Youtube videos thread

Eli123s - That sh*t is GOLD. Duckman is one the best cartoons that came out of the 90's. I used to watch it religiously when I was younger. Good to see it get some recognition. I didn't think anyone still remembered it... It's too bad they never continued it and the series ended in a cliff-hanger...
'We use this internet for communication, when you put your message in it gets in line, it's not a big truck, it's a series of tubes...'

Jesus is the Sun and everything is Constellations. I've seen it...but it's got some farfetchedness. Zeitgeist was supposedly put out by the "higher ups".....

Chaos - You sayn you don't believe in a 'Higher Order' 'Higher Power'?
The zeigest thing makes me lawl, my friend dragged me to one of their meetings and all they did was watch a stream of someone talking about being a zeigest. I asked them how they were going to accomplish their goals and they didn't really say anything but talk about how they were going to meet up and discuss shit. That was like 2 years ago and I asked my friend if they had done anything yet and NOPE.