Tira v1.03 Patch Changes


Goderator of pink hearts
2A no longer whiffs up close.
Talim-only CH GS 2A+B 4A:A x6 no longer works.
4A:A 2nd hit's launch seems higher so looping not possible.

Soul Gauge damage changes
4A+B_[A+B] 10 -> 24.6 O_O
GS 44B 8 -> 10
GS 33_99B 8 -> 10
1A 10 -> 14
JS 22_88B 12 -> 13
GS 6K 12 -> 20
GS WS A 12 -> 20
JS 3K 12-> 14
GS 2A+B 13 -> 14
Patch Changes

JS 44B and GS 11_77B always hit grounded. It's even in a few of my combos on the combo list.
Patch Changes

Are you sure it was not a certain distance? Cause Cha Cha and I were both perplexed as to why it did not hit grounded and I could never hit anyone grounded with that move. Now it's all too easy to do it.

Well either way, it hits grounded. XD
Patch Changes

I think what happened is they modified the hitbox of the ring blade. Sadly though leblackdragon has discovered JS 2A+B can whiff right through characters' legs. I can confirm as I tested it right after he posted. Seems highly unlikely to happen but it's there so it needs fixing.

Originally posted by leblackdragon
Namco definitely overlooked something, I can get 2A+B to go thru NM 100% of the time by doing this:
1- Go to training
2- R3 reset
3- Perform two A+B
4- Watch NM deformed arm (right)
5- The moment NM spreads his fingers fully, input 2A+B
6- Will miss and go thru legs every time

Same goes for Mitsu:
1- Go to training
2- R3 reset
3- Perform two A+B
4- Watch Mitsu stance animation
5- His sword slowly goes up and down slightly
6- Perform 2A+B anytime BUT when his sword starts to travel down to mid way down.
7- Will whiff every time.

Sorry... I kinda doubt this has anything to do with hitboxes. So Namco... please patch this up!
Patch Changes

JS 66AA only rings out at the very edge now. Any further and the opponent curves around the edge as if they had nulify ring out.
2A+B whiffage

can someone test this or something
it gets some weird whiffs and I don't know what the fuck is up with it
on Mitsurugi after teching (not immediately but once he's up) i've noticed it a hell of a lot...I don't know
if this means for concern or what
2A+B whiffage

Excellent, one whiff problem is solved while another arises :/

Ah well, while I too don't use the move that often, I do throw it out from time to time. Hopefully 1.04 will fix it.
This may be disappointing news for some, but 4A+B's last hit will whiff on Vader up close in open space. Yay stupid hit box!