Soul Calibur 5 Guest/Bonus/CAS Character Discussion

Personally, I like your ideas for Hwang, and I'm sure Namco, posessing the genius they do, will be able to expand even further, however having never played/played very little SC3 (not sure what VC is, enlightenment in that area would be nice) I don't know how he played, and terms like total revamp spring to mind for a new game. Although I'd also like to see a more classic SB Hwang return, make him the part of Yun's story he was meant to be...

Back on topic, the idea of giving away characters movesets well... It's no different to how Hwang ended up a clone of Yun, and not the other way around... BRING BACK SW!!! Seriously we are talking about a fantasy fighting game (advancing through time) where people get stabbed and dont die, are not even mortally wounded. When I first heard about the SW crossover my first comment was something along the lines of wont their lightsabers make mincemeat out of the existing cast? That all changed when I actually played it... Though it took me at least a year to get the game (as I didnt have a PS3 then) at which point they were practically giving it away... despite this I think the only reason I got it at all was the SW crossover, as my first impressions of the actual gameplay (being an SC1/SC2 player originally) weren't good...

Don't understand all this hating on Yoda, well actually I do, he forces you to play outside your comfort zone and think on your feet, when I first played him (he was common on PS3 by the time I was online) there was some abuse of certain lows, and as I didnt know the character, this was frustrating, however, now I know him I can defend all his moves, and the whiffs caused by his size go away when you realise he has to sacrifice this advantage in order to commit to about 99% of his attacks... In short I can see why word around here is he's low tier... I think Namco just expected better from you guys, make him like app was in SC4, a hidden bonus, and make him even harder to beat, then bring in new characters, my suggestions Darth Bane and Darth Maul for PS3, Qui-Gon and Obi-wan for Xbox, and leave the originals in both
my suggestions Darth Bane and Darth Maul for PS3, Qui-Gon and Obi-wan for Xbox, and leave the originals in both

I think it would be a really dumb idea to use starwars character for SC5 again. Of SC4, lots of people did not like the starwars characters, because starwars got silly with those prequels, and not many people still like it now.

Personaly, i was born long after the films from the 70's and 80's, so i do not have that sentimentel feeling about them. When i watched the original films, i like them but they are cheesy too and get a bit childish with the 3rd film with those teddybears defeating the clone army. The emperor was scary though.

I do not think starwars fits in SC. SC is medival fantasy, Starwars is scifi junk popcorn movie fantasy. Lord of the Rings would be better for Soul Calibur.

Some of my ideas for SC5 guests:

Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf, Sauron, Saruman - LOTR
Ezio - Assassins creed (don't shoot me plz)
The Vampire Eric - True Blood (One of the oldest vampires on the show, so he must have been around in SC time)
I think it would be a really dumb idea to use starwars character for SC5 again. Of SC4, lots of people did not like the starwars characters, because starwars got silly with those prequels, and not many people still like it now.

Personaly, i was born long after the films from the 70's and 80's, so i do not have that sentimentel feeling about them. When i watched the original films, i like them but they are cheesy too and get a bit childish with the 3rd film with those teddybears defeating the clone army. The emperor was scary though.

I do not think starwars fits in SC. SC is medival fantasy, Starwars is scifi junk popcorn movie fantasy. Lord of the Rings would be better for Soul Calibur.

Some of my ideas for SC5 guests:

Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf, Sauron, Saruman - LOTR
Ezio - Assassins creed (don't shoot me plz)
The Vampire Eric - True Blood (One of the oldest vampires on the show, so he must have been around in SC time)

Good choices but eric was around during the vikings so if anyone in true blood should get a role godric should since he was before jesus. I also say odin should be a playable character being the god of the viking makes sense in the SC universe does it not?
Well, Ezio doesn't seem so bad IMHO.
But more importantly, we should wait for more news on SCV.
Maybe they'll do a poll on plausible characters as guests?
Please god let no one of importance* read this thread....
too late ;p...

Now where was I, ok I really do hate to have to be so pedantic here but...

I think it would be a really dumb idea to use starwars character for SC5 again.

As I said, that dumb idea got me buying the game in the first place, and make no mistake, a few people on here saying they don't like SW is no indication of it's actual appeal...

because starwars got silly with those prequels

Your opinion, imo SW got silly when they made that CWs series, but that's another story...

I do not think starwars fits in SC. SC is medival fantasy

Though technically there is no set timeframe for the SC series and it may as well be set in a galaxy far far away, imo SC1-4 are set in the Renaissance era, which is followed by the Industrial era, which makes a Thief: The Metal Age style industrial techno punk setting approriate in theory.

Starwars is scifi junk popcorn movie fantasy. Lord of the Rings would be better for Soul Calibur.

You could say the same about LoTR... And Middle-Earth is a well established part of a separate fantasy world, very little to do with SC, and let's not forget the added costs of securing a license on this... In fact forget that as it probably has no chance of happening at all...

