The Official Shin Megami Tensei Thread

FES: Tsuragi Shoji (Tatsuragi wouldn't fit)
P4: Sawada Jo (Jounichi fit... but it felt better having people call me Jo-kun).

Nothing particularly special about the two names, just names of characters I use in modern-day Japan RPs.

O.K., I was well into my 2nd playthrough of P4 (I decided to start completely fresh) I was about 6hrs into the game and about to fight the Avenger Knight in Yukikos castle. I returned to the entrance of the TV world to save, I saved, returned to the title screen after I saved, ate sushi, came back, turned the game on, went to load the game and..... "DATA IS CORRUPT AND CANNOT BE LOADED." "LOAD FAILED." after staring blankly at my TV for a minute or so I decided to just turn the game off and try yo decide what to do later. I'm either going to start another new game and save on at least three save spots this time or just take a long break for P4 and play it some other time. It could have been worse though, this could have happened late into my first playthrough.
Kintoki-Douji > Kamui = truth.

Anyways, rumor is Atlus is making a PSP remake of the first Persona:

Cool. Now that I'm actually familiar with this series, maybe I'll pick this up and finally play that random copy of P2: Eternal Punishment I bought a while back.

OMG the rumors are true:

Hopefully we will get it hear with no localization butchering like the PSX version...


Let me guess. You're playing P4 on a PS3?

For some reason, the game will corrupt save data periodically on virtual memory cards for the PS3. Apparently the best way to avoid corruption is to dedicate a virtual memory card just for P4 saves. I'd recommend doing this anyhow because I've also heard of players having other games' save data getting corrupted by P4. Backing up your saves onto a USB drive periodically couldn't hurt either.

And why would you ever not make multiple saves for a game!? Sorry, I'll get off my high horse now.
Let me guess. You're playing P4 on a PS3?

For some reason, the game will corrupt save data periodically on virtual memory cards for the PS3. Apparently the best way to avoid corruption is to dedicate a virtual memory card just for P4 saves. I'd recommend doing this anyhow because I've also heard of players having other games' save data getting corrupted by P4. Backing up your saves onto a USB drive periodically couldn't hurt either.

And why would you ever not make multiple saves for a game!? Sorry, I'll get off my high horse now.

Nope, not playing on PS3... It's ok though I sucked it up and am starting over AGAIN. Hope it doesn't happen AGAIN.
Will someone PLEASE help me with Margaret's 7th request: Make Yatagarasu with Megido

I am having a lot of trouble with it...
Yoooooo so who can hook me up with the Books that this series is based on?
The translated original:

SMT3 was the first one I played through, so while I consider P3 one of the best games I've played*, the original SMT-series is still closest to my heart.

*Thus I'm having both positive and negative anticipation for P4.

I'm currently playing DDS2, which is decent. The first one blew chunks though.
I'm the luckiest boy on Earth:

Today, I walked into my local GameStop with the intention of buying a PS3 mic but when I got there one of the employees (who is a good friend of mine) said he was stocking some RETURNED SMT games! At first I was thinking: "Oh, they must be Person 3/4 and what not." But when I looked to see what they where, My eyes lit up. Some FOOL had sold there copies of Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga 1, and Digital Devil Saga 2

I grabbed them the instant I saw them because I never has the chance to buy them and I heard they where rare. I can't wait to try these gems out! YAY for me!!!
So this thread is pretty much dead now? That makes me sad.

I'm playing Devil Survivor 2 now and it's taking up all my free time. Grinding has never been so addictive.
Geez I can't believe this thread is still in the forum database's memory. Over 3 years old... of course this thread is pretty much dead man! My how much time has passed since my 1 post in this thread. (page 4) I have since [HAPPILY] broke up with the aforementioned gf.