PS3 Slim is a go

Sony is dropping the hammer. The slim doesn't have BC, but BC is overrated. Plus once the PS2 is discontinued, there will most likely be downloadable PS2 games.

I was thinking of getting a 360, but a slimmer, lighter, less power hungry PS3 is just too intriguing. I don't know what to do.
Sony is dropping the hammer. The slim doesn't have BC, but BC is overrated. Plus once the PS2 is discontinued, there will most likely be downloadable PS2 games.

I was thinking of getting a 360, but a slimmer, lighter, less power hungry PS3 is just too intriguing. I don't know what to do.

Um... I would go ahead and skip the slim if you have a PS3. Why do you need a lighter one? Are you carrying it around a lot?

As for it being slimmer, not a big deal for me since I have mine standing up in a really nice spot and don't need the extra few inches of space.

The reduced energy consumption is nice... but not worth $300 dollars to me.

Get the 360, then you can play some exclusives... and shooters if you don't already have a PC
Considering my current PS3 is pretty much out of commission, I might as well wait for this to drop and snag me one instead of replacing my current one it now.

Slimmer, smaller, and a bigger hard drive (current one I had was only a 40 gb)? I'm sold. I do carry my PS3 around a bit so it's also better for me in that regard.

Why Sony ?! Why !! :( Im all for price cuts, and i dont even mind about the BC (Cause you know there never gonna give us Universal BC for PS1 and PS2 games (God forbid :p). :\) however, the design is just horrible. >:( Who the hell was in charge of the design ! I mean, they could at least put a Playstation logo on it or something. :\ I do have to admit thou, im impressed there giving you a bigger hard drive thou. :p

More links.

Sony's Official Announcement

And apparently, Gamesradar and PTOM has unboxed a slim. No shots of the XMB thou. :\

[youtube="NOW WITH BUTTONS !! XD"]KrOS_0Ulv7M[/youtube]

Now if you excuse me. :) *goes and plays my 60 gig Model*

EDIT: FW 3.0 Preview
whats going on rich, long time no see.

going foward the price cut on ps3 is probably enough on it's own for me to buy one. the slim ps2 however did have problems with durability so i would be hesitant to spend that much on something that might break. sounds awesome (astetics aside) but i'd be a bit leary on it until i know it will hold up
its not just the slim that's 299.

from what i understand, the 80 gig ps3 is also 299. so if you're uncomfy with the thought of buying a slim, the "original" (HA! pardon me i had to laugh at that) is also 299. you lucky buyers you...
whats going on rich, long time no see.

going foward the price cut on ps3 is probably enough on it's own for me to buy one. the slim ps2 however did have problems with durability so i would be hesitant to spend that much on something that might break. sounds awesome (astetics aside) but i'd be a bit leary on it until i know it will hold up

PS2s weren't durable. My phat PS2 broke after being dropped once. I've dropped my slim ps2 twice and it's still kicking (thankfully). The weight of a device plays a decent role in whether it will break or not. More the mass = greater the shock when it makes impact to the ground from a drop.

Anyway, I see nothing but good from the Slim. Only "bad" thing about it is the design, which isn't even that bad and will more than likely grow on people. I prefer the matte finish on the Slim a hell of a lot more than the gloss finish on the phat PS3s. No more stupid fingerprints or small scratches.
Design is fine, don't know why everyone's bitching. It looks nicer than the original. it's sleek.

It's all good to me. Right now I'm debatin how much I'll get if i trade in my PS3 to get that sexy beast. 80more gigs! I just hope it has 4 USB ports. Sucks when everyone in the room is constantly unplugging/plugging their sticks (we all use a different one).
I like the smaller design.

If I'm traveling with a console, right now I tag my 360 along. But I've always admired the PS3 being the full entertainment package. So the Slim is a win for me. Cause now when I game else where, Im packing more than a game console.

Wi-Fi connection leeching, built in Web browser, and Blu-Ray player ftw.

May have to punch out some people for a quick $300...
PS2s weren't durable. My phat PS2 broke after being dropped once. I've dropped my slim ps2 twice and it's still kicking (thankfully). The weight of a device plays a decent role in whether it will break or not. More the mass = greater the shock when it makes impact to the ground from a drop.

i didn't mean break if you drop it, of course it will break and it's your own fault for dropping it. what i meant was how long they would last before they burnt out. the slim ones didn't last nearly as long as the fat ones. hell my fat ps2 still works ok after all these years
Now that im thinking about it, i may want to pick one up when i have the extra cash (Right after i buy a new PSP-2000. :p). Same reason eveyone else has been saying. The portability factor. :D Personally, i've always been too nervous to bring my 60 gig due to it's rarity. :p Can live without BC in terms of portabilty. :D

I believe Madnis said this early as well; however, the older models have a nice price drop too. :D I was bored and was looking through the the Gamestop website; not only are the the 80 gig models (Originally 399.99) on sale, but the 20 gig (Originally $349.99)(no Wifi) and 60 gig (Originally $429.99) models as well. Grant it they are used, but at least you have another chance to get BC. Also, the HDD can always be changed. :D

To Neo:
Same old, just different day. :p I know, It's been a while Neo. :D Hope to see you next week ! :D
There are a few things I dont like about the slim PS3...

1. no BC, I'll stick to my 60gb (With a 500gb hd)
2. no wired internet. the wireless controls in the PS3 suck, with no multiple profile settings.
3. only 2 USB ports
4. no otherOS option, gonna suck when it finally gets hacked.
Looks like wired internet to me. :p I completely forgot about Linux too. That sucks you can't install it on the new one. :\ Although, maybe it's possible to mod the slimmer ones. :) Also, is it just me, or did they change the PS3 cord ?