Siegfried Videos

GS > nothing is a solid TC so 6A will miss and you'll be punishable. don't get too creative punishing GS. use TCing mids and lows, preferably As

3A and 2A, end of story vs GS and usually NSS as well (though nss always has exceptions)

good use of 3A/3 beats all NM's stance options... i wrote this match up LONG LONG LONG time ago.. talking about maybe week one research... but nobody paid much attention to it.

to conclude... against NM.. you wanna try to stay away from stances... everytime you block him and he goes into NSS/GS you should be doing 3 or 3A... don't think.. just do it...

like what people say.... in GENERAL... 3 vs NSS... 3A vs GS.. but this is not 100% true.. but it's 90% the other 10% if you switch it around 3/3A you should beat it.

I would recommend SPAMMING stuff like 22kA:2A against NM... bait him to do stuff like WS and punish him with 3... if he actually have the time to do GS A to beat your 3 start doing 3A to beat that...

I would also recommend doing stuff like far range 2A.. or close range 1K as well... those on block against NM is fairly safe and once again.. can be used as bait....

You wanna TRY your best NOT to go into any stance....

3A spam is pretty decent because it's hard for NM to punish you....

ironically your goal is to bait him to go into stance.. if he's in stance.. and you're not.. you have a better chance.. but if it's the opposite.. he's got a better chance.... (not guaranteed.. just better)

stepping against NM is generally a good idea.... unless the guy is a iagA whore....

when both players actually realize that stance is bad idea.... then it comes down to basics.... and imo... NM have the edge in this one... despite the fact sieg got B6, 22kA:2A...

NM's got iagA (i15) better throw range

both character's mid can lead to death... but NM's got easier time to RO.. while Sieg is better at CF... imo.. i rather have better RO than CF.

this is just my own personal opinion.... and i don't really care what the ranking/tier charts says.


ps: i recently lost a 'challenge' match where i was sieg.. vs another NM player.. and i lost.... i wasn't exactly following my own rules... which was really stupid.. i was a little preoccupied before the match and i paid for it...

pps: from where i'm at we have a challenge/ranking system... since we don't have lots of players and it's hard to get a hold of a lot of players at one time/place we do these ranking/challenge stuff as tournament replacements.
GS > nothing is a solid TC so 6A will miss and you'll be punishable. don't get too creative punishing GS. use TCing mids and lows, preferably As

3A and 2A, end of story vs GS and usually NSS as well (though nss always has exceptions)

I wondered, because 6A had been working for me. Its also faster than 3A. Though, I can start using 3A.
I wondered, because 6A had been working for me. Its also faster than 3A. Though, I can start using 3A.

It's working for you because your opponent fails to use GS -> FC -> iWS to punish your 6A like no tomorrow....


3A pretty much got everythign covered.

Sorry I wanna correct myself with 3A/3

what I said isn't exactly true.. since I wasn't being specific enough.... if you block a move that DIRECTLY goes into GS.... like 33B6/66K6 you can NOT use 3A.... it's probably better if you step left guard or step left -> 3B ... YES you can step GS A... ... or if you don't wanna risk that and unconfident about that... use 2A it beats GS all the time

what I was referring to was what your opponent did which was a lot of manual GS transitions.. like NSS [A] -> 236 or WS -> 236... this is when 3A counters everything.... I wasn't clear before because i tend to forget people here usually they try not to throw out canned GS transitions anymore other than 66K6 or 33B6 if they think they can interupt you with 33B.... and most of the GS transitions here are done manually...

Instead of posting matches that I've won.... I am going to post matches that I lost......

Please give me some constructive critism.

For the record.... CF can block 22kA:2A by reaction.. and against setsuka i'm just asking for umbrella in my face... so against him i TRY to use it less....

my guess is you guys will tell me to use less 3 but to me i feel that the risk and reward is worth doing even if i consistently get punish for it.

