What was your first ever gaming console?


[08] Mercenary


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NES. I even have the joypad. :p Although, id kill for one of these. XD

[youtube=Giant NES Controller]2c3q9K4cHzY[/youtube]
you can't play the game right with a controller that big. you'd be slow as hell. and on Mario that's insta-phail. you can't even correctly hold B and then run and jump with A, so you'd die everytime you'd need to do that. awesome designing skills, but two people playing the game like that is just not going to work LOL!
NES. SMB + Duck Hunt double pack = win.

I still like to take out my 2 Zappers occasionally and run around with them. xD
NES. (Mario/Duck hunt pack.) Always wanted a 2600, but nothing ever came of it. Probably had something to do with me getting kicked out of a restaurant called Bananas when I was 7 or so. (Started going nuts 'cause I couldn't play Joust.)
NES - Played a shit ton of Mario, Duck Hunt, LoZ and Megaman. Also remember playing some baseball game with amusing sound effects. There are so many more. Good times. I miss my childhood. D:
NES - Mario, Duck Hunt

I believe I was 3 years old at the time?

It wasn't until I got a Sega Genesis where the gaming memories really started to sink in:

Sonic, Vectorman, Ristar, Sparkster, Dynamite Headdy, Gunstar Heroes, Street Fighter 2, Mickey's World of Illusion, Mickey Mania...good times.