What player title do you use online?

"Hard Worker"

Because of the massive amounts of yomi required to beat someone with Siegfried. Lol
"Spoiled Brat"

One of the reason I still play Leixia is because I love it when people get pissed off by her so quickly. :) And the title throws some more oil on the fire.
"Amateur" Because I feel like my skill lv is just average and had nothing better else to come up with.
Well I used to main aPat, so I was "Master of Sheathing" for ages, but since I hardly use him any more it seems somewhat counter-productive for my S&S characters to sheath their swords unless they plan on beating the enemy to death with a shield. And I prefer Viola's ball unsheathed... yeah, you read that correctly.

So now I'm "He Who Teases" just so people know what to expect if they want to send me hatemail :)
Holy Sword of Gloom...fits me well lol
It was the title of the strongest Sophitia A.I keepsake of Sophie

I have only seen that title literally only 5 times in my whole time of playing SCV o_o

I have to change it every hour or so otherwise people start dodging me when they see my title. Best ones are definitely 'I've Got Style' and 'I Can See 1 Frame' though.
That's a good idea, I've just started doing this. Thanks! (I'll keep my entry as Deadly Blossoms, though.)
Mass Market Product on XBL
Red Knight on PSN

The latter because it's to plain and boring. The former because... What?