The Official Shin Megami Tensei Thread


[09] Warrior
The title says it all. I've seen others for Final Fantasy and King of Fighters and figured what the hell. Here, we discuss anything SMT-related, whether it be your favorite SMT game, ones you haven't played, why you like them, story discussions, etc.

Personally, my favorites were Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2. The story was amazing, and really made you care about the characters, especially after a couple of plot-twists in DDS2.

I also enjoyed Persona 3. I loved the dungeon-crawling/dating-sim elements and thought the devs did a great job of blending them together. Chihiro FTW ^_^!

My favorite things about SMT games are the challenge and the use of religious figures. It really feels like you've accomplished something when you defeat a boss, especially in Nocturne.

Just be sure to mark spoilers.

Anyway, discuss.
Don't know why I didn't think of this myself. Not sure how many on this site are really into this series.

Anyway, P4 is coming Dec and it looks a hell of a lot like P3 (which I can't say I support) but I'm going on the idea that it's going to be a good game since most of the games in the Megaten series have been pretty good.
I seriously hope more than five different people can actually say something about the actual series, and not the spin-offs. DDS is my favorite too but the original series needs more love, even if Atlus all but abandoned it. P3 is a nice way to break into the mainstream but it needs more to continue to push the way that SMT did, in my opinion. They are all unique games in their own right but I seriously want SMT4.

I remember when I first showed up at Atlus and I heard the wonderful stories of people calling and asking how to beat the first boss in Nocturne. Ah, the good days :D
I seriously hope more than five different people can actually say something about the actual series, and not the spin-offs. DDS is my favorite too but the original series needs more love, even if Atlus all but abandoned it. P3 is a nice way to break into the mainstream but it needs more to continue to push the way that SMT did, in my opinion. They are all unique games in their own right but I seriously want SMT4.

I remember when I first showed up at Atlus and I heard the wonderful stories of people calling and asking how to beat the first boss in Nocturne. Ah, the good days :D

Yeah, I've been waiting for SMT 4 for what seems like forvever. I really can't say much about the main series, having only played SMTIII. Nocturne was awesome, though, and had some kickass music to boot.
I seriously hope more than five different people can actually say something about the actual series, and not the spin-offs. DDS is my favorite too but the original series needs more love, even if Atlus all but abandoned it. P3 is a nice way to break into the mainstream but it needs more to continue to push the way that SMT did, in my opinion. They are all unique games in their own right but I seriously want SMT4.

I remember when I first showed up at Atlus and I heard the wonderful stories of people calling and asking how to beat the first boss in Nocturne. Ah, the good days :D

SMT4 is in the back of my mind, along with ZOE3 , MegaMan Legends 3, and the next Team ICO game. No info has been released regarding them, but I know damn well they are going to happen
Yes, Digital Devil Saga was rather nice. I ended up liking Persona 3 more though. I tried that game, "Devil Summoner" as well, but eh...I didn't really get into it. I really can't wait for Persona 4 though.

I played the Japanese version for about 5 hours or so and I can't wait for the domestic release. I just didn't want to get too far into it though, since I can't decipher the moon runes and you need to know what kind of answer to make in a game like this, lol. So yeah..I'm waiting for December to arrive, so I can pick up P4 in English.

Oh, for the record. My favorite female character in P3 was Aigis. I'd have to say my second favorite is Yukari :P
Speaking of Devil Summoner, I hear that Atlus is bundling the next one with another version of Nocturne, featuring Raidou in place of Dante. I just hope they bring it out here. Devil Summoner was...okay, but I really want to use Raidou in Nocturne. He'd be 10x more badass than Dante.
Devil Summoner was good, it just isn't for floosies who can't handle it! And I say that with the total bias because I worked on it. Seriously it has one of the more interesting end sequences in a SMT game, and some good fanservice at that. Nocturne had a pretty kickass opening hour but it was much less personal and impactful than the first SMT. In the first hour of the latter you find out your neighbor's been kidnapped (although she's really part of a anti-establishment group), your mom and dog are demons, but your dog is actually a Cerberus that protects you, you get arrested, and oh, Japan gets nuked again.

My beef with how Persona will go from now on is that as much style as it oozes, they will not change their battle system too much. Press Turns don't feel nearly as vital, which is a shame, because Nocturne and DDS pushed that feeling of survival; you couldn't hold back because in those worlds, holding back meant a game over.

edit: and no, Dante kills people like Raidou for a living >_>
Speaking of Devil Summoner, I hear that Atlus is bundling the next one with another version of Nocturne, featuring Raidou in place of Dante. I just hope they bring it out here. Devil Summoner was...okay, but I really want to use Raidou in Nocturne. He'd be 10x more badass than Dante.

