Possible SC4 back at Evo?


That is all.


Also didn't Evo last year have a BYOC SC3 Tourney??! That had about 40 or so players?!?!? If an unofficial tourney like that can draw numbers...well...yea

That is all.


Also didn't Evo last year have a BYOC SC3 Tourney??! That had about 40 or so players?!?!? If an unofficial tourney like that can draw numbers...well...yea

Ummmmm........ you are delusional that is all.....

To kayane, my boy mick and rtd both have told me great tales about you, said you were the sec. best x they had played against back in the day so I respect you for that, but for evo, I will make sure to ace you, because you are a fraud, a false gawd if you will, I will in fact show the world I have the greatest x in sc4 and you will be a stepping stone, so if we make evo, I want you first round, that is all, peace.....

Freaking other countries, sighs, such a waste of time............ If you all want to, we could make our teams, and play for money, kinda like a nice team tourny, with some juicy cash on the line...... A U.s team will win, and a US player will win the single tourny....
Freaking other countries, sighs, such a waste of time............ If you all want to, we could make our teams, and play for money, kinda like a nice team tourny, with some juicy cash on the line...... A NorCal team will win, and a NorCal player will win the single tourny....

Fixed that for you Eddy, can't be giving other people hope of actually getting top 3.
Apparently everyone is going to win this tournament, if there is one. It reminds me of how millions of people will make it big in Hollywood. I have a feeling that somebody is going to be disappointed.

Just putting that out there. :P
The EVO DVD will only make money if my Voldo is in the Finals.

Otherwise it will be Turtle-fest for the Loss....(Looks at Norcal)
An EVO run tourney can only strengthen this community. We've already seen it in this thread- look how everyone's mostly been positive. A pretty nice sight to see.
Dearest Marie-Laure,

I'm sorry to see you are motivated to travel with such shameless pride and revenge. After meeting you in France, I thought you were a warm, kindhearted, and girl...but I was wrong. Perhaps I should remind you of who you are, and invite you out to a nice romantic dinner instead. I can bring the muffins, you can bring the crêpe.

Yours truly,


...Vince is smooth as hell.

Anyway, those tournament numbers should say it all. SC4 is the biggest fighter to come out for a long time, and has an amazing community to back it up. This should be a shoo-in, for sure.

I mean come on, EVO brought in DOA4 and Mario Kart.

Being able to play against Team France and Singapore in Vegas would be beyond awesome.
Wow, I'm seeing a lot of trash talk here. This is gonna be EPIC! I wanna go.

I need to practice more, but who in California will I side with...Norcal? Or Socal? Right now I live RIGHT BETWEEN THE TWO, so...this is a problem.
Wow, I'm seeing a lot of trash talk here. This is gonna be EPIC! I wanna go.

I need to practice more, but who in California will I side with...Norcal? Or Socal? Right now I live RIGHT BETWEEN THE TWO, so...this is a problem.

You know you love Norcal so it shouldn't be a problem.

As for Omegaxcn, if Calibur4 gets accepted you are also coming down? Now thats what I am talking about, we need a mini lizard man reunion.
I'll most likely be coming.

And this lizard man reunion won't be a mini lizard man reunion. The lizard man is major, man. We major.
Ummmmm........ you are delusional that is all.....

To kayane, my boy mick and rtd both have told me great tales about you, said you were the sec. best x they had played against back in the day so I respect you for that, but for evo, I will make sure to ace you, because you are a fraud, a false gawd if you will, I will in fact show the world I have the greatest x in sc4 and you will be a stepping stone, so if we make evo, I want you first round, that is all, peace.....

Freaking other countries, sighs, such a waste of time............ If you all want to, we could make our teams, and play for money, kinda like a nice team tourny, with some juicy cash on the line...... A U.s team will win, and a US player will win the single tourny....

Haha, I respect you to talk to me like that ! Be sure that you will realize I know Xianghua better than everyone, she's a part of me. :) So I dare you to beat me if there will be EVO. Anyway, I will surely be in USA for a few weeks, I can beat you everyday if you want, it would be a good breakfast. :D

Singapore> T.O

And Australia beats you all since none of you can attend a tourney without dying from some from of deadly ant bite/snake bite/spider bite/rat bite/crocodile bite/dog bite/platapus sting/jellyfish sting/koala sting/ or boot to the face by an angry kangaroo.
And Australia beats you all since none of you can attend a tourney without dying from some from of deadly ant bite/snake bite/spider bite/rat bite/crocodile bite/dog bite/platapus sting/jellyfish sting/koala sting/ or boot to the face by an angry kangaroo.

DrDogg > Melbourne

And I heard Melbourne people placed in the big Sydney tournament so it's probably safe to assume DrDogg > Sydney and thus, DrDogg > Australia.


NorCal/SoCal > DrDogg > Australia

I did come back with some nasty bites though... >_<
Haha, I respect you to talk to me like that ! Be sure that you will realize I know Xianghua better than everyone, she's a part of me. :) So I dare you to beat me if there will be EVO. Anyway, I will surely be in USA for a few weeks, I can beat you everyday if you want, it would be a good breakfast. :D

I'm SO proud of our little girl ! =)