SuperCon 2010 - Education of the Gamer


[08] Mercenary
SuperCon 2010 - Education of the Gamer

SuperCon is back!! After an exciting convention last year, SuperCon is coming back with more tournaments, more casual based events, and even more giveaways. This year's SuperCon features the Road to SuperCon series which allows players in all featured game tournaments to earn a seeding for the NVGA national championship. For the first time ever, SuperCon is also featuring PC gaming. The strength of PC gaming and console gaming together is sure to bring an exciting weekend! Qualifying for seeding position in game tournaments will be available in NVGA chapters across the nation. With more education for gamers, expanded game list, more eye catching exhibits like Rock Band, and even more to win; this SuperCon is one you don't want to miss! Below are SuperCon details:

Location: University of Colorado in Denver
Date: Friday and Saturday - August 13-14 2010
Highlights from SuperCon 2009:
Pictures from SuperCon 2009

To stay up to date with all the SuperCon information make sure you scribe out the following:

Cutthroat Twitter

NVGA Twitter

You also see news updates here:
Yo, this is Bibulus. So how are you going to pay for everything this year when you cant use our money?

GTFO and have someone else run events who hasnt fucked the community over... nobody trusts you will even pay up so why would anyone travel to your event... hell your even on the srk blacklist so GG I look forward to seeing the lack of numbers in your results
Yo, this is Bibulus. So how are you going to pay for everything this year when you cant use our money?

GTFO and have someone else run events who hasnt fucked the community over... nobody trusts you will even pay up so why would anyone travel to your event... hell your even on the srk blacklist so GG I look forward to seeing the lack of numbers in your results

*shakes head*

Yo, this is Bibulus. So how are you going to pay for everything this year when you cant use our money?

GTFO and have someone else run events who hasnt fucked the community over... nobody trusts you will even pay up so why would anyone travel to your event... hell your even on the srk blacklist so GG I look forward to seeing the lack of numbers in your results

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Oh Bibulus, I was wondering what was taking so long because I knew that you would be one of the first one to commit. After all these years you are still predicatable. Fact of the matter is this:

-The NVGA put Nationals on it's back and present one of the best Soul Calibur events ever. Some of the highest quality competition from all over the world competed.
-Everyone that suppose to get paid was paid despite any lie that you or anyone can put out
-Those who have the number know the truth and those people are respected members of the community
-If you want to believe that I stole something by all means go right ahead but we know the truth. If it makes you feel better thinking that I stole and want to my enemy then go right ahead because the real numbers don't lie.
-SuperCon will continue to grow to showcase the gaming scene in a positive light despite negative from certain people in the community.
-People trust me but I know that when you think of people you think of your clique and your followers
-SuperCon is for all gamers so if you don't want to attend were not forcing you to go. Stay home if you want. Your choice!!
-In terms of being "blacklisted" you must think that effects or deters me from what I do. If anything it motivates me to do more events and provide better quality. We have doubled the amount of events that Colorado Cutthroat has produced this year:

We have even more players coming to compete to even last year all of which keep coming back from out of state and beyond. Also, I can't take being "blacklisted" seriously when you can put a person a list without any justification or proof that I did anything wrong. Just a group people who can scream the loudest and spread lies. In the end though I can't control them but I can do what I always do and continue support the community that I have been a part of for 8+ years. I will continue to take gaming to the next level and truly show the greatest of all gaming across the nation wether you like it or not.

Now with all that said we are hosting a poll for the last tournament game at Supercon and Soul Calibur 4 is on the list. If you want Soul Calibur 4 to be one of the main games please vote here:

We would like to possible buy some ad space for SuperCon to hopefully rally the SC community to have SC as a major tournament at SuperCon but again that is not my decision to make. I hope that I can see soul calibur represented as a main tournament game at SuperCon. Come on community, let's make it happen!!
wait..."numbers don't lie"..."look at the numbers"...

you mean the numbers everyone asked for so much that you refused to produce? i'd LOVE to look at them, as would many others. too bad we can't.
Yo this is COisantiDFG.

Oh Greg, I was wondering when you would start posting another one of your corrupt tourneys. The numbers don't lie, Colorado hates your piss poor run tourneys and we all vow never to support you as a community. Please take the money you've stolen from us and invest it in some night school grammar lessons. It would benefit you more than this pyramid scheme organisation you call the NVGA.

