SC4 Nationals Shoutout Thread


[09] Warrior
There WILL be complaints but I'm sure that's for another thread, this is mainly for shoutouts. Tough for me to give shoutouts since I didn't get to play in a tourney (Again complaint thread) but oh well. Yes I'm doing it now because I don't want to forget people.

Linkrkc/Alphamale: You both are cool guys. Didn't get to play you AT ALL but oh well. Sucks about that bowling alley Alphamale, lol. I'm pretty impressed with your Voldo but man do you rack up the CF's. Link thanks for letting me borrow the stick so Isaak could beat me senseless in KOF.

KDZ: Again, we didn't play but you're a cool person. Denver however is not very cool so you're free to pack the shorts next time.

Shen Rii: I can't remember if I played you but I know I watched you play and was impressed with your Nightmare. You're also a cool guy to talk to and I hope you can enjoy the rest of your time here before heading back home. And I'm impressed with your English.

Humprey: Doubt you'll see this but your Lizardman is insane. I had no idea how to beat him but I didn't mind the beatings. I'll learn.

Thugish: Congrats on winning Nats and you have a great Amy. Thanks for the casuals, even if I didn't put up a great fight (This is gonna be a theme here)

Kura: Congrats on doing so well and especially using Talim. I used her first in tournies and seeing you do so well was great fun. Wish I could have played your Talim but good games nonetheless.

Hates: I was wondering just who was this Cervy player and how he was so good. Once I introduced myself, the truth became known. Good luck on that stupidly early flight back to Cali.

Offbeat Ninja: Very good Siegfriend, would have loved to play you more.

Suriad: Didn't get to play your Sophie but your Asta is no joke. You're a good player and would have also loved to play you more.

lolo: Great Yoshi, haven't played a Yoshi with such an imaginative offense before. Hope you have a safe trip back to Mexico.

Fuzion: Man, I had no answer for your Kilik but it seems like you play a lot of characters well. Wish I could have played you some more...

Eddy Pistons: You need to be present at every big tourney. Best hype man in a while.

ICE: Nice chatting as always.

Human Typhoon: Your Setsuka is great, haven't seen a good Setsuka in like ever (It probably shows too)

Jimmypikachuchoi: Continue being that dark horse and good luck in future tourneys!

Cerinian: Didn't play you but nice meeting you. Don't understand how you can wear that scarf and shirt in the dead of summer (Though it wasn't as hot as it has been) but it's a cool style nonetheless.

More to come...I failed you all for not being able to go tourney nazi and get Nationals done sooner, lol. (Again, complaint thread)

...need a break from SC4 now.
It was good meeting up with MJ, XA, Egg, Emerald Panther, DFG, etc. I'm way too lazy about getting to things like this.

Gotta give DevilJim a nod just for recognizing me purely from me being in my 30's.

I apologize to Lolo for being mistaken for him. (Really strange since we look nothing alike.)
Mad props to Egg for carting people to and from the airport, the venue, the hotel, the Denny's, and other places. Also props to Egg for making it a point to get communication going when we weren't hearing anything from DFG.

Possibly more to come later...
Shoutout Thread:

Omega: Dude, my half Italian brother! Out of everybody I met, you were EASILY the coolest guy there. We think alike on so many things it's pretty scary. Puerto Rico and DR are pretty damn similar. And of course, we're always on the same page when it comes to taking care of people. And oh yeah, you're a robot when it comes to SC4 haha. Your Zas has opened MANY peoples' eyes.

French players: For those of you who were actually social, nice meeting you and talking with you.

Something-Unique: Very good showing w/Kilik, and opened my eyes on what he can do. Earned my respect for sure, you beat a Lot of very good people in the tournament and casuals

KDZ: Hey buddy! CHAMPION SIR! We had a great time, great fight at the NVGA Tourney. Your Cass is the real deal. Also, gotta love the self commentary while you're playing. Shit is HYPE. Hope to see you soon man

TX: I love you all. We could have done better for sure, but it is what it is. Glad to see everybody who showed up

Big Boi: Fun playing w/you at the tournament in casuals man. I like your LM and Taki. Glad you came man, good to put some names to faces

JTO: We never got to play, but your Cass looked pretty good from what I saw dude

Oofmatic: Sneaky canadian. I like your Vader, wish we could have played more than 3 matches, but there were at least 20 people in my room, so we had to keep it short.

