An Experiment: Stuff you want to see in SC6 that IS NOT from Past Games/Guest Chars/Unrealistic

Just a small thing, characters should grunt or groan when they hit ground after being launched. Also, if a huge character like Asta or Rock jumps, when they land the corners of the screen should mildly shake.
Groundshaking sounds very good to me... would be awesome :D
Playstation at least has this included, so chances are that it might comes back in the next gen PS console.

Xbox? Yeah, if they don't include this then clearly they are drinking too much.
True.. a friend told bout this possibility on Ps3 (and i´m a bit jeallous about this hehe) but i think it´s still possible to implement this feature on the current Xbox-Gen as well. And yes they definatly drink too much XD
So in that case CHEERS :D
What about the addition of actually seeing the computer input for movelists in training mode similar to Tekken?

For example, it would be pretty sweet to hear/see the exact timing for Yoshi's
4A JFs or Dampierres JF kicks, to name a few.
I picked up TTT2 about a week ago and had the same thought, Soul Cal's training seems pretty solid for the features they do have, but they don't have enough tools to help steer or teach you things in my opinion. I do kind of like the fact that you have to experiment with the just frame timings on your own. Makes it a little more of a challenge and I get a bit more satisfaction from pulling JF's off that way.
An expansive/indepth 'Help' option would be nice too.
SC seems to be the only game I've ever played that does this.

Yeah it's a bit of an arbitrary restriction if you ask me. I'm sure there's some valid internal reasoning but, seems more people would genuinely benefit from a full colour palette than would make naked bondage Pyrrha.

Actually, the latter seems more likely. STILL though.
We shouldn't be allowing people to recolor underwear anyways, we have enough pervs in this community, lol.

For the most part. I think we've all seen our share of CaS cocks and breasts.
But being unable to make Cervantes' bodysuit red seems a bit much.

Which reminds me, actually. There're TWO underwear layers anyway. There's the one in the Equipment section, and another underneath the hair/eyes colour and stuff, designed to display the basic default underwear assuming everything else is broken and you're not equipped with anything from the other underwear category. We should just be allowed to recolour the layer 1 underwear but have it breakable.

People will no doubt whinge, but people will whinge about anything anyway.
If I had my druthers it would be a: an even more open development process, and b: characters that actually inspired me again. I think Soulcalibur 5 is a fine game, and well designed, but try as I might I couldn't find characters with that spark I needed.

Also a pc release.
But being unable to make Cervantes' bodysuit red seems a bit much.
So what are yoooouuuuu planning?
How would that work? don't the mouth animations have to match the lengths of preset lines?
asigning the vowel positions of the mouth to the animation is really simple, they can make it automatic. Obviously not as good as the real thing, but wouldn't it be great seeing Cervy scream "Fuck my pussy!!" lol