Soul Calibur 5 Guest/Bonus/CAS Character Discussion

Go a few pages back, I already made my suggestion. Regardless of how retarded it may be, it's already there.

And allow me to rephrase so it is easier to comprehend.

I do not understand why you are having a difficult time understanding what we're saying about Yoda or Star Wars in general being in SC and not fitting in. Just because they're in the game, does not by default mean they "fit".
So, by your logic, if SC5 has Halo's Master Chief, then he automatically fits. Even though he's a super soldier from 400+ years into our own future (800+ for Soul series) and uses nothing but firearms. But none of that matters because he "fits" your definition. I mean hell, why not Master Chief? They already have Starfucking Wars in the series, Halo isn't any real stretch of the "continuity" rules.

My own opinion, if they use laser swords, choke people to death with their minds, or shoot you in the face with an armor piercing barrage of machine gun's likely not going to fit into the world and makes it seem very out of place.
Now you've lost me... Who's shooting who in what game?

Be serious please, still no page number, you didn't actually suggest Master Chief did you? Because if you did that's all the excuse I need to blank you *leans over and vomits at the mention of Halo*
Heh for all I care, they can go ahead and put anyone in the game. Halo, Pokemon, Sonic, etc. I don't care.
I'll treat them like the guests like a trend. Nice to experiment now, but back to my mains afterwards.
Wow, ok let me just post what started this little arguement...*sigh*

'Odashima brought the subject of guest characters in the new Soulcalibur up as well. “My personal opinions on what to expect from guest characters; It’s popular(from any genre), Uses weapons; Matches the SC atmosphere,” he wrote in a separate post.
“There is still a chance that the guest characters people suggest might make it into the game. Whether we will have a guest character at all this time is undecided tho,” he stated before signing off for the day.'

Just so long as it's not Kratos I'm relatively happy, almost a month old news there, but yeah just to re-interate;

'It’s popular(from any genre), Uses weapons; Matches the SC atmosphere'

Ok, where in this do I mention Star Wars... Anyone? Fact is I'm only trying to be helpful here, when I first saw the response I was pretty puzzled, but I thought I'd entertain it...

So fair warning, I'm now deleting most of those posts, and I'm going to repost everything I said (with some omission, for clarity of purpose...) about Star Wars


Ok, when I first played SC4, the only reason I was excited about the game was the Star Wars guests, at the time they were the most interesting thing about the game, and I wanted to see how they fit in. At the time I'd had no interest in SC3, but having played it a bit I knew to expect SC4 to be different from SC1 and 2. I wasn't all that impressed with the way the game played and the only draw for me again was the Star Wars guests.

A year later, I had a PS3 and I saw SC4 on the shelves, I took a look at the cover (and the price) and was sold... It was only at this point, with the game's online, that I started to appreciate the game as a whole (too bad about the lacklustre single player game I guess).

Now I think I'd like to say what I think guests are all about. Everyone jumps on the cynical bandwagon very quickly don't they, but that's not all guests are about. To me, for a guest to be a real success they have to introduce a unique style to the game, something you wouldn't see in the game otherwise. Heihachi added iron fists, Spawn added his hell chains and cape, and Link was Link... (Not that I ever played that version lol)

It has to be compelling, it can be as over the top as it wants as long as it's compelling. It can be things like magic or sci-fi, or in the case of Star Wars both (Lightsabers and the force), or some other fantasy concept. The important thing is it adds something to the game that wouldn't/couldn't of happened without them. Yoda gets so much stick, but he's a fantastic achievement in terms of original fighting games, a brave and superbly executed character concept, in my opinion.
The first thing and foremost for CAS I want is for Namco to create an in-depth User-Friendly CAS tool that allows players access to different presets of the character. On the surface, it should be very easy and quick on the fly as there are only a few preset options, but going more in-depth, obviously more preset options and further tweaking. Metaphorically speaking think of one simple road; in the end gets branched into two which then branches into more and more roads as it goes deeper. Fortunately there is an end though but it does involve going back and forth.

Here's what I want the CAS tool to include:
-Give them height adjustment.
-Taller characters means:​
-Slower attack frames.​
-More damaging attacks.​
-Make them either thick built or thin.
-Thicker built characters means the same as taller characters, just that it contributes to whatever height of the character maybe.​
-Realistic Skin tones to select.
-Preset options for different parts of the body which can then be further tweaked.
-Example, for just facial selections you can select Oblong, Oval, Square etc. as these are preset options, you can then tweak certain areas like widen the chin, shorten the ears ( that can be done by a slider or a number value).​
If such a tool were that powerful I would imagine them using this to create the original SC cast.
Personally I preferred SC3 customization over SCIV, however I would love to see aforemented things taken into consideration with the next installment. One huge thing for me was that they got rid of custom styles, that really killed it for me on SCIV as I personally can't stand emulating other characters. More in-depth to the physical attributes such as face, height and build would be very welcomed.
Alright, well, this kind of feels like ddouble posting, however, let's get off this strange Star Wars vibe...