Esom: Thanks for giving Link and I a ride to the Wal Mart to get the stuff we needed for the PS3. Good Voldo dude

MysticBill: I think you did pretty good with LM, great tourney fight also. Last round, epic shit dude

Fuzion: Get moving on that book brother. Glad you were there dude

Thuggish: KEEP STABBING! Good shit on the tourney, you are as good as everybody says. I was impressed for sure

Hajime: Good meeting you, and go figure, we never were able to play. Another time sir haha

Anybody else, I apologize if I missed you, hope everybody had fun last nigt at the hotel room, I certainly did
Tiggerkiddo: I said it in person, and I will say it again. You are a champion. Went above and beyond as far as hospitality and ride services go. Such reliability turned a potentially stressful situation into one I didn't need to worry about.

Malek: It's all you now, buddy. Though our FT5 had every game go to the final round, you pulled out a couple more fifth round wins than I did. That's the mark of a great player to me. Torch officially passed. All the fanboys are yours now. =P

Omega: Sorry I fell asleep before we could play, haha. You're still one of my favorite players to play against, and I was hoping you would win Nationals if no one from the US did.

Kura/SeungCheul: You both are amazing. I'm glad I had the opportunity to play you guys.

Ice/EP/Nori/Jim: Always good times. Nori/DJ, thanks for letting me crash in your room Sunday night. Just stop trying to influence me to do bad things.

JTO/BigBoi: Nice meeting you both. We didn't play or anything, but it was shown to me that ATL simply knows how to bring the hype.

KDZ: Unfortunately, room 318 didn't quite have the same magic that room 353 did, but it was fun times nonetheless. Though, I don't think I want to eat Domino's pizza for a while....

Offbeat Ninja: Great Siegfried and totally chill person. It was cool hanging out with you. You forgot your camera, though. KDZ has it.

Oofmatic: Nice Vader. Pretty different from the other ones I've played, but still effective. I'll consider what you said about a way to reclaim my competitive drive.

Something-Unique: My first time playing a good Kilik, and you didn't disappoint. I personally think you were winning that argument with KDZ, haha.

Hajime: 23.... =(

Anyone I didn't mention, thanks for the conversation/laughs/etc.
Link: REVENGE!!! Was good to finally meet you, man.

Nori: That seems to be the case. =( Oh, well. Refer to Hates about the Yoshi v. Cervy matchup. I'm sure we'll get another chance sometime. ^_^

EP: "My boy EP!" - Hates. GGs, man. More nut punch!

Lolo: My fellow Yoshi. I'm glad I was able to meet you, we finally got to play offline, and that you stuck with repping Yoshi at Nats. Hope you got back safely.

SeungCheol: Was great meeting you. Get healthy! Hopefully we'll meet again and have more Yoshi matches.

Kura: You're too strong, buddy. Keep it up.

ShenRii: Was great hanging with you, man. Don't give up on that Nightmare! You still have to finish that notebook!

MJ: You're going down, MJ! I will have my revenge!!! Oh...and thanks for the rides and stuff, buddy. Come out and visit us sometime.

Jimmy: Good seeing you again. Be sure to keep the S.E.S. trophy safe for next year when we can finally determine the TRUE aZn champion!

DevilJim: You're a good man and I deserved those verbal jabs afterwards. My apologies again. GGs. Your Lizardman annoys me. >_<

AnimeFreak: Damn your intelligent use of WS B! How dare you be not predictable!!!

Obligatory closing note: I'm sure I left people out. I'm tired. My apologies. ^_^
Nats was fun to watch!

but i have to congratulations to OMAR! SU! NYC!!!! I already said how proud we are that u made it so far! we were really pulling for you! screaming at the computer at the top of my lungs! placing so high, you and phil officially give credit to the name...

Ice/EP/Nori/Jim: Always good times. Nori/DJ, thanks for letting me crash in your room Sunday night. Just stop trying to influence me to do bad things.

lol i said be more random and talkative. drink, cuss, express your negative opinions (we all have them). never said to be evillink
Gotta say it so here comes, thanks to all the cool people that i met, NORI, JIM, LINK, DAVID, THE FRENCH, EDDY, ICE, LOLO, BRIAN, KIRA, RTD, HEMLY, MALEK, the guys i left out im sorry, but let me tell you i was surprised with some people on how they changed, for example Damian, this kid has changed for good keep it up, Link i had a bad impression of you but you are a really cool guy so keep it up it was nice to see your ivy crush some people again, Isham: im glad we got to know each other and leave the past behind 2 old man having a problem because of a game it was kind of stupid, NORI: you are the shit man, my half brother, vivan los latinos, im going to have to go texas sometime, to get some drinks, thanks for letting use your room, gotta keep in touch, David my little kid, keep it up, you got a lot of personality dont take shit from no one, no pear pressure, it was nice metting you, you got my respect in the game and out of it.

