Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

I keep melting under Cassandra's pressure game, also doesn't help that she can zap you with lightning from afar... I need to figure things out in terms of keeping this crazy lightning girl away...

Obviously since she's new she's a bit of struggle too.
Beyond that from what I can tell she's a character you're looking to evade a lot, I'm having a hard time getting to her unless I try to force her to whiff.
I probably just need to get the hang of the stuff she can pull on you though.

Assuming you're playing someone you feel confident in dodging her with try and see how that works for you!

Has there been any patch notes with update 1.50 I feel like a lot has changed moveset wise for a lot of characters and I can’t seem to find the information to confirm.

And was the recent Livestream from project soul worth catching up on?
I think these are the patchnotes?
The for details part that is.
Nothing extreme seems to have happened, lots of tracking hitbox changes though.
Movesets literally speaking I think are the same though?
SC6 3D models are a mix of realism and anime while the concept art is much more to the anime side of things. I personally don't think less realism is a good idea. Also I don't want more realism either, I like the current balance.

I like the balance we have too.
I suppose I can't speak for anyone else, but when I hope for new models etc I just want certain characters to get their look fixed like, Taki, Raphael and Sophitia.

Also general quality improvements. DOA6 for example has the bodies from DOA5 with lots more detail and also a bit softer so they stretch less weirdly in some areas. That game is still clearly stylized, though I don't want that style for Soulcalibur.
I don't want SC to change its current visual style or aesthetics I really love them, but it wouldn't hurt to have them a bit more dolled up too, there is room for legitimate improvement without abandoning the visuals we have. A big gripe I have currently is the bodies which could do with a bit more detail in the shape department.
Faces would just be any smoothing that is clearly attributed to the models not being detailed enough, beyond that obviously keep intended sharp features.
I do fear what the future could bring with the models though.

If we're going to get a shitshow like the way Tekken's models have been then please let us keep our graphics in their entirety for many years to come.
I miss it when Siegfried's mug used to look like this. 💔

On a semi-related note @Klimat I agree with this idea; it's good the way Project Soul has it to balance between realism and anime (as long as the 3D models just don't look so damn... funny...)


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Obviously since she's new she's a bit of struggle too.
Beyond that from what I can tell she's a character you're looking to evade a lot, I'm having a hard time getting to her unless I try to force her to whiff.
I probably just need to get the hang of the stuff she can pull on you though.

Assuming you're playing someone you feel confident in dodging her with try and see how that works for you!

I think these are the patchnotes?
The for details part that is.
Nothing extreme seems to have happened, lots of tracking hitbox changes though.
Movesets literally speaking I think are the same though?

Thanks I’ve seen that one but pro players I follow on Twitter have been taking about minor changes.
This was posted but I don’t know it’s its old

Nightmare seems to have had his hit boxes fixed too.

Regarding Cassandra I know PS are going to nerf her damage but I really hope they don’t touch her frames.
She’s great but she’s so linear.
I'm a new zasalamel main and boy is his CE so addicting and satisfying to use. I know I need to lab cassandra to fight against her but I'm worried I'll just give up and main her due to how strong she is:sc2cas1:
I think the low budget going into SC6 made it difficult for them to really do anything different with the 3D character models. They fixed the tired eyes and the clammy cold-sweat skin conditions so at least they dont look disturbing anymore. I hope when we get SC7 they make new more authentic models.

Actually this make me think wonder if season 2 will have some slight graphic update.

I fear they'll completely botch the next batch of models though.
If anything I hope for the most part they follow the physical appearances the characters had in Soulcalibur 3, their faces looked pretty good there and Sophitia's promotional model looks fantastic there too.

I think the characters are gonna look super great in season 2.

Yes totally agree, Sophitia model SC3 CG face should be her staple face. As same as Taki in her SC2 CG render.
Actually this make me think wonder if season 2 will have some slight graphic update.
Its a possibility, but I doubt it'll be anything like a model update or such. I'm assuming lighting/effects or UI.
There's definitely at the very least room for polishing the game visually. Such as some of its overblown effects...

I think the characters are gonna look super great in season 2.

Yes totally agree, Sophitia model SC3 CG face should be her staple face. As same as Taki in her SC2 CG render.
I have hope, I'm praying with my heart if Hwang makes it he'll look good.
Same goes for Setsuka, I feel SC4 did her a disservice compared to her looks in SC3. Though SC4 did that to everyone pretty much...

SC2 CG Taki is awesome! I always missed that look. Hopefully in the future Taki and Sophitia get their fair treatment.

Do you mean this?

It was in the original link I sent you too if that's what you're talking about.
It still seems like tracking and hit box changes mostly?
Regardless there's still something there for everyone to read for their character I imagine that could interest them.
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I'm a new zasalamel main and boy is his CE so addicting and satisfying to use. I know I need to lab cassandra to fight against her but I'm worried I'll just give up and main her due to how strong she is:sc2cas1:

i dont know man, Zas CE feels like "oh shit im under so much pressure, better CE it will hit anyway" i feel it should just Gi verticals or just horizontals, it feels kinda like Ivy's CE before the nerf.
i dont know man, Zas CE feels like "oh shit im under so much pressure, better CE it will hit anyway" i feel it should just Gi verticals or just horizontals, it feels kinda like Ivy's CE before the nerf.
Nah his CE is fine he can’t zone like Ivy which is what was annoying about her CE in combination with everything else, with Zas you can bait it out and step it quite easily.
That’s been done to me several times do in Ranked so you really do have to lead an opponent into think they have the advantage in order to use it effectively.


Thank you for this it’s exactly what I was looking for! :D
Zas' CE tends to be pretty damn annoying but I find his reverse RO game to be way more infuriating, especially his throws that make it basically a guessing game. No sense to approach this guy near the ledge.
Come to think of it even tho I'm happy with Cass finally being in this game it didn't took long for me to realise yet again all those things that make me unable to like this game as much as I should
it feels kinda like Ivy's CE before the nerf.

Ivy's CE pre nerf auto GI'ed and hit everything no matter the angle, Zasalamel's CE is no way as powerful as Ivy's CE back then. Personally I don't like the nerf they did to Ivy's CE, I would personally prefer it to GI swing attacks but is defeated with thrust attacks. That would force your opponent to think about their moves instead of hitting the horizontal button to beat it, plus with everyone having different moves there will be those who fair better against it more than others.
I was being utterly battered by cass, wondering why none of my moves could connect after successfully blocking. Turns out her b,k was +2 on block so I had to duck it in order to punish.

Overall she seems to just be really strong. It's kind of horrifying