen again.

2: Some of the characters look ridiculous, it's hard to take them seriously. Sophitia borders on the edge of believability, Ivy takes a flying leap off of it. I understand she's supposed to be buxom, but she just looks weird in human clothing. You'd think at some point she'd have to stop and rest carrying those things around. As for Taki, her boobs seem to be getting bigger every game. Stop that. Maybe scale them down a cup size while you're at it. I understand people like big boobs, but you know your girls would be sexier if they stayed within realistic (ie human) bodily proportions.

3. On the subject of testing, fix attacks randomly whiffing. On Taki for instance it was so much fun to try to halt a big slow deadly move in progress only to have my 6a somehow miss, passing through my opponent's armpit. Then I just got to stand there in the cool down animation for my attack, and watch as an axe the size of a man hit me square in the face. For counter attack. If my opponent is 2 feet in front of me and not dodging my attack shouldn't miss.

4. What was up with the stuns? Half of them were useless, they didn't give enough stun time to do anything with.

5. On the subject of balance try to even out the distribution of highs, mids and lows in character's arsenals. A character who's move list is chalk full of low/mid mix ups is just much better off than a character going low/high because ducking works on both.

6. Don't give characters useless/inferior moves. Nobody playing Taki for instance had any reason to use BB for anything. Ever. All it meant in reality was she had that much smaller a move list. If you find in your testing people are never doing a move, tune that move up or add some properties to make it competitive or useful.
General points:

I agree that pretty all competitive players would like balance, because this will increase the amount of viable characters and therefore increase the pool of potential matchups and improve the game's longevity and playability.

Judging by project soul's previous interviews that they emphasize "fun" first and foremost, balance should be a key second objective.

However, the lazy approach of balance by giving all characters the same key moves (ie. everyone gets a i16 safe launcher) should not be taken.

Soul calibur 4's approach (compared to SC2 and SC3) regarding different playstyles imo was done a lot better than previous versions. Having a couple of some jack-of-all trades characters, then some characters with the core of their damage coming from pokes, safety and punishing, baiting and whiff punishing, OTG pressure, tech trap damage, CH combos or fishing for large combos. Then there were also characters that had unseeable low-mixups, spacing and zoning, ring-out specialist, and those that went for the soul crush.

I understand that having more variables (due to character differences) will result in a game that is harder to initially balance, but that is why a combination of reasonable play testing and a few subsequent patches could achieve good results.

There is no real big concern if the special "bonus" and "guest" characters are worse than normal, and if the goal of project soul was to have a random/fun/goofy character, a non-recurring character would be the best choice of experimentation (ie. introduction of a force-meter). If you make them too strong (aside from ruining balance) you'll make them missed when they don't return for soul calibur 6 (don't look too far ahead!)


Watching other fighter games with long combos and even long attack strings on block may be very attractive to the non-FG gamer because it seems flashy, difficult and makes the non-FG player want to pick up a copy and practice that combo. I'd imagine that everytime they see a character simply jump, they'd expect a big combo where the screen turns multiple colours.

However, the soul series definitely seemed more like a cerebral "chess-like" game where even simple moves are carefully deliberated because opponent has so many movement and defensive options. The problem is that sometimes it ends up as a turtle-fest, because the incentive to take a risk is not sufficient and therefore makes the game unsightly and will make it hard to gather outside attention. If the turtling moves MUST be safe, then perhaps making them more punishable on whiff (by increasing the recovery animation and blockstun by the same number of frames) might give the players more incentive to take some risks.

There are a lot of points made by other posters regarding general nuances that look implementable that will also improve our game-playing experience.
I'm a very one-player oriented fan of the series; like several people here, one draw besides the obvious fighting game aspect is the story-driven element behind the Soul series, and each character's interaction with the main swords. This is the Soul Calibur I've known to love; each character is fighting to either obtain or destroy Soul Edge, even if it means having to sacrifice something. This is what made the games prior to IV so charming -- it wasn't afraid of its absurdity, but rather capitalized with with either full CG cutscene endings (with input endings in SB/III for extra flavor), or the lovely sepia-tone illustrations of the second game. The story mode itself could use a bit of upgrading itself; SCIV introduced an interesting development in the form of a "tag out" mechanic which added an all new element of strategy, and would be a welcome addition as a new game mode as well as an implement in the upcoming game's story mode.

In SCIII and IV, I felt the games were too emphatic on Zasalamel and Algol, respectively; in my opinion a game with as many interesting characters as Soul Calibur should not be too heavily focused on one character (although they make excellent mid-bosses), and return to the SCII method of a normally unplayable character being the game's end boss. Inferno is the embodiment of Soul Edge, the game's true antagonist, and I think it should stay that way for all characters (even if it creates some paradoxical scenarios like Nightmare, although in his case Inferno could be a separate part of Soul Edge mutating away from the actual sword, and Nightmare wants to absorb him to obtain full power and even bring down his reign as Night Terror once more).

