Siegfried Videos

warble- you dont have to do that to win. Do me a favor and stop posting things that you assume should be always done. If you know a move is coming you have 3 options, block, try to evade, or parry.

if its fast and safe and you def know its coming, parry, it will leave you with a slight advantage and do minor damage to the soul gauge but at the same time the opponent has the chance to parry your next move, so just be smart with what you do next

if the move is safe but slow, I would parry but try to evade. EX: siegs B4, if I def know its coming I would try to step and use the 22 B combo. If you pit that against a parry then you can see if you just parry you gave up an opportunity for damage and putting more pressure on the opponent.

If the move is unsafe (dependig on what type of move and how I`m doin on my SG), I would rather block and collect my free damage. Trust me if you always punish an unsafe move, chances are that person is going to use the move alot less.

Or if someone does a move that always have a follow up, yes you can parry but if you can interrupt, take the damage. EX- Siegs 3, you can try to parry the K if you know its going to come but if the opponent doesnt use the K then you put yourself at major risk and then he could just B, 33B for some annoying damage. I would just 6K after 3B and just be done with it. If they try to K afterwards I get a CH and now they have to worry about shaking out of it and now I can use some scary mix ups. Remember your playing against the players mind so if you can mess that up, you win.
why does anyone care what warble thinks or does? I'm confused...

He's obviously trolling you, and you just keep giving in and trying to explain your rationale to him, like he's somehow going to see your POV and turn a new leaf?

Just ignore the scrub troll and move on, this forum DOES have an ignore feature.

cha cha
Sacharja VS Warble

I gotta say it was quite an entertaining read - the Sacharja VS Warble conversation that is. Not sure if it was that entertaining for you Sach as it can become quite difficult not having to lower yourself down to that level - but definitely a good job in keeping your cool!

As for the 'advice' given by Warble, so you win your games with JI Parries exclusively? What about all this 'learn all your moves and use them all the time'? And are you actually claiming that you can JI Parry every move in the game with 100% accuracy or why is it that this is the best way to play the game? I play Siegfried myself although I do main Hilde, yet I can't see any use in your so called 'advice', as you mainly just discourage the players that at least had the balls to post a video, with comments such as 'I am never nervous, I always parry' which are neither constructive nor neccessary.

Now I obviously can't actually say you're a scrub as there's no evidence of it, but then why should I not doubt your skill as again there's no evidence of it whatsoever. How about posting some match videos yourself in here? If you're so good I am sure it shouldn't be much of a problem to showcase your skills right? But again, I don't see any reason why you have to be impolite towards other players that are just looking for some suggestions to up their play.

Anyway, thought I throw something in as I don't really post that regularly to begin with.

And before you start insulting me, yes I am shit at this game as I am just killing time with Soul Calibur until Street Fighter IV and Tekken 6 are out as I am a Street Fighter and Tekken player, and still don't really get the Soul Calibur system. Yet that shouldn't stop me from learning how to play the game properly right?

So please feel free to bash my play as much as you like to your hearts content. :)
Apparently there are a lot of pros in here so i wanted to know if you would prefer playing with the dig cross buttons or the analog stick? i´m aware of the fact that a a lot of pros play with an arcade stick though...
Well im used to play with the cross buttons but there are some things that are hard to pull off like 236 and such...
I`m guessing you mean the D-pad, in that case you just have to keep practicing. My advice is to go to practice mode and just keep trying to do a 236 move so you could use to doing it.

I myself can play both stick and pad but prefer stick since its alot easier to do JFs and whatever buffering is possible.
Yes i mean the d-pad *g* well its not like i cant do it but sometimes i mess up and fail to do it right...well anyway how do you pull off the agA move? if i want it to happen i have to use both my index finger and my middle finger any advice!?
PS: kpc could you give some examples how the stick makes JF´s easier/buffering possible?
Yes i mean the d-pad *g* well its not like i cant do it but sometimes i mess up and fail to do it right...well anyway how do you pull off the agA move? if i want it to happen i have to use both my index finger and my middle finger any advice!?
PS: kpc could you give some examples how the stick makes JF´s easier/buffering possible?

Getting jfs on either control depends on the player, it may be easier for u on pad than it is for joystick, use what's comfortable for u.

If u use the d pad, hold the pad as if it's a joystick. Meaning, use your thumb to control the d pad, use your right hand to press buttons as if it were on a joystick panel. In other words i personally use my index finger and middle finger for all button presses. It's the most efficient way to play on a pad. Simultaneous button presses use index and middle finger as well as well as button rolls like aGA. My middle finger would press A, the index G, then middle press A again. Typically though, the index finger normally presses the A button, but i find alternating for such attacks seemed natural to me. If you want detailed explanations for all commands and what finger presses what, hit me up.
thats the way i do the agA move too but normaly i use my thump for the a,b,k and g buttuns so its kind of annoying to would change from thump to index/middle finger pressing all the time...but i can see the advantages of your way though..its just that im not used to it
ah your a thumb player. IMO Thumb players have the hardest time doing alot of things like B throwing(Unless you assign it to an R trigger.) For you you just would have to hit A G A as fast as you can without sliding from one button to the next. I do highly recommend trying to switch to using index and middle finger rather than thumb. It takes some time to adjust but most players that I know that have done that found it was easier to do a few things (EX: A+B, A+K). Now I tried doing agA with the thumb and out of ten I did it 5-6 times. with the index I did it 9/10. But then again I play pad....well alittle differently since I use 4 fingers.

Try it out and see what works best with you.

BTW- what I meant about the JF thing, for some reason I can B:4 with Sieg, 66:B with Amy, and iGDR with Cervy alot better on stick than pad
i guess youre right i should try it...altough i did assigned a lot to the shoulder buttons (stuff like a+g or a+k) that forbidden in most tournaments?
i guess youre right i should try it...altough i did assigned a lot to the shoulder buttons (stuff like a+g or a+k) that forbidden in most tournaments?

I think most tournaments would allow you to use confAg otherwise it would be a bit unfair for stick players for example that have a physically different button layout. (just a guess though)
Button mapping like that is allowed I believe, I would ask the person running the tournament before hand though
ok what a relief ^^ well i tried not to play with my thump anymore but it feels very awkward at the moment for you cant use the r1 and r2 shoulder buttuns anymore which is quite a disatvantage for my playing
If you go all the way through with the two fingers, you'll soon find that you wont need the shoulders, like I said its something to get used t
hmm you may be right but on the other hand moves like a+kA get extremely easy to pull off with the help of shoulder buttons...i assigned a+k to l1 and so i just press l1 (for a+k) and square (for a) right after another...i find that a+kA is very hard to do with just using the front buttons
If you go all the way through with the two fingers, you'll soon find that you wont need the shoulders, like I said its something to get used t

I usually find all I need is one finger.

(I'm sorry, I had to.

Carry on.)
Shoulder buttons are for pussies. Use your index and middle finger for everything. Practice makes perfect. You don't need your thumb either unless u're doing critical finish i guess.