Your favorite Metal Bands

I forgot to put Dinosaur Jr., they are easily one of the greatest bands I've ever heard, period. You're Living All Over Me, baby.

Lobo: DEP is godlike, and Mike Patton is hit or miss for me, but he has created SO MUCH that this is unavoidable. Of course he has unbelievably amazing stuff, he made a whole album where he sang for DEP and it is great. Basically his best, to me, is Mr. Bungle. Their albums are like one big party, except everyone is throwing up and are on fire.

Dillinger is such a good group though, their live performance is unbeatable, most other bands should be ashamed for being so tame. I've seen many shows where DEP opens up and the rest of the bands are just so boring compared to them that it's sad. They have the power to be so explosive they drain the energy of everything that comes after them. Woe to those who follow the Escape Plan.
The best progressive metal band that most haven't heard of, because they're Japanese, is Gonin-Ish. Them and Dream Theater are my picks for this genre. I prefer Gonin-Ish because the sound is darker... I kind of imagine Tool would be somewhat similar if they were to be Metal instead. And I love Tool. (Oh yeah, I know some would suggest Opeth. I like them too, just not as many songs by comparison.) Anyway, I will check out some of the bands you guys posted, so thanks to all and to lobo as well.
This is Pig Destroyer. You will grow to fear and love them. <3

This is the kind of song that ends shows completely. There is absolutely no following this up.

This is an album so awesome the cover has a horse on fire. Plus, the sample in the beginning is the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. This song rocks.
vincent, if prog metal is your thing, then there is really nothing that comes close to opeth and mr. bungle, the originators of prog metal...not to mention mike patton is a fucking god

opeth yes, but mr. bungle = prog metal?! mr. bungle was only ever even "metal" for one album; when i think "prog" i think shit like Dream Theater or Between the Buried and Me. mr. bungle is my favorite band of all time and i'd neeeeever consider them progressive metal.
Sepultura - Look away

Dimmu Borgir - Puritania

Lamb of God - Grace

Lamb of God - Broken Hands

Dethklok - Briefcase full of guts

Dethklok - Castratikron

Rob Zombie - Feel So Numb (+ All of his other awesome classics! :) )

I've been listening to mostly HipHop and rap now a days... I need to get back to my Metal side, haha.
But these are mostly my all time favorite songs. There's more where that came from but too lazy to look it all up.
Cattle Decapitation
Beyond Creation
Flesh Consumed
Napalm Death
Amon Amarth
Intestinal Alien Reflux
Dimmu Borgir
I also like Katalepsy but only recommned a couple songs from them "Sluggish Cranial Grinding" and "Gialo" are masterful works of Slam Death... I'm pretty picky about which songs Iike and these bands are only a few notable ones... I also do guttural vocals... I have a Youtube page but its just a personal page that I set up recently...
My favorite metal bands are:
Cannibal Corpse
Fear Factory