whats up with the SC community ?


[08] Mercenary
is online killing sc4? whenever i go online it seems as though i only get games with the shittiest players !! they spam the same 2 or 3 moves and because of the lag and incredible input delay it makes it impossible 2 try an punish them!

im far from the best player but im not exactly the worst player either but is this the reason noone plays online?

when do serious 2 semi serious players go online if they go at all?i

i want 2 get better at this game online sucks but its all i have at the moment
well mlp715 i don't spam so i can fight you one PSN when i get internet setup next month. I am also average so it would be fun.
The online for this game is extremely solid, you just have to know what you're doing. Don't just jump into a match. If you want a fight you can have a chance at winning, you should probably stick to your level.
Getting spammed? I can't say much that will help you, but the best solution to spam is to spam back. Or, learn to Guard Impact and Block like alot of us have.
Lagging you out? 90% of the time, you being in a laggy match is your own doing. If you decide to fight someone with a 3 connection or lower then its your own fault that your moves aren't coming out, should've paid more attention. Personally, I don't fight anything lower than a 4.

Also, stop comparing the "SC community" with the general "online community". SCIV's online is no different from being online in general. You have more assholes and idiots than you do anything else, when you get on line you shouldn't be expecting legit players, be expecting idiot spammers until they prove otherwise.
fair enough!! your partially right im generalising the the SC community with the online community however their doesn't seem 2 b many serious players online so its by default that im generalising
Did you just say the online is solid?????????

Online is horrible...even on most 5 connections! I don't even know where to begin on that rant.

The thing with online is NEVER take it seriously as it's so flawed it's only really there for fun and getting used to a character. I can lose to the same mitsu player over and over online...I'll bet money offline I will own them every time with GIs and reliable combos.
im on xbox live and i dont spam and i play with people that dont and are actually good both on and offline
Did you just say the online is solid?????????

Online is horrible...even on most 5 connections! I don't even know where to begin on that rant.

The thing with online is NEVER take it seriously as it's so flawed it's only really there for fun and getting used to a character. I can lose to the same mitsu player over and over online...I'll bet money offline I will own them every time with GIs and reliable combos.

See? A common case of "offline is better because I can do everything there!" or the more common "That wouldn't work offline! Online is just broken somehow because it works here." The fact is, if you know what you're doing....online is just as solid as offline. I've played both, been to three offline tournaments taking only what i've learned online to the table and still managed to win with ease, why is that? Its because I know how to play the game.

If there is lag, then time your moves differently. Input your directions slower, push a certain button a few more times than you usually would just to make sure it comes out, no harm no foul. Guard impacting is easy, you just need to be willing to learn your timing rather than being okay with stay at "online is broken, so I don't play." (Which translates to me as "I just don't want to put forth the effort it will take to get better at it." ) But trust me, I understand that not all lag can be easily dealt with. So I understand your side, but seriously. Stop blaming online for things you can't do.
It's simple reasoning why online is not valid. Because lag shifts. If lag was ALWAYS the same, then yes...a new kind of skill could be adopted that simply predicts delay. But with lag constantly changing in a match by a few frames, suddenly that block of yours became a direct blow to your face...by a matter of frames, even if you were predicting it.

It's a shifting variable with no clear read out. As well some moves do become obscenely broken EVEN if predicted! Mitsu's 2KB. In some lag you cannot find the timing to block the second hit, same as cervantes 3AB. If you block the second hit online...you either have an amazing connection or you lucked out.

If lag was always the same, one could argue that using lag tactics was a skill, but since it's completely random if your GI is going to be fair and come out on time...it turns to luck. If the game was -5 frames earlier...it might be -8 right now and visually you wouldn't notice the shift.

And last but not least...packetloss.

With online I have dusted some pretty good players...and then got 3-0ed by complete scrubs.
It's simple reasoning why online is not valid. Because lag shifts. If lag was ALWAYS the same, then yes...a new kind of skill could be adopted that simply predicts delay. But with lag constantly changing in a match by a few frames, suddenly that block of yours became a direct blow to your face...by a matter of frames, even if you were predicting it.
This man is a genius. Somebody send him a prostitute immediately.

Nobody has the right to disagree with IvyFanBoy. I'm looking at you, Las. Your offline tournament wins mean nothing.

This man is a genius. Somebody send him a prostitute immediately.

Nobody has the right to disagree with IvyFanBoy. I'm looking at you, Las. Your offline tournament wins mean nothing.


I'll take mine in euro-asian please.
To prove my point I just did one of my cruelest beat down perfects ever and lost the next 3 rounds to GI whiffs.


CL 66A~B+K

on Wake Up: SW 6, iCS

on Wake Up: SW 2B, FC 3B, iCs


Next round i was missing all my blocks and GI's because online is all about aggro mix up...defense is garbage since it's unreliable. If your blocking most the time...your probably losing online...unless they're dumb enough to give you a freebie punish every time.
To answer the OP's question, basically the game plays differently online than it does offline (offline is the way the game is intended to be played, the way serious tournaments are played)....and therefore most serious players don't even waste their time with online. There's a couple people online that are serious players but you have to play through a lot more garbage players to find them. I've filled up my friends list with these players and thankfully I can just invite them when I need some good games. If you want some quality online players to befriend just look at the list of people in the PSN/XBL tourneys....most of them are damn good.
Well for me online is only for fun and laughs and maxi (sometimes cervantes). I have a brother to play with offline who is a competent player. So I suppose if you dont have someone to play with offline on a regular basis that you'd care more about online than most of us.

Just invite your friends over and play with them. If they're anything like most friends who dont own the game they'll be tottally garbage, but you can tone down your level to trying to excecute basass combos if this is the case, its still good fun +D.

But you must realise that you simply cant take online too seriously. Remember this is not the way the game is intended to be played. But also remember that it takes the same amount of what I like to call Soulcalibur IQ to be good online as offline (face it people, you need to adapt not whine +D) and you need to exploit tactics that work well online or you'll be left behind.
shouldn't there be a specific SECTION for online hate/rants whatever? as opposed to general? If so, then moved? if not then make one? Little tiring seeing these type of threads pop up ALLLLLLLL the TIIIMMMMMEEE.

and while krazie is right about who are good (look at tourneys and just the ppl that post a lot on this site..cuz you can always play a person to SEE if they are good) its not always the best choice as "good connection" online is more important than good player. I can play "the best player in the world" on a 3 bar and its gonna be worth a lot less than beating up on someone in a 5 bar but learning ur timing and stuff.
To prove my point I just did one of my cruelest beat down perfects ever and lost the next 3 rounds to GI whiffs.

In which situations do you GI?

shouldn't there be a specific SECTION for online hate/rants whatever? as opposed to general? If so, then moved? if not then make one? Little tiring seeing these type of threads pop up ALLLLLLLL the TIIIMMMMMEEE.

I wonder why it hasn't be done already.
It's impossible to start any online thread without the masses of morons coming over to tell us how online is so different and meaningless.
In which situations do you GI?

I wonder why it hasn't be done already.
It's impossible to start any online thread without the masses of morons coming over to tell us how online is so different and meaningless.

Last time I checked Ivyfanboy was only one person, but boy does he bitch.