Saber's Creationable Shenanigans


[08] Mercenary
Okay sooo I just got SCV today (finally) and I've been playing around with the CAS for a while. I'm still pretty bad at it, but I've made two characters so far that I kind of like. Any thoughts or something? They're both original, by the way.



I'm stuck with a pretty small TV at the moment but future pictures will most probably be larger. ;_;
2nd char is cool.

First one I like the designs but I see it too monochrome, too much purple/pink haiir with pink/purple clothes with pink/purple stickers
I do kind of see where you're coming from. Maybe she could use a bit more variety.
And thanks. This is actually my second attempt at Tyr. He used to be a loooot more basic.
Okay, so, I made three more characters, as well as a few adjustments to Demantína. Also included are rough backgrounds for each character.


Age: 21

A soon-to-be graduate of the most prestigious magic academy in his home city (name pending), Tyr is searching for Soulcalibur, as he has heard of the great power it possesses. Surely wielding it would amplify his magical abilities to a great degree. Has a friendly rivalry with Demantína. The flower he wears on his jacket absorbs mana from the environment and people around him, strengthening his magic even further. He plans on releasing the built-up mana into Soulcalibur, forging it into probably the best thing ever. He believes that will grant him the power to restore order to the world. Because of this, he refrains from using magic in combat.


Age: 20

A student at the same magic academy that Tyr went to, Demantína has proven to be quite the gifted mage. He told her of Soulcalibur and Soul Edge, two super duper powerful swords. They then made a bet. He would pursue Soulcalibur, and she would pursue Soul Edge. The last one to accomplish their goal will have to pay for lunch for the next three years. Her right arm is artificial, crafted by magic. She lost her real arm several years ago in an accident, which she doesn't like talking about.


Age: 19

A malfested maid, Kantinua used to be gentle and caring. However, a shard of Soul Edge has been embedded into her back, corrupting her immensely. Now, driven to insanity, she seeks the current wielder of Soul Edge. What she's going to to once she finds them is unknown to even her, but the Soul Edge shard yearns to be complete once more.


Age: 26

A store clerk whose charitable personality has made her general store in the magic academy's city very popular. The ribbon she wears in her hair was given to her by her father 12 years ago. She's quite capable in combat, and protects the city with her trusty rapier. She has taken an interest in Tyr and Demantína's exploits, and occasionally watches them from the shadows to make sure they don't get themselves killed.


Age: 34

Ekhard had always lamented his lack of strength from an early age. Often abused and unable to protect his loved ones, he summoned a demonic spirit 10 years ago, who grants him more power in exchange for his soul and eyesight. He aimlessly roams the world in a quest to get stronger, having already lost everything. He's currently reacting to Tyr's flower, an immense source of raw power.

Any thoughts? I'm making recreations once I unlock more stuff. Expect a lot of Fate series characters. °w°

also I know a bunch of the equipment clips it's because the game hates me
I like the new Demantina, always a fan of reds and blacks. Kantinua has a nice design but it feels a bit cluttered around the face. And I like Ekhard's look not a big fan of Sandrine, those are just my thoughts though.
Thanks for commenting. ;_;
Perhaps Kantinua's eye mask thing wasn't really necessary. I may cut that.
Looking at her again, Sandrine does seem kind of, er, NPC-ish. Perhaps she could use more special equipment and a more varied colour scheme.

I'm still learning and stuff but hopefully I'll be able to make really cool crap within the year.
You've got some pretty interesting ideas. Unusual, yes, but that's what makes them interesting.

I'm not too sure what to make of the color scheme/patterns/stickers on Tyr's coat. I definitely get that he would be a Soul Calibur wielder from it, though, so that's good. Demantina's got a solid design. The giant feathers on her back are a nice touch. Kantinua's maid-gone-mad theme is pretty cool. I like the idea of the Soul Edge shard sticking out of her back. For Sandrine, I would definitely suggest the use of a belt to bring in the waist on that Wonder Jacket. Yeah, the belt and the jacket will clip, but once you match their colors, I think the pros will outweigh the cons. I think Eckhard can be developed a little further, but I like what you did with his eyes. I think they'll be really cool to see, or not see, rather, upon armor break.