Lolo mi hermanasoo me encanto compartir contigo fue como compartir con un amigo que conocia desde hace siglos, tenemos que mantener el contacto.

No more shit, im tired of writing, love to have known all of you, it was a really great experience, those i left out i will post another time with more details and stuff, see you guys.

ZASA low tier my ASS.
Soooo many good times.

MysticBill: Thanks for driving and all that, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have made it! Maybe at the next tournament you'll get some revenge :p.

Oof- "fuck this!" LOL Hope you made it home okay from Denver. Had some good games in that week. See you at GU!

Maxx: Was fun hanging out yet again, especially with our new best friend Belial lol. Hopefully i'll see you at gameunicon.

Something-Unique- lol, i'm sure you'll get me sometime, maybe at GU comin up. Tellin ya right now, we'll do some mm's there so you can get your revenge maybe :p. "fuckin' Amy man!" LOL.

Cedric- Was good meeting you too, I liked the random stuff you yelled out durin our match "are you fuckin serious?? STAGE select!!" Hope you can make it out to GU next month.

Link/alphamale- We didn;t really get to hang out or even play for that matter! Sucks, there were just too many people for everyone to play everyone it seems. Hates falls into this category too.

RTD- good stuff on winnin the NVGA championship, we never got to play either lol, maybe thats good for me :p. Are you making it to GU or no??

Belial- You are ONE of a kind! Bet not many people know this but this was the only person who could really destroy me pretty badly, after some casuals I was learning but still I lost 5-14 against your mitsu when the power went out at the Rio! Really sad you couldn't make it to nats. It was fun goin to TGI Fridays with you and maxx for epic conversations lol. Hope you feel better soon!

KDZ-As always good times when your around, except when you broke my stick with your water stunt! Btw, let me know when you need my info. Hope to have it before GU so I can practice with it.

EddyPistons- Funniest guy I met. Your laugh is one of a kind too lol. I'll try to make a TX tourny one of these days so we can meet up again.

Kura/Seung- Very nice meeting you 2, you guys are really solid players playing with Yun and Talim. Hope I get to play you guys again sometime, thanks for making it out from Korea!

Omega-Good meetin ya again, looks like we'll see eachother once every game. Was good hangin out and talkin with ya at the hotel.

Might post more a bit later on...
lol now that i'm mentally alive again.

Kura and SeungCheol - glad you all made it out here, fun playing you. Sorry Seung got sick but glad he got better, and we had a nice time driving back to OKC with Seung.

the french - i didn't play any of you but Kira (or Kera?) the french Cervy, glad you came too, it was nice having a larger variaty around to play with. Congrats to Saitoh for the 2nd tourney.

Hajime - lol yes, i will continue to use WS B in ways for which your brain cannot understand. GG we had and hope to play you again.

Offbeatninja - your Siggy is a lot safer than most i play, you're a nice dude also, nice seeing you there.

Ice - nice seeing you once AGAIN, and yet one more time we avoided fighting each other, kinda sucks.

DevilJim - good seeing you again, but we still haven't played at all lol, maybe NExT TIME we see each other, which may be years.....

Omega - not gonna lie, you look like one scary dude. But hanging with you for the little we did was cool, you're a super nice dude, whos built and likes ripping mufflers a new one. I also didn't get to play you, but you prolly woulda whooped my ass.

Link and Alphamale - nice seeing you guys again, always cool. Fun Punchout times, that game was slightly addicting. Didn't play either of you at all, but since I beat Hajime and he beat Link..... in turn that means I beat Link? YES I'VE FINALLY DONE IT lol.

RTD and Cedric - the Hildes, i didn't fight either of you this time at all. Nice talking to both of you though, maybe we shall play again, maybe not. Also congrats on everything you both did over the weekend. Sorry i didn't give your 2 bucks back RTD

EP - god damn dude, you're always the most fun person to be with at any event ever, and that didn't change here. You are a pro at anything and everything, continue to be that awesome, sorry for that bus ride though.

