Soul Calibur 2: Lost Chronicles Mod


[10] Knight
Hello sorry guys I have been busy with my exams and editing other games. But now my Soul Calibur Mod "Lost Chronicles" is nearly complete, I made the stages with a 3d editing program called "Milkshape 3d" which has really helped me give a new feeling to the game and the way it plays visually. I decided to base my mod on a mixture of Tekken, DOA and Kingdom Hearts. I don't know if my mod is as good as OOF's "Extreame" or the "Reloaded" mod on the internet but im not really bothered, I just want my mod to make the gaming experience different. :D

Here is my latest gameplay video which includes updated stages:
Here are the changes I have made recently:

Hidden Retreat (Tekken 6)

Snowy Mountain Stage

Beach Stage (Night)
Nice work. :)

I'm still trying to get my friend to lend me his Xbox where the last remaining copy of SC2:Extreme rests =\. Once I get it I'll send it to you, since I haven't done any game modding in years and I don't feel like getting back into it. :P
Thanks, Il upload your mod along with mine. Then alot of people on youtube will stop bothering you about it :p But I was wondering, with links moveset did you convert it or did you use a program or downloaded it? because I have converted some of it with a hex editor, I have made link's .UNK into a .PKG that is compatible with both PS2 and XBOX. Now I need to convert the .mot file but I don't know how :(
When could you send me your extreame mod for xbox, everyone on youtube is hyped about it and even i'm desperate to play it! :)

BTW- Could you give me your opinion on my new Soul Calibur 2 mod "Millennium" here is the latest gameplay of my mod:

I was thinking about my mod and I was worried if I have modded soul calibur 2 to it's limits. Because for some reason I feel like Iv spoiled the game, not because of the characters but the stages. It just doesn't feel right playing as kasumi from the doa series in a tekken stage while fighting a soul calibur character :( I might delete my mod and start again. But this time il just make texture and music like your mod. Well what do you think, do you think I should delete my mod and start a new one or do you think I should carry on with this mod and keep editing it to make it feel more like soul calibur? :P
Hey, dee4doa, would you please send me the Soul Calibur 2 Extreme mod for the X-Box, I was very hyped about it and I also would like to try it out.

I was thinking about modding my X-Box and Soul Calibur 2 (once I get for the X-Box version, as well as another X-Box, not the 360) once I saw it on youtube.
The stages that you modded look pretty nice. I would like to learn how to make a stage mod. Will you teach me how if you don't mind?