So I bought a ps3.


[13] Hero
Vs my 360 some thoughts after 5 days:

+ Great D Pad
- Terrible sticks.
- Shoulder triggers are lousy, mushy, poorly placed.
- Controller feels cramped in general
= Buttons have a nice tactile feel. I like both controller's buttons the same, but they're different.

+ Ability to use any USB device for storage is nice
+ Runs quieter than the 360
+ Supports usb mouse
+ Plays Blu-Ray disks. (that's Why I got it after all)
+ I can add my own hard drive. (theoretically)
- No optical out
- only 2 usb ports vs standard box's 4 and new box's 5

+ Web browser
+ Can fast forward musical tracks
- Can't play music while doing anything else. Big negative
- Can't recognize any pictures I feed it
- Can't recognize any of the videos I feed it
- WMA support limited. Couldn't even find songs in Duke Spirit folder for reasons unknown, even after visiting system options and enabling wma playback. Which if it's included seems odd to have disabled by default. Grow up guys.
- Store is a convoluted mess. Searching for a title should bring up all related downloads, demos, ect. It doesn't. The hub/wheel system of live is far more intuitive. Finding what you want on PSN is a pain and involves a lot of back tracking which may ultimately turn up nothing. Featured titles have tiny icons and seemingly random organization. As a test of the d pad I tried to find the soul calibur 4 demo. On the Xbox this is as easy as looking up soul calibur's title and all related downloads appear. For that matter not every title on the psn store has a demo and most if not all don't even have screen shots available. What's more in looking for blazblue DLC I was greeted with downloads for both CS and CT. If I wanted to download an ambiguous object like say, a color pack, there is no indication at all which title it's for. I could theoretically buy it for a game I wouldn't even have. I'm aware of the DLC tab, however, bizarrely, not every game with DLC appears on the tab even when sorting alpha numerically. All in all that store is total amateur hour.
- Purchases are made in actual currency. A lot of people would see this as a plus. A lot of people actually think dinosaur bones were put under the earth by the devil to undermine our faith. There is never a sale on real-world currency. Microsoft points however do go on sale regularly, just a little while back I got 20 bucks at 30% off at Target. That effectively made anything I bough with those points 30% cheaper. I don't care who you are, you can't hate saving money.
- Constant downloads upwards of half an hour.
- Incredibly slow online network.
- Guide button limited in functionality can only quit current application with it.
- Community tools pretty limited by comparison.

As an added note in the ps3's favor, there's a lot of add-ons for games that are being stalled or stopped by the 360's Byzantine approval process. Leona Heidern for Metal Slug, Knives Chou for Scott Pilgrim and Valkenhyn Hellsing for BlazBlue CS were just three of the DLC's I've been expecting to show up on Live, which haven't materialized, yet are readily available on the PS3. These are three games I have on the 360 and three bonus characters I'd buy... but can't. Will I ever be able to? Who knows.

This post not intended to create some flames, just commenting on what I've seen now as a legitimate, bonified owner of all three consoles. Microsoft started as a software company, and it shows. They excel at software and ergonomic integration of that software. Sony seems pretty good at building things. In an ideal universe Sony would build the console, Microsoft would make the software and the controller would be a Frankenstein's monster of co-development. Then we could all play on our PlayBox 5000's together. I'm impressed and disappointed in equal measure. But I thought I'd share my thoughts here for anyone who cares and with anyone who might remember me.
I thought I'd share my thoughts here for anyone who cares and with anyone who might remember me.


Jokes aside, I didn't like the location of the shoulder buttons myself at first. I would hit them by accident and stuff for a while but I got used to it pretty quickly and now I like it about the same as a PS2 controller. PlaystationStore is not that well organized I would agree. I had trouble finding something recently. No comment on most of the other stuff.