Siegfried Videos

I`m still alittle green with jagA, in the vid where you see me block multiple times in a row I was trying it with no success and since te match was still going forward I had to find some other way to try to win, I didnt use much 4K because he loves to SS as he was doing so against B6

warble- dude chill out, seriously you are getting all mad all for nothing, not everyone parries and can still do very well, and (Thank god) it doesnt take just one way to win with siegfried. I`m a flash player and mainly rely of dancing and moves that look pretty to win, I try to space and punish unsafe moves rather than parry because of the risk reward (punishing leads to free dmg rather than parrying that leads to a guessing game with minimal dmg to the SG.) EX- against crybaby- I can 9B it or 44B and collect my free dmg or I can parry setting us right back at neutral where I could go for some heavy dmg with a move like 3B or B4 but at the sametime risk getting parried myself and having more pressure put on me because now I have to guess what this damn X player is about to do.

Now this next statement isnt really a bash or an insult but to anyone that tells me that I dont know how to use my character, I would really love to see how to "Use" him properly by that person.
kPC, that's why u have to do aGA, don't worry about the jf yet, the regular move is fine and gets the job done. It will make 4K less succeptible to step. 4K is your basic TC move, when you're not sure when a high is coming, solid all round mid.

22kA2A, is an all prupose move and you should use, i'm shocked that you say the mixups get defeated. This is a safe high low string, with potential of CH with the second low A. Very good. Besides doing 22k[A] on SCH spins is a viable strategy to avoid some mixups. Great move in general, work on it some more.

Also I personally (although the Sieg veterans will slap me for it) will recommend the use of 3A. It is an interesting move with TC properties somewhere in it. The fact it's mid is the reason for using it though. It is unsafe, but useful, cuz in general Sieg doesn't have speedy mids. He's very high reliant, this helps against that along with 4K.
4K is SSable to the right side and thats how most people at CJ's tournament steps

Every part of the 22 kA combo is interruptable, and the high low is punishable on block ( I believe, will test tomorrow), all AA,s will beat out anything after the initial A. Its very good to use on those that dont know about it.

I personally love 3A but once again, steppable to the right side.

And I when I meant that I have trouble doing agA....I meant with the initial set up of the buttons I sometimes do it and since I play stick, I guess im not coordinated enough with my index and thumb but it doesnt come out all the time so I assigned a second A to help me with the agA and since I did do that I can pull off JagA a whole lot easier so I mainly go for that.
On the second video with Nightmare, you pretty much ate a guard break combo right there.

Are you saying that a+kAA is interruptable on block?
Either way, a+kA2A is safe on block.
3A actually covers his right side decently against certain characters. Youll just have to take into consideration who youre facing.
There are 2 kinds of step in this game. Floaty and short-stop. Floaty covers more ground and lasts longer, but activates later. Floaty steppers can avoid moves that cover step better, e.g.: Siegs 3A. Hilde for example is a floaty stepper.
Short stop activates earlier, but doesnt last long and also covers only small distances. It works well against moves that track to a limited degree, but has problems against moves that just cover step partially. Sieg is a short-stop stepper and has problems stepping his own 3A.
The cast is distributed evenly among both kinds of step, so depending on the opponent 3A is not that bad of choice for mid anti-step. I personally still prefer WS AA(2), though. Just more reliable/damaging overall.
kPC i'll repeat, aGA is for steppers period. Doesn't matter which direction they go, use it wisely and you'll hardly have 4K stepped. 3A is good as well.

I think you're mistaken about 22k:A:2A, 22k:AA stuff. You cannot interrupt between the first hit and the second and the low is safe, the 2 high As can only be TC. Are you sure we're talking out the same move? You need to recheck this, it's imperative to Sieg. The mixups are astounding.
Thank god it doesnt take just one way to win with siegfried.I try to space and punish unsafe moves rather than parry because of the risk reward

I would really love to see how to "Use" him properly by that person.

Because you can't do a JI and aren't even trying. Personally I'm not interested in showing you in person because people who only take anecdotal evidence as opposed to using logic are childish and immature on the whole and unable to use their brains to put facts together. You will not get better because you aren't trying to, and excluding the most important part of the defensive game is a clear example of how bad you are. The fact that you don't want to address that? That is bad. Straight bad, kid, I don't have to "show you" because it is clear to everyone that your defense is lacking and you will make no effort, unless given anecdotal evidence, to address your weaknesses. Aspire to be better than you are, not to perfect your level and then get massacred by "a higher level of play" or you will, indeed, never find that game that I thought you were searching for.
There is no fencing term called repel, so I use the proper terminology not the incorrect video game fake term. Hopefully they will correct their own error in the next release. The parry as in "back" parry does not even exist as far as my gameplay is concerned, it was a mistake to call the bullshit parry so I and my friends continue our protest. If you knew how to fence you would likely be far less inclined to make this critique.
Fencing terminology does not apply here.
This is a game - loosely based on reality at best - and it only features one fencer.
And in this game 3_6G is called repel and 1_4G is called parry.
This is the term Namco chose for this gameplay element and it has been accepted and used ever since by the community.
So if you say theres a JI Parry, youll obviously be corrected as that piece of information is WRONG.

