Post Your Best Mitt Romney pictures!

Tell that to all the rednecks who tell me I'm going to hell because I'm an atheist. You have to understand, my hatred of these people came after their judgement of me. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. As soon as I tell people where I was born, they straight up ignore me. One guy told me CA needs to be blown off the map. Another guy, after telling him where I was from, said "welcome to America" implying that CA isn't real "America".

When someone is rude to you like this, you have no choice but to hate them. Get it?
I'm still trying to let the God-fearing, gun-toting "real" Americans have the monopoly on hate. But I always end up failing as much as they do in that area.
I'm like you but in reverse. I grew up rurally then moved to the city when I was 17. Growing up I didn't wear tight pants and cowboy boots so people called me a nigger. I was too young (and white) to know what the word meant but it had enough hate behind it that it didn't feel good. I remember overhearing some rednecks at the county fair one time: "I'll give you a log of skoal if you kick the shit out of that nigger". Every goddamn redneck within earshot started chasing me down. I ran myself across the field but they got a hold of me as I went to hop a fence. The fetal position was pretty effective against steel-toed or reinforced shit-kickers. Weird thing was they chased me when I ran but, after kicking at me a bit, I stood up and started to walk away and instead of chasing me they just kept yelling "Get over here so we can hurt ya". LOL! I didn't start the hate. I was simply different. I wasn't into the clothing or the music. Oh, of course, they were all good god-fearing people. Another one was when me and my "nigger" friends (there were three of us) where using a local gas station as a safe haven when a redneck opened the door and told us "get out here so we can put a knot on yer head". We said "no" and they left. Fucking weird.
Isn't it ironic that the so called god-fearing people are the biggest haters? And yet people wonder why sensible people reject religion.
Of course, atheists never hurt or kill anyone



Suck, do you even think before you start typing, or do you just let whatever the first thing that comes to mind spill out onto the keyboard?
Let's not do this again. After the last religious debacle on here I looked up brain scans comparing religious brains to a non-religious brains and realized that blaming someone for the traits they're born with is pointless. Besides, politics is bad for religion and vice-versa. Look at policies regarding global climate change for example. Many don't believe in climate change due to dogma. God wouldn't give as an Earth only for us to destroy it. He'll just clean the air and make more natural resources. I even know Obama supporters that've told me overpopulation is a myth cuz "God's juz gonna make the world bigger for us". I'm sure there are plenty of Repulicunts (zinged ya back - I don't mean it) that are reasonable but they're not idealistic enough to gain much clout. I'm sure the same goes for the "Devilcrats". Religion is only a tool to most politicians. If Republicunts really believed the teachings of Christ why do they have such disdain for the poor? I thought Jesus shared instead of saying "Fuck you, I got mine". The whole theme of the RNC was "I built it". They don't care about Christ's teachings anymore than Democrats care about the middle-class. They just cater to what has more or less arbitrarily became their bases.

Anyway, I'm not trying to get controversial here. I've learned it does me no good. I still feel like a giant ass over the Atheist/Christian threads.
Of course, atheists never hurt or kill anyone
Did I say that? Of course anyone can be a killer. Let me ask you something. Do you always use ridiculous exaggerations to try to win arguments? Cas' it's not helping your case. Your starting to make me laugh. I thought you were better than that :(
Did I say that? Of course anyone can be a killer. Let me ask you something. Do you always use ridiculous exaggerations to try to win arguments? Cas' it's not helping your case. Your starting to make me laugh. I thought you were better than that :(
You said that religious people were the biggest haters, thereby implicitly stating that non religious people hated less. I gave a counterexample. That's simple rhetoric son.

Whoo hah double post!
I always figured G.W. Bush was proof enough that we evolved from monkeys. I can so picture him picking lice off of Laura and eating it. LOL! I'm just being superficial and talking about his looks.

Todd Akin is on the United States House Committee on Science, Space and Technology along with men like Paul Broun. Craziness.
You said that religious people were the biggest haters, thereby implicitly stating that non religious people hated less. I gave a counterexample. That's simple rhetoric son.

Whoo hah double post!
LOL they are the biggest haters. Most of the wars of history were over religion.
LOL they are the biggest haters. Most of the wars of history were over religion.
Obviously the fact that most of history has taken place while the majority of people, good and bad, were religious shouldn't be taken into account. It MUST have been the religion that made them fight and kill one another. It absolutely couldn't be that people throughout history have just been pricks. And that the ones in power giving the command to do it are the worst kind. No, must've been the religion.

I have my own theory. Throughout history, most wars have been waged by people who eat bread. Therefore BREAD is the enemy of humanity. We should eradicate wheat.
You're telling me the holy crusaders were slaughtering Muslims and Pagans because they just happen to be bad guys?

It couldn't possibly be because they were devil heathens, even though they dared to worship false gods!

This is just getting better and better. Wheat? Seriously? You go from ridiculous exaggerations to ridiculous comparisons?

As I said, religion is nothing more than a tool for power and manipulation.

Let's think about the current war with terrorists. You know how many times I've heard people promote the genocide of all muslims? You seriously think that religion doesn't play a huge role in war? What about the Muslims fighting each other because one is Shiite and the other Sunni? Or better yet, what about Israel and the Palestinians? No, it mustn't be because Jews want their holy land! That can't be!
What you mean is it's sad we don't all just agree with everything you believe.
What I mean is that it's sad that people are silent about it just because they don't wanna disagree with someone. When people don't talk about it, they don't have to have their beliefs challenged and most people can't handle that.
It's sad that the world has come to this

I prefer to keep my beliefs to themselves because when I talk to people about it it just turns into how what I believe is wrong and what they believe is right. Nothing is accomplished that way and it just wastes time, same shit with religion.
I prefer to keep my beliefs to themselves because when I talk to people about it it just turns into how what I believe is wrong and what they believe is right. Nothing is accomplished that way and it just wastes time, same shit with religion.
They only reason it wastes time is because people are far too stubborn and headstrong to ever listen to sound arguments. I've had many of my opinions change from good, logical arguments. These types of experiences are good for people.

Hard to believe I grew up Baptist, huh?
They only reason it wastes time is because people are far too stubborn and headstrong to ever listen to sound arguments. I've had many of my opinions change from good, logical arguments. These types of experiences are good for people.

Hard to believe I grew up Baptist, huh?

YOU'RE A BAPTIST!!! GTFO. That's what happens when I tell people stuff.