Hates - sorry about that leg of yours. i'll willingly give you shotgun next time, just to annoy MJ even.

ShenRii - nice Nightmare, keep on trekking with him, you'll be the first and only person to make him great. also i paid for your Hot Chocolate, i left your money for the tip. Made it easier on me.

Something-Unique - i didn't play you at all, i would've loved to have a Kilik mirror with the great Kilik, if only for learning purposes on my part. Congrats on your placing though.

Suirad - man you looked sick, ggs we had before and during the tourneys, nice talking to you too.

Egg - although that mcmuffin was tiny, i was friggin hungry and stuck at a tournament, thx for that.

KDZ - nice Noel mirror at the end of Sunday lol, i finally won a match against you in Blazblue.

if I didn't say anyone else, i didn't really play or talk with you much unfortunately. Hopefully another time. Congrats to all who played as well as they could this weekend, in any game.

and that 7 pound burrito will be mine next time i see it.
Jesus i'm dreading the long typing thats's coming up. Lol.

MysticBill: Yo props to u becuase I didn't have a place for housing and thanks for letting me stay there for free. Most appreciated. Solid Lizardman also.

Recon: Thanks for picking me up from the airport and holding my bag in your car. Almost thought u left with it lol. Thanks again.

Thugish: One of these days i'm gonna beat u. You keep taking me out at every tournament your in. Its so annoying. All that hard work only to lose to you twice at Nats, again at NVGA, four times at Chicago Regionals. My god it's annoying. You better be prepeared for my victory over you at GU. You will definitely get your money that I owe you and sorry for not having it. Its just my money is dripping on bills and I have to find employment asap. In fact I would even go as far as $100 (50% interest) if u can hold on until the day I get employment which should be soon. Just waiting for the shitty ecnomy in NY to call me back. Anyway its always fun hanging out and you are officially my arch nemesis.

Oofmatic: Dude it was cool meeting you again. It always is. Vader and Apprentice shenanigans ftw. The apprentice matches were so annoying not because of difficulty but because of the hit and run tactics. The Kilik vs. Vader who is better on the seesaw stage has officially been won by Kilik and he is the King. Even better than Hilde.

Kura: It was cool meeting and playing u. I wish I could have had a Kilik vs. Kilik match but maybe in the future. I hope your friend gets better because I wanted to play him.

I can't remember everyone's name in that hotel room so I don't wanna forget names so i'll just say it was a blast and I wish I could do it again. The Highlights for me were seeing Ice rolled up under the covers like a bitch lol jk. Eddypistons the joke master and Kura forming the shape of a booty. Epic!

Manta & Esom: It was cool getting some matches in with u guys. I can safely say between you two and Bibulous Voldo can be played so many different ways its not even funny.

JTO & BigBoi: Yall need to get back in this game seriously i was fun meeting yall again and when my financial siuation gets sorted out I'm gonna swing by the ATL to just chill with u folks.

RTD: Yo it was fun to finally play u and damn you catch on fast. Hope to get that MM or meet in a tournament again in the future. The hat is so powerful man. Next time i'm gonna bring the fitted and the Du-Rag to max out the hat and cap powers for the pics. Lol that sounds so gay. See u another time.

AnimeFreak: Yeah I didn't realize who some people were until the end. I'm pretty sure I will run into u again eventually. Rep for Kilik in the mean time.

Linkrkc: Yo I think you have what I had recently with mental blocks. You will get it back. Beastly players always do. It was fun getting the few games I got in with u. The last one with Hilde was priceless though on that last second in which u stole the round. Absolute genious. Yeah KDZ always fails against me in arguments haha.

Nori: I hate u online (well did) but you were very chill and cool in person. Funny guy also . Lookin forward to chill with u some more in the future. You and all the rest of u in that hotel remind me what its like to chill with some of my hood friends. Taking it straight back to the real world outside of just Soul Calibur.

The French: You already know what time it is. I love u guys and it was fun. Hope to see yall again eventually.

Shenrei: I really wanted to play you i'm sad I din't meet until the very end. Need some more Nightmare vs. Kilik testing. Nice book btw!