I'm obviously not deeply in-tuned with the game's inner workings and mechanics; I'm more interested in the aesthetic and storytelling purposes of the games, the distinct cast of characters and intentions which makes Soul Calibur stand out in a world where fighting games are filled with clones and clichés about some supreme tournament everyone's drawn to (sorry, Tekken). I kinda want that element back in the game, in which the final boss is some form of Soul Edge (Inferno comes to mind, give or take as you will), with vague character-centric endings based on what you choose for his/her path upon defeating this boss and dealing with Soul Edge/Calibur.

Characters! I'm not picky about such, though I've grown fond about the mainstay cast; certainly Amy, Hilde and Dampierre fit somewhere in there. Though I haven't played much of IV, from what I understand they could use some retooling to turn them down some and make them fit in easier with the other characters, but Amy, Algol, and Hilde add their own special allure to the franchise and Dampierre seems absolutely hilarious and entertaining; not quite a joke character, but a tricky and unpredictable one who gives off the illusion of a joke but can actually be quite dangerous.

Returning/new character suggestions are pretty similar to everyone else's. Hwang, Li Long, at least one of the ditto fighters (or even introducing a new one altogether, but I feel as though Edge Master/Olcadan have been left out, and the fact that people legitimately enjoy the challenge of Mokujin-esque fighters as their main character), maybe Arthur, maybe Bangoo, since seven years have passed story-wise since Soul Blade and he looked 8-10 way back when, perhaps he's ready to return from his quest for manhood/coming of age and try his hand at finding Soul Edge to please his father. I don't want to appear more pretentious than I already have by suggesting too many brand new weapon styles, but I'm certainly not adverse to the concept of new characters, either.

Guest characters, I also have no originality for. It was kinda nice not having to bother with such in III, but then again they're also a major money draw in spite of the fact that I would rather have more emphasis on the mainstay, canonical cast. in the end it's not really my decision, though story-wise the central characters are where much of the canon should reside. In SCII, the guest characters and Necrid each returned to the place they had come from or sealed themselves away, and this pattern should remain as opposed to the "I'M HERE, NOW LOOK AT ME" draw to Vader/Yoda in IV. Console exclusive guest characters are somewhat iffy, but bringing back some old faces could be possible.

I understand the Wii isn't as powerful as the 360 or PS3, but at the same time the GC version of Soul Calibur II did exceptionally well thanks to Link, turning new heads to the series and, for the time, was rather beautiful graphically. Maybe I'm just biased, but a more bare-bones release for PS2 and/or Wii with Classic and GameCube controller compatability (with all of the characters, game modes, stories, etc., but without certain features like creation and customization or without as much emphasis on the high-definition graphical capabilities) would appeal to a broader audience and bring some higher sales from those SCII fans who have been left in the dust since the last console generation phased out or have yet to pick up on the high definition trend. Alternatively, to bring closure as to how he ended up in the SC universe in Legends (unless he was just fanservice), reintroducing Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia would also be acceptable representation hailing from another Namco series.

All characters having their trademark stage which you could view the information for via character profiles were also a nice touch, as were the voice reels/quotes, event viewer, etc. Just make the game as pleasant as a one-player experience as it is two-player, with plenty of moveset and gameplay exploration, inputs, etc., that appeal to both casual and competitive players, and I'll be set gameplay-wise.
Me and a real bitch (Dani_Hungerford) where talking and we feel that the faces in the Character Creation are dumb. It would be really cool if we could have the abilty to make the face on the character's ourselves.

Also, I feel that if they want to do the whole armor breaking and stuff, that they should be cut as well. For example, Talim and X. Everytime me and Inksplatter play. Talim and X end up nearly armorless and it just looks awkward that they dont have a scar. Yes the character's (except Algol and Rock) are pretty, but still, add a scar or a cut or something to show that they are getting hit by weapons.

I liked in SCII when the stage's could hurt you in fun way's like the Ice and the Fire Stage. They should try this again! :D

Also me and Dani have agreed that Ivy is probably the Soul CAl series' most popular character. Not by how many people use her, but that everyone has heard of her. IT's not like that with Tekken or street fighter. If someone walked up to me and was like: "When I play street fighter I use the big leg chick!" and then i'm like. "Chun-li..." another example: "When I play street fighter, I use the cheap bitch that everyone uses." and then i'm like... "Li-li! ME and my friends and my mom and DAni use her too!" Like I feel the soul cal character's need more chances to shine. Like poor Mina. Her and Talik adn Rock are barely even thought of anymore. Now I may be just speaking nonsence but who knows. Maybe on the covor of SCV, instead of Ivy and Siggy and X on the cover they should put Mina or Rock or Cassy or even Talim!

And Last but not least. I LOVED the tutorial in SCIII. It's what helped me be the Amzing, Not ot mention beautiful Talim that I am today! :D

So I little Recap:

1. Facial Construction.
2. Damage to skin
3. Unique stages
4. Characters
5. Tutorial
6. Luff_The_Talim2 is beautiful. :D

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