Instead of posting matches that I've won.... I am going to post matches that I lost......

Please give me some constructive critism.

For the record.... CF can block 22kA:2A by reaction.. and against setsuka i'm just asking for umbrella in my face... so against him i TRY to use it less....

my guess is you guys will tell me to use less 3 but to me i feel that the risk and reward is worth doing even if i consistently get punish for it.


No aga? 3 has good reward on CH, but so does iWS > SCH k > SBH K and the negative on iWS B is better. I didn't see B6 if you did it either.
No aga? 3 has good reward on CH, but so does iWS > SCH k > SBH K and the negative on iWS B is better. I didn't see B6 if you did it either.

agA... yeah perhaps should use a bit more.. i always get the impression against setsuka it doesn't really help since she's got a crap load of TC moves.. and the frame advantage isn't much use to her when she's so much faster as well.. as for iWS combo... please take a look at what happens when it gets blocked...

i'm not a noob i do know the difference between 3/iWS
but thanks anyways

Some casual match I had lately after my long absence =P

Sieg Vs Setsuka

Sieg Vs Astaroth

Sieg Vs Mistu

I can see why you don't want to use agA too much in this match up, because CF is TCing all over the place with Setsuka. Still, if you're worried about eating something nasty like 33B, then you could use step into agA to give yourself a little protection. On block, agA doesn't give enough for you to pressure to hard, but things like Sieg's 3K and 1K should be fast enough to keep Setsuka honest.

I do think that you could have used b6 more. I think you only used it once in the entire match. CF was step guarding, so I can understand your caution, but you needed something to hit him with at mid range other than 3, which CF punished everytime.

I can see why you don't want to use agA too much in this match up, because CF is TCing all over the place with Setsuka. Still, if you're worried about eating something nasty like 33B, then you could use step into agA to give yourself a little protection. On block, agA doesn't give enough for you to pressure to hard, but things like Sieg's 3K and 1K should be fast enough to keep Setsuka honest.

I do think that you could have used b6 more. I think you only used it once in the entire match. CF was step guarding, so I can understand your caution, but you needed something to hit him with at mid range other than 3, which CF punished everytime.

point well made... will keep that in mind.

i'm thinking of doing more 2A to get some more damage in.

i also found out he can also see 22KA:2A (H fient L) ... .... it kinda pisses me off... that he seems to be able to react and see everything with good step and defense.

anyways more tips will be appreciated....

agA... yeah perhaps should use a bit more.. i always get the impression against setsuka it doesn't really help since she's got a crap load of TC moves.. and the frame advantage isn't much use to her when she's so much faster as well.. as for iWS combo... please take a look at what happens when it gets blocked...

i'm not a noob i do know the difference between 3/iWS
but thanks anyways


I meant the combo in terms of CH, on block though iWS is -1, where as 3 is -4/-5.

I know you aren't a noob, but if you are going to take two moves with similar reward, and one has less disadvantage, why don't you use the one with less disadvantage. Setsuka has to pretty much use A to counter WS B on block (unless iFC 3a:B is that fast), AA gives her +4, so go defensive. After 3 she can get creative, which means more damage.

SCH K is i11, now if the transition from iWS to SCH K has additional frames, then so does 3B making both disadvantaged. If not, then SCH K *should* always trade with A or FC 3a:B. So she isn't suppose to get a freebie off blocking WS . If she does, then the frame data needs adjusting.

iWS B is -1/0 on block
SCH K is i11 hits mid

A is i12
FC 3a:B is i12

The only thing is that A may have more range than SCH K.