Sorry if I forgot anyone this much typing is giving me hand pains. It was fun.
I didn't won everything but friends oh, wait, I found 20 dls in the street hehehe, that's something. It was cool meeting all the people there, the Frenchs, Americans, Candadians, Singapoure, le hermana Republica Dominicana, etc.
I'm glad that crazy Yoshimits, stuff were proven on high level players and I learned a lot from these players, but the first thing I learned is to stop playing online, hehehe.

Oof, nice to meet you, Star wars chars are tricky but Yoshi has some tricks under his sleeves as well, I loved our few matches.
Bryan, best Cervantes, your mind games are superior as well as your courage.
KDZ, your trash talk is only comparable to your skills, ggs.
Nori, thanks for teaching stuff about Cervantes, and you are a nice guy to talk and to drink to.
Malek, that Ivy is dirty as hell, I liked that, I know Ivy is an uphill match for Yoshi, but no other Ivy player has proven that as you did.
Kira, nice meeting you, u should not fear Yoshi the way you do, it's an even match, but Cerv's require his just frames stuff, oh wait, you can do Cerv's jf as no one else, hehehe.
Shen Ri, you are a kind person, and I can see that on your play style, I know, you know this isn't gonna be the same next time, you learned a lot as I did as well.
DevilJim, yo got ur ass Yoshi pimped in the tourney, hehehehe, oh man, I'm always scared of Amy, is the only charcter that beats Yoshi's ass in close game, and damn. You are a great dude, nice meeting u and I know you will be ready to take me and Hajime.
Suirad, next time don't be so nervous in the matches, you worried me when we were fighting.
Egg, thanks, is all I can say.
Brad, we were there to rep Yoshi and we show what our character can do, let's continue our research.
Fuzion, nice meeting u and u r most welcome in mexico.
jimmypikachuchoi, nice meeting u, u were the best spanish speaker out there along with RTD :)

Omega, punto y aparte, mire que usted chico y yo no la pasamos de lujo, y si, como tu lo has dicho, no eramos dos desconcidos ahi, eramos como amigos que nos encontramos despues de mucho tiempo, voy a ir a Domincanca como se que tu vas a ir Mexico, la proxima vez en algun torneo, sera 100 % latina la final.

Regards to all the good people that I met there, Big Boi, JTO, EP, Ice, Unique, RTD, Cedric and many more.
I had a wonderful time meeting people that I've only spoken to or heard of online over the years, which was my real purpose of going to this event. This was my last hurrah as far as video games go, and I'm now officially retired and will never play another round ;] It really was great meeting people and hanging out.

Big Boi and JTO, good to see you guys came out and are cool dudes. Enjoy SF4!

Omega and lolo - enjoyed dinner at Old Chicago with you two, and enjoyed hanging out with you guys in general all weekend. I do like to travel, so maybe someday I'll catch up with you guys in your hometowns.

Kayane, Nob, Kira, and other french I met - Glad you all came out! Nice talking with you Kayane, hopefully you do find the time to study abroad, I think you'll enjoy it like I plan to do. Nob, good match and talking with you after the finals.

Suirad - good shit man! It's amazing to me how much you've improved in such a short time. There's really no point in playing lizardman against you lol. Take care and get well!

Kura and SeungCheul - you guys rock and have some insane skills. It was nice hanging out with you in Tulsa also Seung, I'm glad we got to play and I had fun. If I go to korea in the future I'll look you up ;]

KDZ - rival! you play a lot of games, and play well. you're not what I expected, and now I read your posts and can easily picture you saying them in unique KDZ fashion lol. glad I met you, take care buddy

Nori - Just take the free shuttle taxi, you're a big boy and can give them a call.. LOL. Had to shout out to you, Augustin, and DevilJim, you guys crack me the hell up and whenever you're at a tournament I feel like I've got some teammates with me.

anyways, shout out to the rest of you that I already know! Thanks for making gaming more than just a game over the years. When I'm with you guys it's all about entertainment and friendship. I'm really glad I got to see many of my friends from across the nation in one place which was quietly a gaming retirement party for me. Take care of yourselves everyone, and good luck in your future lives!
Sup guys, I had a great time at Nationals/Internationals. Even though I was just there for 1 day. It was cool meeting new people.

Thuggish - Congrats on the win! But you've just become the guy to beat and everyone is going to be gunning for your title. lol No pressure. I might start traveling a bit more, so maybe in the future I'll run into you at some major tourney.