Take care and remember we hate you,


PS. Please stop spamming our thread on SRK too. You've been black balled and you make CO look bad as a whole. I hate you and I have to spend my time doing damage control for the CO community. You've hurt us so badly with out of state players that it isn't even funny. Please just go away or make sure that when you hype your tourneys you include you have nothing to do with the CO fighting gaming community.
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Who ever this is your are funny!!! I can take a guest it's someone from the EFL but to bad your not man enough to say this will a real id. That being said you can lie all you want and don't show up. Your the one not benefiting. I'm glad you take so much time to pay attention to me. I don't do the same. Take your clique, cry in corner like you always because you can't control anything in cutthroat and go hide. Probably the person cries and complains anyway. In my community no ones cries on forums. That weak!! You are the ones that make Colorado look bad not me!! Blacklist..LOL!! Whatever!! Also, I'm glad you can come together to do something because it seems like crying and complaing is the only thing you do well!! If don't want to show up that's your call. No one is missing you!!

Moderator, since this thread is about SuperCon can we clean this up and delete all non-supercon information. Thanks!!
Moderator, since this thread is about SuperCon can we clean this up and delete all non-supercon information. Thanks!!

I don't see anything unrelated to SuperCon in this thread. You may view them as personal attacks, and mostly, they are; but at the same time, it's still information people should know when they decide to attend an event. Players need to know what they are getting into, and as much about the organizer they can. As a community, its our obligation to help others, be it to get better at the game, or just to simply help prevent them from having a bad time at an event. I'm not going to show favoritism for, or against anyone in particular; there are a lot of lesser known organizers who have had their threads derailed by attendees outraged from previous events. We don't delete those posts in those threads, and we won't delete them from here either.
DFG i hide behind no fake screen name, and i have similar questions. i've known you for a long time, but like many others i paid cold hard cash for sc4 nats...and the numbers turned out very very bad...making the entire NVGA look bad (which i am pretty bitter about)

that said, i know nothing of this other account above or of your relationship with the colorado scene even though it looks quite rocky (pun...intended :P )

the simple fact, though, is that the calibur community does not, with good reason, trust you. you shied away from giving us any sort of explanation about last year's nationals debacle. we'd gladly support your tournaments if you could just show us a trail of where all that money went. like i said, HUNDREDS of us (myself included) put our own money into that.

that said, you have explaining to do, young man...
I'm going to keep this very short. My name is True_Tech I live in Colorado Springs, I have been part of the overall Colorado Fighting Game Community for the past 5 or 6 years. I am also proudly one of the founding members of the EFL, Colorado's REAL premiere Fighting Game Community I have not been to a dfg tourney in at least 3 years because of problems we've had with him and his refusal to change. The EFL was created solely for the fact that plain and simple dfg sucks ass at running tournaments. Go to them at your own risk

(^ _ ^)/ thank you for your time.
Just chiming in to say that if it bothers DFG so much that COisantiDFG hides behind a screenname, he can pretend it's me.

I agree with everything the person is saying. :)

It isn't me, by the way.
I cannot even believe that you are stating that there was no proof the wrong actions from the Soul Cal NATS event. I believe that you have completely forgotten about this thread: .
Please look back at this thread, and answer the questions people asked you back then. Until then, the people of this community will continue to look at you as someone with no creditability and will continue to have people question the way you run your tournaments.
I still wish to know why you still choose not to put up into the view of the community the records for that event.
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Hear we go again with all these again.

KITtheDrunkMod, I didn't forget about the thread. If anything I tell people to read it so the crazy notation that people put out about superon. EFL and all these other people will try to say that I stole money but main heads in the gaming community who I've already named in the other thread have seen the data and know the truth. If the community, after 8+ years of support from me and my organizations truly believe that I stole money then I see why other loyal members of the community have left the soul calibur scene. It seems as if this community, right now, wants someone to hate and get into drama with. That's not the type of community I remember the soul calibur community to be. The fact of the matter is any associated with Jaxel or Cha Cha cannot be trusted as any information that is given to them can and will be twisted to make up some other lie to benefit them. That is why the information only has went to those who have a certain level of sense, balance and unbiases. I've seen it in action what he will do at so I'm not going to feed into what he or his friends want. It will not serve the community well to provide this information to the public.