If this is wrong, then somebody needs to explain frame data again.
I forgot to mention... 1K/3K might still not able to keep CF honest i'm not sure about Sieg.. but i should try.. but if i were to do iagA -> 3K/1K against Setsuka (or really other characters)... it's not hard to step G or step punish... or do a move that's moves back a bit while attacking like.... 4A for setsuka or 214 (maybe a couple times) into anything.... but 3K for NM isn't too hard to step which is really sad...

you probably watched the video but you haven't really paid too much attention to it. I say this because of your comments.

obviously iWS with the rest of the stuff you mentioned is a combo.
I was referring to ... look what happens AFTER he blocks my WS... as for frame knowledge.. trust me... I probably know more about frames than 95% of the players on the entire board... I know iWS on block gives -1 and SCH K is i11.... I know 3 is -4/-5 and i'll eat AA all the time vs iWS i might not...

I say... 3 is still better regardless because of i17 amazing TC and range.... but that's besides the point of your understanding with my game/mindset... vs iWS is much slower in comparison.. if i'm trying to land a counter that TC.. it's definitely much easier to land 3 vs iWS

anyways... perhaps you are confused... if i know 3 is WAY more punishable and iWS not then shouldn't your points be correct and I just disprove everything I just said? I guess... you're right if you play like most players which they play a 2D SC4.... however if you play a 3D SC4.... then you will realize REGARDLESS of 3 or iWS on block.. it puts you at huge risks.... why? both moves on block... the opponent can step guard SCH followups... if you throw out SCH K... you get launched... (as shown in the video) SCH A/A+B can be blocked on time... 3 despite the same thing can be done on block but most players tend to like the guarantee damage... but in a way between a potential combo and AA... i sometimes rather eat the AA... so in a weird way against pros sometimes.. its better to eat the guaranteed AA.... sure they can also step and launch me.. but they are giving up guaranteed free damage for something not guarateed.

Once again... if you watch my vid.. you'll also see my anti to that solution... iWS blocked.. vs someone how does step guard... i simply stance shift into something else or cancel the stance.

as for umbrella she can't pull off i12 umbrella from standing... and honestly even if she can.. trading umbrella with knees = fail no matter how you see it.

like i said before.. everything you mentioned is true.. if we play 2D game.. but unfortunately frames doesn't tell the entire story.

regardless thanks for you comments :)

The other thing about 3 that makes it dangerous on relatively small maps or near the edge is that on CH, the SCH A+B follow up will ring out over a fair distance. There was one round in particular, I think it was round 4, where I felt you were fishing for the CH 3 and got it for the RO, which was cool. Near the edge a CH 3 = instant win, whereas CH WS is incapable of ringing out unless you use the SCH kB SBH B follow up and they tech into it.
regardless thanks for you comments :)


No, that's cool, its just in my own experience, most people tend to punish 3 much more heavily than iWS B.

That's probably because I don't have a SCIV community around here, and play online(rarely if at all now).

I understand the TC, but isn't Sets one of those lots o mids types, or do I have her confused with another character?
A few vids of me playing as Seig. If you wanna see more click on Engareds Channel there is heaps of them overall.

vs Eclair (Talim) vs Limit (Maxi) vs Engared (NM) vs Artanis (Astroth) vs Cyraxis
Yeh tell me what you think criticism would be apreciated.
Take a note of the dates of the vids though I feel i improved alot over a 3 week timespan
spot on :)

3 on CH gives either amazing wake ups or amazing wall/ring out game... iWS doesn't provide much of that it does have some useful tech traps but nothing compared to 3

sometimes.. getting blocked punished isn't exactly the worst thing..

being blocked punished is overrated... although poke damage adds up... but as 'unsafe' character player... i got so used to it.. it doesn't bother me.....

since all it takes is just one good hit to change things around

I found these videos in the TULSA regionals threat, enjoy.
(Ice Cold Edge = ICE)


ICE vs Michael Jackson 1/2


Grand Finals: ICE vs LinkRKC aka SSj5 Vegita

Some vids from the latest Sydney gather:

Hilde (Runis) vs Sieg (LG) 1
Hilde (Runis) vs Sieg (LG) 2
Hilde (Runis) vs Sieg (LG) 3