MJ - It was great seeing you again, and I really appreciate the ride to the airport. If you ever come down to SA, I dunno...August 15th for "Mashfest", I got you on a meal.

Recon - Thank you for picking me up from the airport. Your a cool guy.

Suirad - That was a close match we had. Came down to the last round and last hit. I still say my 236 went through Sophie's body. BS! Oh well, nice meeting you.

Kura and SeungCheul - Its crazy how well yall play with so many characters.

Manta - It was cool talking to you on Sunday. You have a really sick Voldo.

Fuzion - The guy that never eats, only drinks water. lol It was cool seeing you again. Sux you're gonna stop playing. Good luck to you.

Nori - lol Told you the shuttle would'nt take me to the airport. Anyways, I know you were dissapointed on how you did at Nationals, but at least you did'nt let it ruin your night. It was fun bar hopping in Denver with you and Jim.

DevilJim - CLUB BETA! The line of the night was when that girl asked you for a cig, and you pointed at the Mexican selling burritos and said "I don't smoke, why don't you go ask burrito over there!", Funny shit. I'm assuming you're coming down to SA for "Mashfest", so I guess I'll see you then.


Anyways, good shit to the rest of you. Peace!
Over the past two weeks at Evo and Nats, there have been so many awesome people that I have met that it feels like it would take me forever to give shoutouts to everyone. And I'm still worn out from the trip, so I'll keep it at two shoutouts for now..

ChaCha/Halister: Thanks for letting me stay with you guys in Vegas, you don't know how much I appreciate it, if it weren't for you guys Vegas would have owned me.

MysticBill: Big thank you for letting me stay with you and for driving us around. Words cannot express how grateful I am. And a a big thank you as well to your mom for putting up with us coming back during the middle of the night and for making a delicious dinner. If it weren't for you offering to house me I wouldn't have went to Nats.

To be continued..
Now that I'm back, it’s time for some shoutouts.

tiggerkiddo: Hey tiger, we didn't get to play at all but it was a pleasure chatting with ya. I’m glad you liked my Nightmare, but that chapter is over. It’s gonna be a brand new Nightmare now. :D

HajimeOwari: Who says anything about giving up? I’m gonna put in more work on Nightmare! It’s great to hang with ya, go AZNs!!!!

IceColdEdge: GG man! I thought I had Sieg figured out, but you proved me wrong. Back to the workbench!

Linkrkc: It’s good to see you again.  Sorry I couldn’t give ya better matches, both in SC4 and VF5. 

Oofmatic: It was great meeting you. Your Vader is an eye opener for me.

Manta: I ain’t giving up Nightmare, no way sir. So don't worry about that. GG!

Animefreak6969: Lol, thanks. The Hot Chocolate thing… Gosh, I really passed out that night, didn’t I?

EddyPistons: You. Are. Hilarous! It was great meeting ya!

Something-Unique: Lol, it’s me ShenRii. Shenrei’s another guy on this forum whom I never met before. Yeah it’s a pity, I really wanted to test and discuss on that matchup with you irl.

RTD: Hey, I’m the guy from Singapore lol. Looking for your vids to be up, especially the one against Kura… :D

lolo: Thanks lolo. Glad ya made it back safe and sound. I hope we get to play again.

Kura & SeungChul: It's great to see you guys. You both are really good and I really would love to hang and play with you guys again.

BrianHates: You take care man and start lovin’. :D

Michael Jackson: It was great meeting ya man. 华人万岁! (I hope I got that right.)

Egg: Thanks for driving us around and bringing us out for Mexican. And of course, for rushing all the way back to the airport to return me my passport. Really appreciate it! I wish you luck for your surgery but you’re probably done with it by the time you read this. 

Kayane: I hope our match vid will help Keev, even if it's a one sided trashing by you. :D

Humphrey, Kero, Nob (sp?), Saitoh: You guys are funny. It was great hanging out with you guys.

Room 227
Omega: Thanks for all those Nightmare knowledge you’ve hammered into my brain! And… you’re a monster.

Kira: Show them… show them that Cervantes can CF! I look forward to your vids!

Malek: Hey man, I’m back in Singapore now. That day after you left, Egg delivered the passport and I managed to catch my flight since it got delayed by an hour. :D

To all who played PunchOut: I really enjoyed watching us all get creamed. :D
Man that was a close call. Glad you made it back ShenRii. Ill do shoutouts later I guess.