Portal 2

Awesome. I think I'll go for the PS3 version when I go to get this game (inevitable) due to it linking to my Steam account and giving me the PC version free.
My friend picked it up at a midnight release for the PS3.

I don't know what it's like playing this co-op PC to PC, but split screen actually works really well. Though I wouldn't call it an FPS, the console implementation works really well. I would normally complain about mouse and keyboard being superior, but this game doesn't really require fast reactions for the most part and seeing what your friend is doing on his screen is definitely worth it. I'm not sure you can see through the other player's eyes PC to PC, but I could be wrong. If that is the case, then this is all a moot point.

It's definitely pretty fun, but I really think portal and portal 2 were both over hyped except beyond a technical standpoint. Not sure if you guys waste your life reading sites like reddit, but /r/gaming was frothing at the mouth for this game. The writing (actually GLaDOS probably said funnier things in the 1st game), style, game play, and controls are all top quality, but honestly I've had more fun with other things. I will probably pick this up for myself when it inevitably drops to $5 in some ridiculous Steam sale.

Also, "edgeless safety cubes" lol.
I stayed up yesterday with some friends to get it early off steam. And then we had a race to see who could clear campaign first, I ended up falling asleep during the middle of it though.

Anyways I cleared the campaign now. It was very enjoyable, except for one part where I had to go up a giant duct of sorts that that made me feel like throwing up.
Well thanks to the PSN fiascoI just went with the 360 version. I'll get to playing it later (Gears 3 beta is the current time consumer)
Saw all of single player played last night. I was very satisfied with the story arc. Wheatly really had to grow on me. Made me feel like I was watching Dreamworks cgi movie. He really felt out of place for a while, but I guess his personality is intentional and not just for comic relief.

GLaDOS is still way funnier.

This has one minor spoiler by the way, just a warning.

There were some pretty incredible visuals. I nerded out for a while after seeing a giant room crushed trash compactor style. My friend didn't seem as impressed though. A lot of the game takes place outside test chambers, but I wish there was even less of that. The story really gave you a sense of purpose this time, but then it goes and puts you in 16+ test chambers back to back and this happens twice. It is tied to the story pretty well and it's not like they were just lazy. GLaDOS makes test chambers for you by fixing up the facility and Wheatly makes test chambers by destroying the facility. Both of these are really visually impressive to me, but there are other parts in the game that seemed much more worthwhile to explore.

Also, "Dangerously unlethal levels of neurotoxin detected" lol.
Anyone out there want to play co-op on 360? I want to see the story and I'm tired of playing with randoms.
Awesome. I think I'll go for the PS3 version when I go to get this game (inevitable) due to it linking to my Steam account and giving me the PC version free.

So if i get the PS3 version, i can get a PC version for Free? How does that work?
You link your PSN and Steam account together, resulting in having the PC version free for doing that. It allows you to play Portal 2 with anyone on either friends list, no matter which one they are using to play.

If you do not have a steam account, you can easily set one up.

I actually ended up buying it for 360 in the end, due to the PSN outage. But in terms of console version, PS3 is better(links with Steamworks and gets updates like the PC version does)