PSN/XBL Hatemail Thread

HRD and Ramus are both clowns, lol. Moving on.

Anyways, back to more epic hate mail I record! =3 I'll be updating more CoD videos later on now I got a new PVR!

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oh golly gee wilikers. Some has disagreed with the all mighty CatGirl. Now Im a clown. Ima go jump off a bridge and take my youtube followers with me.

cause you just cant stop.

Seems to be working cause you just cant shut the fuck up about me. You just cant control yourself.

Oh the irony... So thick you can practically cut it with a knife! =D

It's almost like HRD is replying to himself.
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Who, me???? I am a clown?
Funny because I don't remember be hated by half of the board for being a; pompous jerk trying to look big, and mistreating about anyone who don't think the same way you do, or saying you did rage quit on then, and then you pick a fight that happened two years ago as a argument.
Oh and if about any typos here.

Eu não tenho obrigação de saber a gramatica tão perfeitamente, especialmente se eu aprendi inglês a menos de dois anos.

I think Ramus has...

And he just can't...
shut up about me.

Because he's...
fucking obsessed with me.
You know what?? I erased that so I say you should erase this.
Also....welcome to my ignore list you sorry excuse for a human, be glad first one ever there.
Dude, she'll get you for that "I" at the start of the "snip" in the quote you used. You can kill people with bad spelling, you know? Kappa

Anyway, there was a guy who played NM and loved to walk into my iCS every two seconds. Suffice to say he left and then sent me a load of curses which included "Spammer", "Noob" and "Troll". How I wish I could tell him how much I am hurt by this... :-(
Dude, she'll get you for that "I" at the start of the "snip" in the quote you used. You can kill people with bad spelling, you know? Kappa

Anyway, there was a guy who played NM and loved to walk into my iCS every two seconds. Suffice to say he left and then sent me a load of curses which included "Spammer", "Noob" and "Troll". How I wish I could tell him how much I am hurt by this... :-(
Oh Mage, don't be hurt, I bet you are great, Hate Mail means nothing, unless you are a little jerk crying for attention and pretending to be a girl then it means you are a great player.Kappa
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So i played this guy named @Mage on psn just now. He called me a dirty rotten, stinky pants old man!! Im highly offended. I dont even wear pants!!!

Now thats relieving the tension. Get on my level scrub.
This game is pretty bad competitively... They all were for the most part.

The game gets even better when you spam Madara Almighty flame assists which cover your whole screen with fire, or Hanzo's dark mist which makes it so you can't see your characters for 3 seconds. xD That's always a fun time since you don't know if you're getting hit or not, lol!
You know what?? I erased that so I say you should erase this.
Also....welcome to my ignore list you sorry excuse for a human, be glad first one ever there.
Don't let that gender confused kid get to you. Cat girl(AKA Ishimary Jinrai) has been known to be this guy in Wisconsin who likes to pretend he's a chick if I'm not mistaken, has been banned on NUMEROUS occasions here & is hated by every FGC known to man.
Surprised none of the vets have said anything. Good to know he's that irrelevant now.