Sophie's juggles/combos/なになに


G does make 236236B easier to do because it lets you decide when your buffer ends, but harder to impossbile to get it out fast enough to hit someone after 66K.
Alright, I've tried it out and it seems like I can block it. I'm bascially trying to hit them as they land on the ground. When were you trying to hit and are you sure it's guaranteed?(Have you tried setting the dummy to do it to you then seen if you could escape?). I figure we must be doing something different anyway because it only dealt 83 for me if they didnt block.
The 65 is very tricky.. cannot step it all, cannot step 6 all...... if you do it correctly, this is guarantee.
I should say 6G..... only step front a little bit.
This combo is a very difficult combo, not only for the JF part, the step front part is most difficult to control
So where are you trying to hit them exactly? If I do it fast enough to hit them in the air they get AC and if they touch the ground they get block opportunity because it's not a tech...
this is a very very very difficult combo..the timing for 65& B2 is very tricky too...
you can try to use 66B CH to practice... it it more easy...
Ok I finally got some results. It seems like the first active frame of the B2 has to hit on the same frame they land on the ground...
3A+B and 33A+B generally guarantee no more damage afterwards, but if only the first or the second hit land it will Stun/Launch repectively, this gives us:

3A+B_33A+B(Sheild hit) 66B
3A+B_33A+B(Sword hit) 236236B
Note that the properties of these two moves are not quite the same, the sword hit on 33A+B deals 5 more damage and launches the opponent higher(giving more time to land the juggle) as well as giving the sheild hit extra range(changing the likelyhood of one weapon hitting over the other).

/edit/ 44B+K seems more realiable on the sheild hit when off axis off-axis, but not when on-axis.
Alternative combos to CH 4K 236236B:4
CH 4K, 44K, 66B
CH 4K, 44K B2:B:B:B sets up 236236AA tech trap
CH 4K, 44K B2:B:B:B:236:B might be more damage idk I'm having trouble with this one.
I'll use these combos when I'm using a PS3 controller as my 23636 is too slow.
Biggest damage combo after 66B

66B -> 65 -> B2 : B : B : B236B ........... 92damage

Ok on CH I was able to do this 1/5 times, but on NH its much much more difficult. I also found that if you hit the opponent's left side he/she will be launched closer to you making this combo as a easy as timing the B2:B:B:B:236B, without risk of missing the mini step.

Also, I found something else: if you hit 236236B early after 66B launch, they pop up a bit (high enough to go over low walls) and you have a chance for more damage with a juggle. If they end up behind you, you have a good chance of hitting BT B+K. If you're not close enough and they end up in front, try either 236B, BK, or 6K. Air Control Backward Left seems to be the only direction that dodges every juggle option. This might have some potential, as I was able to get 66B, 236236B, 6K, 236326B on one of the AC settings.
thanks for the combo critical! also if we are talking about options on 66B, i dunno if its been told but 66A+B can ringout from DEEP and can also wall splat! so if you 66b them close to a wall and they dont w! you can just 66A+B to put them on it for sure :) its hard to see on reaction but it should be in your mind when the situation is appropriate.
So after 66B, in order to land B2BBB, do you have to move forward in order for B2BBB to hit the opponent? Also after looking at the jf done by Chang's friend, I noticed that he input the 4 before the animation starts, making the flaming version.
I think after 66b, you can do 44b+k and if you do it early enough, it'll slam them so that they can't tech right infront of your face. though they may be able to jf tech, which I'm sure you can get mix up's from. I'm not sure if it was mentioned.

i think 66b has to be close though, and 44b+k has to be inputted early so it hit's them in the air and not on the ground.
Yeah tribal mentioned that. I like it but never remember to use it. Pretty sure it can be JUed.
it can be just ukemi'd... but its frikkin hard! also if your opponent ever does a move that tech jumps and you B+K him out of it, you get a free 6k if its not just ukemi'd.
hafta remember that one.

A high risk one: B2BBB236B on standing opponents gives you B2 series again or 66B.
i want to thank sui for updating my first post. i still play soph, but i realized pretty quickly that her juggles are pretty tame. essentially, when all else fails, 236b_236236b them and get some okizeme afterward.

honestly though, ever since i started messing around with wall combos with yoshi, i've wanted to try my hand with soph in this regard. i have a few options i've been thinking about testing, but simply haven't tried. maybe i'll get a wild hair and do that in the next day or two. the 44b+k, 2b,8bak was fun for a little bit, but i want to try something that's a little more reliable (although i will admit that hitting that wall juggle is sooo satisfying).
The issue though is that in a wall combo, tacking on moves that have a large number of hits tends to prorate your damage to heck 236236B is probably going to be the reliable ender here too for that reason.

On the subject of W!, 9A gives you grabs on wallsplat, it might be an ok set up for other things too.