The team fortress 2 thread


Who here is good at statistics?

If that site says there 8427 Ze Goggles in the game, and 1.1% of those are Unusual, and 7.7% of those Unusuals are Sunbeams, just how many Sunbeams Ze Goggles are there? I got 7 as an answer, but im not sure.

Rawr: Lets meet up today if we can to get trade that metal. I got a trade on hold for it
Chuck: Got a Tomislav for you. You'll love this thing.


Just the two of us. You and I.
Went to a Streetlight Manifesto/Reel Big Fish concert last night. Streetlight is good, but damn does RBF know how to work a crowd! My mic is working now btw.

Chuck: Dont be such a baby! Ribs grow back!
(No zey dont)

Dizzy: Your guess is as good as mine. All downsides nothing positive as far as I know.
Tested the Tomislav more. It is definitely better than both the Minigun and Natasha, but I would still like to get my hands on the Brass Beast. The Tomislav has a lower ammo output but slightly higher accuracy, so I'm able to heckle people from far away and put serious hurt on Snipers and Scouts even far away (damage drop-off ends at 7 before it hits 2 at a mile away, enough to cause problems). However, it has a tough time competing with Pyros and other Heavies.

I want to see how the Beast holds up. I have a Natasha, which I know can be turned into a Beast somehow.
<--- is on now.
Also the beast licks balls, slower spin up and you move considerably slower when firing, all for a mere 20% damage increase. I favor the Natascha, so I can slow scouts down with a single bullet.

Gopher: still got your shit dude :D had to move some things really cheap, like the GRU went for 2 scrap, but almost all of it got sold.
Nine Iorn is actually just an Eyelander. Valve for whatever reason didn't add positives to the description.
Gopher: still got your shit dude :D had to move some things really cheap, like the GRU went for 2 scrap, but almost all of it got sold.
Its all good. I figured it wouldnt sell for oodles of metal i just wanted to get rid of it for something. Im at work now, and Ill be on for about an hour around 5 then im out again for the evening. Thanks for taking care of it tho! :D

My two cents:

Minigun/BB are defensive weapons. High damage + Low mobility makes it good for spots like the house on Dustbowl 2, especially if an Engineer has a nest in there you can take adv of.

Tomislav is awesome for an offensive heavy and combines awesomely w the GRU. Race into position, switch up, and the damn near complete lack of spin up allows you to catch a lot of ppl unprepared. IIRC the faster spin time lets you do more damage then the Minigun for 2-3 seconds. It may even manage to impact the competetive scene from what Im reading. Knowing how you play Chuck, this one is definetly the one for you. BB is simply too slow.