My Top 5 Guest Suggestions:

5. No Guests
(You're last, deal with it)

4. The Knights Who Say "Ni!" (Monty Python)
(Enough said...)

3. Spawn (Soul Calibur 2 xbox)


(Spawn here was an easy choice back in SC2 times, however things have indeed changed since then. I however wouldn't mind too much, as long as we get Necrid back too)

2. Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango)

(Seriously... How can you not love this guy, he's got a scythe, just like Zas and you wouldn't leave him out? Bring in Glottis too, make him like Kuma...)

1. Star Wars...
(Really, seriously now, I think this brings the most possiblities, as much as some people will argue it to death. That's where Manny comes in... But really I do believe this is the most natural course for SC5 to take, if they ever officially announce it that is)


I feel the discussion stopped a while back (namely when making a joke about the most holy word/name/noun to the average Muslim in a fighting game, trolling and then attacking religion became a good idea). Just trying to salvage what I could (you didn't think that list was serious did you?)...

And for the record, seems to me you must be a little deluded if you believe giving up is anything but a fundamental defeat... I give up, do I win now?*sigh*
I hope this thread is NOW seen by someone in charge, so they can realize that guest characters aren't worth it. Really the cast is already solid, most people can find a main or someone they enjoy playing. Niches are filled and the cast doesn't need a set of characters from other sources to make it better.
*chooo chooo*

If you believe they're actually listening in you also believe they seriously wanted to put this guy in... Don't get me wrong, one of my favourite series' this ;]

A little patience, a little faith... If anyone up there actually has their heads screwed on straight we'll never see Dante in a SC game, with the reboot coming up they might want to use SC, be bad idea for SC imo though.
Guess characters aren't needed, but you'd be a fool to say that they don't kick up sells a notch. My problem with Soul Calibur IV is that they marketed the Star Wars characters as the only reason to buy the game. I can't remember any SCIV media without (in big bold letters) "This game has Vader, Yoda and the Apprentice so buy it and buy it for nothing else."
Teenage muntant ninja turtles slpit em up Ralph and Don on 360 and Mikey and Leo on ps3 think about it their always hoping dimentions anyway why not stumble across the SC universe. They could gaurd with their shells and all sorts of things also who dosent wanna see Mikey take on Maxi or Don take on Kilik? : )


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Urgh.... this series pains me to see what it has come to be. It lost all real meaning to it a long time ago with these interuptions and the forsaken characters that made it popular... In my opinion SC has done enough guests and I'm tired of it being the gimmick that sells the game. SC3 was great to me BECAUSE it was guest clean, that time was put into the new ones like abyss and olcadon thankfully but I admit link was a great addition...tobad it isn't legit...

This very thing makes people think of the series as just a club for swordsmen from their favorite games to mash it up with and party. It seriously has been overshadowing and too distorteding. Look at tekken, It sells a lot and doesn't need to rely on help from other names just to get the buy.

Jin, Asuka, Christie, King etc are some of the most famous iconic faces in the series which they are native to, while SC has mainly Nightmare as their mascot, that isn't right to me. As much as I wanted Dante in and still do, It was great that he didn't make it into SC3 where in that game ALL the characters had their big chance to shine, and not one from Final fantasy would stage them up. Guests have honestly spoiled the fans, like the roster of Dragonball Z Tenkaichi has to it's fans, giving them a perversion of what is actually better for the game. I wouldn't mind guests if they left their movesets behind for selection. It seems like a waste making a whole new list of things just for it to be tossed out. This guest thing could have benifited more if their moves or weapons were converted into styles or to new originals for them. The current roster is pretty small compared to the other fighters like Mortal kombat or Tekken that have and KEEP most of their creations. RAther then ask for help from the obvious, why not sit down and make up some more innovative creative and possibly over the top addtions like dampierre and Lizardman were.So far the roster hasn't really changed since AMY was kept while Tekken has many new commers after tekken 5 ended and were created from their own hands FOR their hands. Guests have been an unfortunite tack on to the image of soul calibur.

As someone said before, Most people only wanted to buy SC4 so they could play as Starwars characters and I bet half of them don't know who or what Sigfried's story was this whole time, let alone caring for the significance. He is just as new as those players are to the game. Them being in was also a cheap advertisement for the apprentice's new game. I would rather not have guests but if they MUST be there then don't use the obvious like cloud, I know it defeats the sales purpose but the guest selection doesn't have to be from heaven or from the boondocks of character franchises. Im sure we wouldn't object to having characters like sesshoumaru or Maka from soul eater in, we all know who they are but they aren't fanboy's money theives but they fit well enough. Both genres have revolve around souls were as Starwars doesn't. I dont want to end this going against myself but I'll say guests should be the priority or why fans want the game... creating more lovable memorable faces keeos them alive for sequels after, just ask talim. We don't want to head down the dangerous route Dragonball Z has taken. (after the addition of 2 what-if characters, thats ALL fans cry for.) but yes, the SC fans are more mature then they are and that route is far far away but Im just saying.

The point here is, just worry about adding "keeper" characters, not expendable party crashers.. (im looking at you yoda!)
Dante, Vergil and Nero from Devil May Cry series would be great but I already made them on char creation and they look great (to me) :D

There were different weaposns for custom characters in SC3, what happent to that in SC4, it was preventing people from using their custom chars too much.

First one is Nero and the second one is Dante. And i think "TypicalEvil" is right. Maybe with enough options on char creation, SC won't need guest chars.