I can't wait to see what you can come up with once you unlock more parts.
You're all much too kind. Thanks for commenting and stuff. It's nice that you enjoy my thingies. :'3

Tyr's coat could perhaps use a different pattern and stickers. I'll see if I can make him any spiffier. Sandrine's already had a few changes. Pictures soon-ish.
wow that maid is pretty unusual/original. I like it. As the person above said though the mask does not seem to be necessary and I personally like her look better without it...probably because the design on the lips and neck helps with the overall theme more than the mask does.

Tyr is pretty cool looking as well.

If you're going to be doing Fate series characters I'm hoping you'll eventually do some Fate/Extra and Fate/Hollow Ataxaria characters...or hell even Fate/Zero characters might be interesting to see as well.

look forward to seeing more.
Thanks for the advice. I'm always learning ever so slightly more~

As for Fate characters, I'm thinking of branching out into Type-Moon in general. As in, the various Fate thingies, Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoukai, etc.
Well you seem to have a pretty good grasp on the creation mode but if you really want to improve yourself be sure to check out the following threads: to help you understand some of the more advanced tricks to creating characters:: and :

As far as the Fate characters go I look forward to seeing what you can create. I'm a type-moon (and visual novels in general) fan so will be looking forward to what other character you will be able to create. If you want a few other ideas that might work within the type-moon universe (in the event you don't know of it yet) you might be able to create some interesting characters if you branch out to Apocrypha characters:

either way I look forward to seeing both future recreations and any originals you come up with.
Thanks. :D

Anyway, I return with updated Sandrine and my first recreation. I have doubts about their quality, though. There's definitely some things I could have done better.


I added a belt and a more varied colour scheme. I'm not too sure about the black sleeves, but they make the belt clipping less noticable.


I of course started with my favourite Fate/stay night character. I think I did the best I could, considering the limited resources I had to work with. The crucifix on her sweater looks fugly, I know, but I have no better way of doing it at the moment. :'/

I decided to go with the long hair with ribbons, as that looked more Rin-ish than the pigtails. The ribbons look better in-game. Honest.

I made her completely from memory. That prolly wasn't a very good idea, tbh.

ha ha ha I keep making girls

It's because there's not enough dude equipment in this game. :'<
Not a bad Rin design at all the hair is a bit iffy but then there is not much to work with. Shame Rin doesn't wear a belt because the shirt and skirt seem like they are clipping and a belt could possibly fix that. Of the Rin's I've seen previously it seems as if none of them have even attempted to put the crucifix so props on that. Considering you made her from memory it is quite good.

Regarding Sandrine mk2 I like the design but it has a more noticeable clipping issue I think. Personally I prefer the first version of Sandrine although I like the leggings for mk 2 better than one.

liked them though so keep at it.
View attachment 16110

I of course started with my favourite Fate/stay night character. I think I did the best I could, considering the limited resources I had to work with. The crucifix on her sweater looks fugly, I know, but I have no better way of doing it at the moment. :'/

I decided to go with the long hair with ribbons, as that looked more Rin-ish than the pigtails. The ribbons look better in-game. Honest.

I made her completely from memory. That prolly wasn't a very good idea, tbh.

ha ha ha I keep making girls

It's because there's not enough dude equipment in this game. :'<

How about cat tails or raccon tails to do the pigtails?

PD: I and my Seibaaaaaah will accept a challenge any time.
How about cat tails or raccon tails to do the pigtails?

PD: I and my Seibaaaaaah will accept a challenge any time.

But then I'd have to forfeit the ribbons! D:
Why can't this game have four special equip slots? Speaking of the ribbons, I made them look less awful. I'll post a picture of that once I have other nifty things to display.
Welp, I has some more thingies I haven't shared yet. I haven't written anything about these bitches because... lol.

First, we have Kimiko-tan. (If you get the reference, I love you.) I wanted to make a pretty standard anime stereotype: the shrine maiden. As for the arrow going through her chest, let's just say she's immortal and pissed. Yes, that'll do.


Next, I wanted to make a typical gothy character. She's all dark and stuff.


What followed was a dude counterpart. Let's just say they're siblings.


Did I ever mention that I'm a huge fan of BlazBlue? What a coincidence that said series also has a generally disliked (in canon) crybaby.


And that's all for now. Comments and criticism are super duper appreciated, as always.

And yes, I do like eyepatches.
Those goth twins are pretty cool, especially the girl who looks like some sort of eerie porcelain doll.
I love that Pyrrha recolor, it's excellent!​
I might steal it. The only thing I'd really change is the intensity of the colors.​