Possible SC4 back at Evo?

If its confirmed, can singaporeans join? If its confirmed I'd do all i can to get there.

Of course! That's one of the key differences between Evo and the pro gaming leagues - it's always been 100% open to anyone. The Japanese players have always been one of their main draws, they've had Maddogjin and Qudans show up for Tekken, and Ryan Hart has been a regular. No need to worry on that front. =)
Right now: San Antonio IS the active community for the TX region. Dallas, Austin and Houston, hasn't produced any #'s or tournaments recently. Dallas is working on the TX major tournament (titled "TiT") which excuses them for not having any toruanments recently. Also, Dallas and Houston are the Regional ares for the 09 nationals.

San Antonio typically co-insides with SSBB to gather the 2 communities for a larger turnout since playes do play both games.

Over the past months: we have managed to have turnouts totaling over 50 participants each month. Turnout is there, it's slow during the winter season but will pick up again during the next few months.
Wow, I didn't expect France to show up with a force for Evo. This shit is going to be unreal if it happens, would love to play against France / Singapore / Canada.
You know it's funny, everyone knows it's just gonna be Hilde winning it all again, and they're still hype about including it in Evo.

So yeah, I'd say the interest for this game is strong. Evo would be smart to feature this in their lineup.
In my small region in New England (MA,CT,RI) we average 20-30 people at our monthlies.

I'd love to see the game at EVO.

I liked the people who said fuck evo. . where'd they go =[. . .

Tekken6-BR. . .

Makes sense as a line-up. . .
i think with a little more support, New England could push.....The tekken community has their hands in the sc games as well,

Does anyone know if there is a pention or any way we can puch intrest at EVO?
I'm really interrested by this tournament. Even if you're not sure of SC4's presence at EVO, I have already asked to my sponsor about to pay my trip and he's okay. (I hope he will not cancel because of the financial crisis, i will ask again when it will be sure) SO I just need to know if SC4 is at EVO to come !!!!!

Wait, French players get sponsors? Maybe I should move to France...
Just FYI, Blazblue and Tekken 6 will not be out in time for Evo. As such, I wouldn't expect to see any Tekken at all; last year, the Guilty Gear side tournaments drew more people than the official DR tourney, and the game obviously isn't any stronger now.

The reasonable candidates for Evo this year would be all the new Capcom games (SF4, HD Remix, TvC), SC4, Brawl, Guilty Gear, Marvel, and 3rd Strike. That makes 8, but IIRC they are sticking to 6 spots...from what they've been hinting we could see all the old Capcom stuff gone, but Evo's surprised us before (see: DOA4, Mario Kart DS).
Ceirnian, you and me both.

It would be a pleasure if France decided to attend.

There are many of you that I have wanted to meet for years.

Other nations would be also be a welcomed honor.
If some players have contact with Korea and Japan, an international fight can be a good proof for the interest of SC4 at EVO2009.

Ceirnian and KDZ : if you were a cute little azn girl playing soulcalibur, maybe you can get some sponsor in FRANCE hahahah otherwise there is still no way xD CRISIS > all
I think I got Kayane beat on the cuteness factor. Hayate, get me in contact with that sponsor right away.

Evo being the international SC4 fighting ground would be epic. Just talking about this stuff is getting me hyped up to practice more.
wow, if this followed through... could you imagine just how popular sc4 would become? i mean, other players worldwide would be exposed to this. people in america who don't know the game at all would see the sheer number of people playing it, possibly sparking more interest. talk about a jump in the community that hasn't been seen since the exodus of tekken 4 players to sc2...
Hey we might as well have the first SC4 World Cup held at Evo son...mad fucking hype. Call everyone you know.

I'm really interrested by this tournament. Even if you're not sure of SC4's presence at EVO, I have already asked to my sponsor about to pay my trip and he's okay. (I hope he will not cancel because of the financial crisis, i will ask again when it will be sure) SO I just need to know if SC4 is at EVO to come !!!!!

I'm not the only one from France who want to come, there are :


Be sure that we're all very motivated to play and beat you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember : Dan won EVO 2003, Aris won Cannes 2004 and we'll win EVO 2009. We need to take revenge now ! 5 years to wait this moment, we can't wait anymore !! è_é

I want MICK's head !

Dearest Marie-Laure,

I'm sorry to see you are motivated to travel with such shameless pride and revenge. After meeting you in France, I thought you were a warm, kindhearted, and girl...but I was wrong. Perhaps I should remind you of who you are, and invite you out to a nice romantic dinner instead. I can bring the muffins, you can bring the crêpe.

Yours truly,

Dearest Marie-Laure,

I'm sorry to see you are motivated to travel with such shameless pride and revenge. After meeting you in France, I thought you were a warm, kindhearted, and girl...but I was wrong. Perhaps I should remind you of who you are, and invite you out to a nice romantic dinner instead. I can bring the muffins, you can bring the crêpe.

Yours truly,


Oh crap Hayate you were sooo right on the french forum :D
Dearest Marie-Laure,

I'm sorry to see you are motivated to travel with such shameless pride and revenge. After meeting you in France, I thought you were a warm, kindhearted, and girl...but I was wrong. Perhaps I should remind you of who you are, and invite you out to a nice romantic dinner instead. I can bring the muffins, you can bring the crêpe.

Yours truly,

That's Bromance!
When I play, I'm not Marie-Laure anymore but a PITBULL, you should already know that !!! And in USA they will see how aggressive my Xianghua is è_é.