Toronto Brawl Results 5/9/09


[11] Champion
1st - Team Over Powered (Russel/Junior/Page) Yoshi/Amy/Mina

2nd - Team Lag Tactics (Stryder/OOF/Ember) Yun/Vader/X

3rd - Team Scarborough Town Centre (Dino/Jeff/Chyna) Voldo/X/Sieg

4th - Team Scrub Calibur (Eli/Franman/Kyper) Ivy Cervy Raph

There were also Casuals that were recorded. I think me vs Russ FT3 was one of them. Always a good watch.

Page get them vids up. I know you an insomniac like me.

GGs to all. I regret not doing singles. I should have started SC4 first. Sorry as well for being late weather was bad. But I think everyone got plenty of games in and the weather balanced out.

Props to all!!!

Team Lag Tactics vs Team OP:

Team Scrubcalibur vs Team STC

Team Scrubcalibur vs Team Lag Tactics

Stryder OCVs with Yun.

Team OP vs Team STC

Russel OCVs with Yoshi.

Team Lag Tactics vs Team STC

Stryder OCVs with Yun


Stryder OCVs with Yun for the first set, then Russel brings it home for Team Ownage Players! Get money, get payed! Woo.
Good game to all

Franman & Kyper – I’m so sorry, I let you guys down. I feel bad because you guys did really good in your matches, and I couldn’t do the same. Franman your Cervantes was a powerhouse, and Kyper your Raphael is crazy, he dodged like everything. Again I am really really sorry, I need to practice more.

Oof – I wanted to play a few matches with you, but time just flew by and the tournament was already over. Hopefully we can play at some gathering soon.

Dino – Great matches. I love playing against your Voldo. I honestly have the most fun playing against your Voldo. And thanks for hosting this tournament, and I’ll be sure to attend to every tournament.

Stryder – Thanks for the matches and points you told me earlier, but I need a lot more work, I’m really bad. I’ll try to do better next time, so that I am more of a challenge.

Ember – Unfortunately we didn’t play against each other this time, hopefully the next time we’ll get a chance to play one another.

STD – I was really hoping to play against your Amy this tournament, but for me to even get that honor, I guess I have to win a couple matches first. Maybe we can play casuals soon.

Jeff – Like always, great games, your X has crazy mix-ups.

CHINA – It was nice meeting you, and thanks for covering for me, I’ll pay you back, the next time I see you. Also I would love to face more of your Siegfried, maybe we can get some casuals matches soon.

Page—Your Rock and Mina are really strong/solid. Your Rock really scares me, and thanks for the matches.

Neorussell – Nice meeting you, I know we didn’t play each other so hopefully next tournament or gathering we can play against each other. I hope I can hold my ground against your deadly Yoshimitsu.
Well, I had fun. If we'd run everything a little more smoothly and started a little earlier we probably could have had singles as well. It's too bad a few people didn't show, but I'll blame the rain.

STD, I'll let you go this time. Even though Russel won for us, you were on my team, so that counts for something. Maybe we can get together sometime and share a forty, or whatever you people do in your spare time.

Also, fuck pads. Seriously.

Chris, your Yun is strong. Too strong. You OCV'd 3(!) teams and made Junior look like a CHUMP. Good stuff.

Ember, you're getting so much better! It's not fair. Anyway, good luck in your travels. I believe in your X.

Eli, good games. Hope to see you around more. Ivy is a neat character to play against, and your UB abuse is fun to watch.

DINO, we never get to play at tourneys. I smell a conspiracy.

OOF, good Vader. 1BA for life. UGH.

Russel, good job winning me some money, and it was nice to see you hanging with us while SF4 went on in the other room.

Franman, grats on finally showing up! Shura, though? o_O

Kyper, keep on keepin' on. Raph for life.

China, your Siegfried gives me pains. I need to play him more and figure that shit out.
hahahaha what a good tourney!!!! thank you DINO AND RUSSELL for runing it... there were some minor bad moments with the tourney but sometimes that happens! ^^b

OFF!!!! if i got to you ... i'm long as you know i love you ahahah <3...good games as always in the tourney...lets keep it up... AND NO MORE ONLINE PLZ!!!!!...zzzzzz

RUSSELL.... ahahahha this time you redeemed youself.. you brought the gold home for our team after chirs took me out....damm good shit chris <3....even though i don't like sharing money..considering the global economy right now...i guess i will make an excepting for you....since your canadian ahahah ^^b....good job russee.....btw...YOUR YOSHI IS VERY RUSTY!!!! that training mode..yo! <3

STRYDER....mann man... what am i gonna do with can still beast it with yungsong like you did back in sc2 days....DAMMMM!!!....but why you had to beast it on me??,,, >.< ahha joke joke.. good games man! just when i was making a come back.. you turn it up and told me....umm.. NO!.....good job man!... lets keep our training up so we all can improve together!!

EMBER!!!!!..... stop beating our page!! seriously .. every time i play you.. it's like you did some secret training to get progress is becoming niceley in this game that it's unbelievable!! i'm very proud of you yo!! NOW GO SHOW THEM FRENCHIES!!!! <3.... *side note*.. to the french ..please take care of our ember!! <3

ELLI ....why didn't you pull me to the side and told me...."sit yo ass down we playing now!!!"....dude i would of been soo scared ahahahahah... i would of played you till your satisfied ^_^ time please ask me.. to play if you want.. i'm always up to play anyone! ^_^b... hope to def see you sometime this week at a gathering ok!.. please keep in contact with OFF...since for some reason he knows all the gatherings going on here ahahha...

KYRPER!!! ....YOU TO.. why didn't you ask to play time imma make sure i play you and everyone atleast once!!... no running!!...but i did noticed a few of your game matches!.. and i can tell you are keep it real with raph!! good job man!!... DON'T DISAPPOINT !! <3

DINO...CHYNA..JEFF!!! you weren't on my team....;p ...after i wipe my tears...imma call you guys up for some gathering!!!!... lets play man!

and to anyone else i forgot....

PAGE....OMG.... ops forgot you again.....all i got to say is that i had to split the money with you...i dont' like spiting my bike next time...GTFO my team <3

buffalo people....didnt' really get to play you guys in sc4.. but in sf4 was fun!! thanks for coming... we def need to go there for some games man.!! imma check with them cha cha.. just make sure it's cool with you man!! i dont' wanna drive there.. and your not like home and stuff... ; ; //

wallace....shaker....lawrence...and all the other sc4 players.... WE NEED YOU GUYS BACK...the scene is not the same without you guys.. >.<
....thank you all !! <3
it was a Chacha vs. OOF Lizardman mirror match. No vids were recorded though, but :spoiler: cha had won
I'm sad that I couldn't make it out due to my work schedule :(

Definitely going to monitor the tourny boards here and book the next date off! I'll make sure my two friends book it off as well. Looking forward to playing with you all the next time.