You know..for people who haven't played this, you would probably get a lot of hate from the Dante fans, lol. I'm sure the natural reaction would be, "More badass than Dante? NO WAI!!!11111". Although, I'd have to agree with you.
My beef with how Persona will go from now on is that as much style as it oozes, they will not change their battle system too much. Press Turns don't feel nearly as vital, which is a shame, because Nocturne and DDS pushed that feeling of survival; you couldn't hold back because in those worlds, holding back meant a game over.

edit: and no, Dante kills people like Raidou for a living >_>

Er..actually...I pushed for survival just as much in P3 as I did in DDS. I never had to worry about the main dying in DDS and getting a game over. Not to mention, I actually had control over my other party members.

I'll just say that I believe DDS and P3 have their own difficulties about them and I'm not going to try and say which one is harder than the other.
Maybe it was an ambiance thing. The world of P3 is hardly something I'd consider apocalyptic. It's just a bunch of teens believing they will be saving the world, which is probably why it's as popular as it is in the first place. The whole worry about controlling only the Protagonist wasn't an issue for me in P3 because if done right it didn't matter what they did.

This is in contrast to getting your team wiped out because the opponent press-turned you for an instant kill in Nocturne, or you not prepping the right spell set in DDS.
I'm still hoping that Atlus will get it together and release Persona 2: IS and EP on PSP or PS2 or something. I really want to play IS, and I don't feel like importing and waiting for the translation patch.

Not having Persona 2: Innocent Sin makes me a sad panda -_-.
suppose to be a Shin Megami Tensei mmo or something in the works
not sure if anyone mentioned it
but ya i played p3 i'd say its up there with ff7...but not as good as xenogears
never played digital devil saga :(
The brilliant thing about P3 was, it had that "one more day" feeling, that reminded me a lot about that "one more turn" feeling from civilization. It was repetitive, and the ps2 load times sucked, but it was addictive as hell.
Though dying sucked in that game. It was easy to lose an hour of progress just because of a mass light or death spell, lol.
The only SMT game I've ever played is Person 3. Kinda wish I played the older SMT games but I can never find them. I'm super pumped for Persona 4 (Thank GOD you have complete control over all characters) BTW, I heard that Chihiro makes a cameo in P4. Does that mean P4 takes place in the P3 universe?
To my knowledge, she only makes an appearance because you pay a visit to the high school from P3. This only takes place a couple of years after P3, so she's a Senior now (I think). I still laugh though when I hear this referred to as "Shin Megane Tensei" instead, lol.

Megane is the Japanese word for glasses. It was a joke I heard over at GameFaqs a few months prior to the Japanese release of the game. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm glad glasses have made a return to the series :P
New Shin Megami Tensei spinoff for the DS.




A trailer is supposed to drop today for the game. All these awesome games coming out for the DS really makes me wonder if I should get one myself. I keep waiting for them to bring over some of this awesome to the PSP, but nooooo...I'm seeing more and more awesome games coming for the DS. Where's my Persona 1 and 2 remakes for PSP?! English anyway >.>

First it was that Valkyrie Profile game for DS, now it's another Persona, and even yet ANOTHER Tales game (a new one anyway) called, "Tales of Hearts". I guess I really should consider getting one of these at some point..

great post, ChopperMan! All these awesome games coming out for the DS really makes me wonder if I should get one myself. I keep waiting for them to bring over some of this awesome to the PSP, but nooooo...I'm seeing more and more awesome games coming for the DS. Where's my Persona 1 and 2 remakes for PSP?! English anyway >.>

First it was that Valkyrie Profile game for DS, now it's another Persona, and even yet ANOTHER Tales game (a new one anyway) called, "Tales of Hearts". I guess I really should consider getting one of these at some point..

great post, ChopperMan!

Wait wait wait. A new Valkyrie Profile AND a new Persona game for the DS? O_O


*runs off to find old, dusty DS*

To my knowledge, she only makes an appearance because you pay a visit to the high school from P3. This only takes place a couple of years after P3, so she's a Senior now (I think). I still laugh though when I hear this referred to as "Shin Megane Tensei" instead, lol.

Megane is the Japanese word for glasses. It was a joke I heard over at GameFaqs a few months prior to the Japanese release of the game. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm glad glasses have made a return to the series :P

Yay, I get to see Chihiro again ^_^ !

Glasses = win!
Well, Persona 4 is out today, so I figure'd we might as well discuss it here.

So, please post anything Persona 4-related here.

I picked it up today, and can't wait to start playing!

I can already tell that Rise will be my favorite female.

Redheads FTW! ^_^