[Florida] lol, Florida thread

On our way there, we will start setting up, door to store opens at 12, sign-up starts at 1pm, tourney officially starts at 2pm, sign-up ends at 2:30pm.
Hi guys. I've got some vids here from our tourney. Uploading two more.

Enk Vs Sui winners semis

Enk Vs Takei

Grimm Vs SuRa

wcire vs Crimson Agent
cool beans.. im waiting on Boom (or bracket helper) to upload the rankings on their site, after that I'll paste it on its appropriate thread, Tournament Aftermaths.

EDIT: I just talked to him , he said he'd post it by 6pm.. sooo.. yeahhh.. just wait a lil. they'll be up.
I am sorely disappointed I missed out on this. My ride had car problems at the last minute. I guess its my fault for not making backup plans ahead of time.

So is this going to be monthly? If so, I'm most definately, with out a doubt, going to be there next time.

Also, good props on the win, Suirad. I personally thought Enkindu would win.

And, yeah, I don't know if the Kissimmee tourney is anything big... but everyone should try to make it.
I've got 5 videos I'll be posting after I get them uploaded to youtube. Finally got one one of my own matches recorded, to bad it wasn't the one vs Greg Hall, that was a fucking awesome App vs NM match!

DIME, you owe me a $5 MM match, next time we play it WILL be a NM mirror!
Here's 3 of 5, the last two are 9 and 10 minutes long so they'll take a while to upload. One is TakeiSamurai 7 vs Crimson, the other is Suirad vs Enkindu, which has already been posted, so I may not bother with that one.

- Sorry, this one was cut half way due to batteries dying.
Well the Suirad and Enkindu vid isn't posted, because his batteries ran out. All I'm waiting on is the one of me and Takei.. Thanks Mammoth, Oh and you forgot your HDMI cable. I'll hold it down for ya' bruh !!
Yea, my Suirad vs Enk is the semi final one, I think we both recorded the same match. You'll be holding that hdmi cable for a while I'm afraid, I do not believe I'll be available to go to another tournament for a few months.
Mammoth: Boo, that sucks. Hopefully you get to make it to them sooner, regardless we'll be waiting for your return. I'll def hold the cable down for you, though.

Everyone else, I'm not so sure about this tourney in Poinciana. If anything I'll be at Next Level playing some games, I'll be bringing Calibur as well, and might finally have my stick back by then. Enk will prolly show, was wondering if any of the locals might join?? R-Town, Leprkan??
Yea, holidays and all that. Plus, someone didn't wash their hands before touching the communal controller. I got a nasty bug after the tournament
Crimson does this look like it's going to become a regular thing?
Aside from actually owning a system so I can play regularly, I'd really like to get some advice/criticism from you guys. It actually cost me a lot less than I thought it would and I may be able to make it down more often as a result.
I thought I may post here.

On the 23rd of December, me and my family are planning on heading to Orlando Florida mainly for Disneyland and Universal Studios theme parks.

I'm not certain if there will be any other spare time left for me to play Soul Calibur, but just in-case I'll update here and/or chat with you folks via Java Chat.

Until then I'll keep you guyz informed.
Oddmusician: Yeah this is going to be a monthly thing. Since we already had one for the month of Nov., the next one will be in December. I'll post the exact date Saturday night, or Sunday, after i go to NLL and talk to the manager's. And I'll definately help you out, I'm pretty sure other's have pointers too. And you play Set's right? I've been looking at her threads lately anyway.

Franman: Just keep your eye here and on the Tourney Announcement's and look for the date that it will be in December. Regardless I'll see if i can meet you at the shop whether or not you make it to an actual tournament. I'd love to keep playing new players.