Good choices but eric was around during the vikings so if anyone in true blood should get a role godric should since he was before jesus. I also say odin should be a playable character being the god of the viking makes sense in the SC universe does it not?


Personaly, i was born long after the films from the 70's and 80's, so i do not have that sentimentel feeling about them. When i watched the original films, i like them but they are cheesy too and get a bit childish with the 3rd film with those Ewoks* defeating the Imperial* army. The emperor was scary though.

*Amended for clarity

Also I'd like to add two more to my suggestions, as I'd really like to see Mace Windu get another pop at Darth Sidious
too late ;p...

Now where was I, ok I really do hate to have to be so pedantic here but...

As I said, that dumb idea got me buying the game in the first place, and make no mistake, a few people on here saying they don't like SW is no indication of it's actual appeal...

Your opinion, imo SW got silly when they made that CWs series, but that's another story...

Though technically there is no set timeframe for the SC series and it may as well be set in a galaxy far far away, imo SC1-4 are set in the Renaissance era, which is followed by the Industrial era, which makes a Thief: The Metal Age style industrial techno punk setting approriate in theory.

You could say the same about LoTR... And Middle-Earth is a well established part of a separate fantasy world, very little to do with SC, and let's not forget the added costs of securing a license on this... In fact forget that as it probably has no chance of happening at all...


*Amended for clarity

Also I'd like to add two more to my suggestions, as I'd really like to see Mace Windu get another pop at Darth Sidious

@Jrasta111: Hahaha... I'm really not a fan of guest characters in general, nvm the SW characters... but I really have to side with you on this one:

A. Watch the attitude against SW... it friggin rocks lol (jking though, everyone is entitled to their own cup of tea, I suppose)
B. If you are going to have guest characters, what the hell, go all out and use the gimmick for what it is for... making money and generating new fans. Jrasta111, I think you can attest to this... SW got you interested in a purchase.
C. The only problem with guests (yes, IMO) is when it takes away development time from (yes, IMO again) the more important aspects of the game, ala leaving out fan favorites, not catching balancing issues, or leaving out modes that gives the game good re-playability.

Guest characters lend themselves so well to DLC... to be honest, I think that is where they belong... make a GREAT game, then embellish it with more selling points afterwords.
Good points, no one on here wants to see the game suffer...

I just think the continued crossover with Lucasarts can only help the game along, GL has a veritable army of sycophantic minions waiting to do his bidding muhaha, and as long as Namco keep control (Don't think FU:2 went by unnoticed, thank the stars I rented it first *sigh*) of their game it's all good... Plus all us SW fans don't want to see Force Unleashed or anymore decent SW license games go the way of Republic Commando... Seriously there'll likely never be another opportunity for Lucasarts to get proper lightsaber combat in a game as good as this again, they'd be absolutely mad to miss out at this stage imo...

Think I've said all I need to say about SW... Here's a pic I made ages ago when people were still saying things like Optimus Prime... Hope it helps put things in perspective
No star wars, that ruined the theme of the game.. What most people fail to realize is they were one shot characters for the soul purpose of advertizing Force unleashed.

If guests are forced then the heavnly sword girl should be in

cmon people dont you think I've got better things to do here then shoot you down all, already had to listen to someone bring up CoD.... I'm detecting a serious lack of vision it's been said before if you've ideas fine, just remember you'll never win this arguement..... *sigh* forced guests, are not guests, I believe the correct terminology would be prisoners or PoW...

Star Wars did not ruin the theme of the game, the game had very little theme to begin with, so you must be talking about online, which no doubt means you're talking about Yoda.... I'm pretty sure we've all heard this one before, so I'm not even going to bother...

I mean if you are going to advertise a game, make it a good one... Heavenly Sword girl... GO BACK TO CaS *sigh*
Very little theme? It has a major theme! Like Lord of the Rings, it's all about these swords and people getting obsessed with them. I think the idea of the living swords could have came a little from Tolkien's one ring idea. It's a fantasy theme, and it got me into the game.

Tekken has the Devil gene. Soul has the Soul swords.
Very little theme? It has a major theme! Like Lord of the Rings, it's all about these swords and people getting obsessed with them. I think the idea of the living swords could have came a little from Tolkien's one ring idea. It's a fantasy theme, and it got me into the game.

Tekken has the Devil gene. Soul has the Soul swords.

That sounds very condescending... I feel I've been quite fair with both my statements and arguements, but this is pushing it... Now, young one, let me straighten this out, I'm talking about SC4, if you care to take a look at what others are saying all over the place at the moment, you may notice the disappointment with your so-called major theme in this game...

I myself began playing Soul Blade, rather a long time ago, and it's that same thing that got me into the series (that and the outstanding Dreamcast port of the original SC). After playing SC2 slightly less time ago, I was pretty into it with it's excellent use of it's guest characters (Todd Mcfarlane has done the best work with them so far imo) as well... After that it all faded for me, no one I know even bought SC3, someone I know pirated it on his modded PS2 and that's all I ever saw of it... Now don't get me wrong, I admire and respect the continuation of this great series from SC3-4 into SC5, however I feel the content of the story mode, the single-player game all together seemed to be lacking, and what it had was insufficient...