Mike aka Skillzilla, good time for a plug in for the EFL LOL!! All of you are funny to me!! I didn't even think it was you but it doesn't matter. I come to expect that type of thing from the EFL. LOL Please continue to talk about me. Cutthroat likes the attention. :)

Trust me, the idea of people thinking that I stole money from the SC community is hilarious but since you new guys don't know me i guess it's better to think the worse and forget about everything that I done for the SC community. If anything it's funny to actually think that I'm hard up for money to even take money for nationals but again you don't know nor do you even try to know anything about Cutthroat or the NVGA or me. As for the information I've answered all questions and proof has been given to the appropiate people on my position. If all of you can't handle that answers then I guess you can hate me for life but it won't stop what I have always done and support the SC community and the gaming community in general. Colorado Cutthroat and the NVGA will continue to highlight gaming in the highest possible fashion despite hate a .01 of the gaming community in Colorado or anyone else. If this means that I have to be the guy that everyone has to hate to protect information for the sake of the community then so be it. I will take that on.

Jaxel, you can let people continue this conversation as it seems that you like this type of drama but as Chickenwing said you could least let the rant happen in the thread that is already made instead of talking about a topic that has nothing to do with SuperCon 2010 where, for now, Soul Calibur is not even present. As I have learned though, this is Jaxel site so Jaxel will do what he wants and not what is needed for the community. Well, acutally let me take that back. You will do what the community needs if your friends want it.

Again, please move all this conversation to the other thread as it's severly hiding away important information about SuperCon 2010. Thanks guys!!

P.S One more thing. If you continue this ranting in this thread simply delete the thread and I will continue to advertise Supercon elsewhere but I would like to give people the ability to come and enjoy SuperCon. It seems that you simply don't want that. If that is the case then it seems you don't want people to see the truth and come to my events. Mike and all thes EFL guys and say one thing but like he said he hasn't been to one of my tournaments in 3 years because he doesn't compete. Take most of the guys from the EFL words with a grain of salt. Let people form their own opinion about SuperCon Jaxel. I know you won't because you afraid that people will like the event. I'm competition and I understand that the haters want to stop there competition. I don't expect you to prove me wrong because again Jaxel and his crew like drama LOL!! Let actions speak for them self instead of acting childish and trying to influence people that read this thread. I doubt your willing to do that though as I would expect nothing but this from Jaxel and the crew!! LOL Funny and disappointing for the SC community
Do whatever you can to get yourself off nearly every blacklist on any fighting game community and it might stop these comments.
Yo, this is DancingFighterG...blah blah blah i still won't hand over any numbers as i do not have them and/or do not want them seen.

DFG first of all, jaxel has done nothing but ask for evidence as to where all that money went. say you have shown the people who matter...fictitious people? why has not one person stood up to say they saw them? if ANYONE you should show jaxel. both him and chacha have run countless great events with total financial transparency.

also...please stop tying this and your past actions to the nvga as it only makes upcoming events (which i assure are not at all related) look bad.

so then a new question...who are these "people who matter" or "main heads"? because everyone wants to know. i, for one, will be first in the line of folks who can personally say that i feel as if i have been robbed of $20 nats entry fee + travelling expenses for a qualifier. there are many others like me. why hide information and allow us to continue to think such things?
Colorado Cutthroat and the NVGA will continue to highlight gaming in the highest possible fashion despite hate a .01 of the gaming community in Colorado or anyone else. If this means that I have to be the guy that everyone has to hate to protect information for the sake of the community then so be it. I will take that on.

Mike and all thes EFL guys and say one thing but like he said he hasn't been to one of my tournaments in 3 years because he doesn't compete.

True_Tech doesn't show up to your tournies because they are a scam. He competes in many games as seen in our gathering threads and at our last tourney. Get your facts straight. Then again, this is DFG that we are talking about.

.01? Really? So the EFL and the tourneys we throw and all the players we have add up to 1%? Let's see.............

DFG's Fighter Frenzy 2010

Tekken 6:

1: jeremy (bob)
2: DFG (Christie, Roger)
3: Noxz (Alyssa)
4: System (lili)
5: j day (Ganryu)
5: el dirtay bewtz (Miguel)
7: idk (Roger)
7: Charbon (Ling)
9: rod
9: Rush

Street Fighter 4 (Round Robin):

1: robert
2: Rush
3: Roc
4: lord bob
5: Kryptionian Icon

10 players for Tekken 6. 5 for SF4.


Artly ;)



That was the lastly updated preregistered list but of course, we had even more people show up. 25 or so players came out and entered T6 at our latest tourney. We had the same amount entering SF4.

25 > 10. 25 > 5.

The Jackie Chan Tourney that was thrown at the EFL event had 10 people. 10. That's more than your SF4 tourney and the exact same amount as the Tekken tourney.

So if we have more people attend our events, how does that make us 1%?