That being said... try not to be as much of a dick, okay?
LuLz, warble, you really are trying to win the internet "I'm a total asshole" contest.

"Cass' 236B move doesn't look like an Angel's Exile... it looks like a right hook with her shield-arm, which would undoubtedly injure her wrist since the graphics on the strap are obviously incorrect when compared to the Celtic shields. Why does she spin when she does it? That's not how a boxer would do it, it would throw her off balance. I'm calling this move Spinning right hook with bad shield strap graphics that's done totally incorrect. Yes, I'm a total dick."


Ok, guy who's played calibur since SC1.
Where is your tournament experience to back up these claims?
I'm friends with all the major players from MA, not one of them know who the fuck you are.
I do enjoy how you haven't graced them in their MA tournament the last three times it ran, to show them your FULL SPEED AERIAL KICKS.

Before you go around teaching pros to play cause "I play with my friends and I analyze videos and I fight IRL lulz and I can do full speed aerial kicks"... shut the fuck up and join a tournament.
LMFAO that's too much.

My guess is that Warble is some WoW nerd who is used to talking shit on internet forums without fear of every meeting the people he trolls in person.

As for him not showing up to our tournaments, why would he drive that far to play against some no names? Shit, hes been playing since sc1 and he has never heard of us!
I'm friends with all the major players from MA

Before you go around teaching pros to play

Big head much? And why would I go out of my way to drive hours to play with a bunch of racist assholes again? Glad they are your friends, I'll be avoiding you as well. I'm too scared of what I might do to you if I met you.
Good grief, I hate this.

Warble: NJ has LONG been regarded as a breeding ground for highly skilled, elite SC players. For kpc to have done as well as he's done there, especially with the amount of people who showed up means he's a damned good player.

Also: even vague threats of physical violence are bad. Don't do it, not least because everybody on this forum has that picture of the special olympics and "Fighting on-line is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded. (this of course goes for all parties)"

Everybody else: Please play nice - meaning no baiting.

I said good day, sir!
Warble- no offense dude but I cannot take you seriously if you cannot back up your trash talk about my seig being trash and you being able to parry any and everything. Sorry man thats not how things work

hot- 22_88 kA2A is interruptable by any jumping attack and against sieg, SBH K is free. This move isnt that fast and good players will do these things if abused. I`m not saying this is a bad move but its not abuse friendly. Also I apologize I was carrying over something I was saying in a different thread, when I was talking about the agA, I was explaining why I have a second A and brought the conversation over to this one by accident, sorry bout that.

sach- I'm sorry you are correct about 3A, though you can step it to the left (got my direction mixed up), you can only do so at mid range, close range it tracks like whoa....thnx sach. Now then:

22 kAA- uninterruptable
22 k[A]~anything- interruptable (this is what I meant was interruptable)
22 kA2A- interruptable by jumping attacks and auto gi moves such as SBH.
Big head much... lulz.
I dare you to call me a random.

You obviously don't know your ass from your elbows.
You're not even good at this game, and you insult people for taking your advice as a joke?
The only competition you have are your friends and the internet.

You're a frog in a well, you're the king of your world.
All you know are the walls and the little patch of sky you can never reach.

They're not as good as people who travel competitively for this game.
You're not one of them, you're afraid your little world will get shattered and you won't be the alpha dog of your crappy pack.

And you act like you're the only martial artist on the forum.

YOU have a big head in so many fucking ways, if you think you'll be able to beat everyone you insult online in a fight.


Who is your sponsor again?


Who gave you the impression that you shouldn't parry during high level matches?

Edit: Oh, you called yourself a pro but don't have a sponsor. Thanks for sharing that IMPORTANT information. kpc I asked who your mentor was, who taught you how to play the way you do. I'm not asking if you taught yourself, because that would be...sadness.... I don't want to post this thread anymore because it's turned into a personal vendetta of you bashing I'll stop. Just know, JI isn't hard for some people. Those people may give advice, and you may think they're idiots for calling your most difficult actions easy. And I "might" just be one of those guys who can do a JI on command.
We gettin' mma up in here?
Low level clown.

Stop bringing the only thing you can do, fighting, into a video game forum.
Go find a mma forum to troll, join a calibur tournament, or just shut up and learn from us.

I'm done not deleting your awesome posts.