This is what I meant when I said SC4 lacks theme, perhaps not imagination, but purpose and direction. I believe if we sacrifice the lore we do have, it will dilute the game, maybe the hardcore/competitive players won't care as all they seem to think about is themselves anyway, but people like me will be put off, perhaps entirely... I know my cousin probably won't bother at all, he's jumped on the CoD bandwagon, but that, is another story...
While I am not all that keen on guest characters in fighting game, from a business standpoint I do understand that it can be quite profitable for the game. If I had to pick some guest characters to go with the game, some characters I would recommend:

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Assassin's Creed)
Jin Kazama (Tekken)
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
John Cena (WWE Smackdown vs. RAW)
Cloud Strife and Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) *You know that Sephiroth would be unbalanced lol
Kratos... oops.
Ezio for PS3 and Altiar for 360! I'd buy both!

I'm really not keen on FF characters, though. I'd just want to cast Ultima, expect the stage to explode into glass, the victim appear in a blacked out background and be pummeled by beams of light 80 times, then nuked for a instant ring out. :\ I mean hell, that's how Dissidia battles end.

This might just be my recent PSP activities speaking but I want to see Terra and Aqua in a fighting game proper!

Did I mention I miss Link SC II very much so? (Not going to happen, I know...)

Here's a thought, Harad teamed up with Ono, maybe some of Arc System Works' finest can show up in SC? Sol Badguy FTW though Baiken would fit better. *Shrugs*

DOA had a Halo Spartan, why not SC have a Halo Elite? Plasma charge shot ublockable and stick grenade throw and active camo stealth attack!

We had Kratos so why not see Heavenly Sword's Nariko. (Some could argue a guest spot would make a sequel to HS more likely)

I just hope they stick to 2 guest at the most. I prefer the worked on staple characters then Guest.
While I am not all that keen on guest characters in fighting game, from a business standpoint I do understand that it can be quite profitable for the game. If I had to pick some guest characters to go with the game, some characters I would recommend:

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Assassin's Creed)
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) *You know that Sephiroth would be unbalanced lol
Kratos... oops.
SC4 already had HHH, no need to add another wrestler.

If we're going to borrow wrestling stuff, I'd love to see Raphael gain El Zorro's (luchador in AAA who is pretty good ) kendo stick combo as one of his grabs.
Actually I'd be excited, but whatever, personally I can't stand those CaS' people parade around, so boring when all they do is the same old moves, nothing like a good Vader vs App matchup online 4 me.
would you say the use of CAC is abused taking away significance of the originals, or too limited for real imagination? I say Both.
I too have been thinking that Ezio or Altair could fit in this fighting game. What they're doing in the AC
series with the amounts of moves they already have for each weapon type, and even when guantlet/bare-
fisted, they have more than enough credentials.

I know it's already been mentioned, and not just in this forum either---I have a strong vote for the
Vergil/Dante characters as well. It's obvious. And as of this posting date, it appears that the idea is no
less popular than it was when it was first brought up.

I doubt that would happen as Dante is already a big deal in MVC3.

Oh, since I love ninjas (and obviously one big reasons I love Taki so much---aside from other things, heh)
I'd like to throw a vote out for Ryu Hyabusa.

*EDiT* Oh shit! Normal Alien thankyou for reminding me of that awesome character! Why didn't I think of Guts
myself!? VOTE.
would you say the use of CAC is abused taking away significance of the originals, or too limited for real imagination? I say Both.

Have to say I never really played SC3, and it's fairly clear that's where you're coming from. Personally though I think they went a bit overboard with the CaS in that game, but in SC4 they dressed/fluffed it up at the expense of depth. Also, personally I liked how in SC4 you could customise the original cast, I prefer that to making new characters actually, seeing as they don't have unique styles anyway.

Anyway to those up there, stop saying Assasin's Creed, it may well be a likely combination but it's getting rather boring to listen to lol... Speaking of listening;

I'm pretty sure however terrible anyone thinks the music was in SC4, this was in it too, and it's still rather fitting in here, Duel of the fates...
Just saying, I bought it for Star Wars and I don't even like SW. I saw Vader on the cover, recently came across money, and decided "I have to see this." Ended up loving the game. Also black powder became available around the earlier 1400's, and since Cervy's "packin' heat" in the hilt of his sword I'd say its at 1450+. I wish they'd give you a decent timeline of Sophitia's home, but Constantinopolis fell around 1453. So I'd like to point out that the SC timeline is already flimsy. If they want to have a 7' android from the future swinging a laser-sword around so be it. I really don't want to see Ezio or anime character's. But I guess anime characters would sell the game so it might just happen. =\