Playstation Fanboys, tell me something.


[13] Hero
Sartre's major works on existentialism, 'Being and Nothingness' and 'Existentialism and Humanism' seem to borrow heavily from Nietzsche's early work on metaphysics and also his later work on ethics (most famously Thus Spake Zarathrusta, and Beyond Good and Evil).

And Sartre himself declares, like Nietszche, a nihilist position on morality.

So tell me, Playstation fanboys, why does Jean Paul Sartre REPEATEDLY use the concept of 'bad faith' and self-deception as though they were moral concepts. He certainly isn't using them in a purely descriptive sense (where acting 'in bad faith' would just be a neutral description and wouldn't matter one way or the other). Why does he contradict both Nietzsche's and his own claims on morality, sometimes in the very same works?

Tell me Playstation fanboys, please, tell me.
...I think most of our fanboyism stems from the products performance and advantages...not the ideology of the company...most of us are completely unaware of what you're talking about and it holds no weight to our fanboyism. Most of us are just concerned with a decent dpad, blu ray, coherent offline controller swapping, etc...

So to not answer you question...your question is loaded and ill constructed.
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Actually I meant it to have no connection at all to the subject at hand. I'm shocked you drew a parallel. But kind of amused.
i saw parallels as well.

IFB hit it head on. while i care about my rights, i, by and large, could give a shit about the morality of a corporation. sure, they may be breaking laws and whatnot for god-knows-what end, but their shit is still consistently far better than anything the competition puts out. i could give a shit less about the philanthropic efforts of microsoft execs when 8 years later they still can't build me a d-pad that lets me dash without jumping.

that said, you ignore the evolution of our vernacular, particularly the colloquial application of the term "bad faith".

sartre liked to throw it around...he may have even coined a way of saying "false faith" or, to be less vague, acting on or by a given faith to promote an image to one's self or others, in the face of not actually believing it. his "bad faith" was sort of an idea of having a nagging existential voice in your head, and yet acting religious out of fear of some sort of retribution or faith that in time the voice would go away.

"bad faith" as we use it nowadays, and as you attempt to use it mockingly in reference to sony has changed to mean "surreptitiously" or "underhandedly" or just plain "lying about it".

they are very very different ideas.

also this

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It's possible that Sartre refers to such concepts of "bad faith" and "self-deception" not in the social interpersonal level that he denies, but on an intra-personal level, of self-morality and self-truth. My two cents.
It's possible that Sartre refers to such concepts of "bad faith" and "self-deception" not in the social interpersonal level that he denies, but on an intra-personal level, of self-morality and self-truth. My two cents.

...a typical assertion that "somewhere deep inside we all have faith. you just have to keep looking."

i don't buy it. also, just because it is troll bait doesn't mean it isn't delicious.
Basically lobo is speaking from the american citizens that gets butthurt when their rights are being violated. I mean I care about this too. I think it's some fuck up shit too, but he fails to give a clear solution to the problem that is in front of us. I mean the solutions I got from him and BR are unrealistic and vague. Their responses just seem like they are bitching, moaning, and making empty threats to Sony they won't fulfill.
Basically lobo is speaking from the american citizens that gets butthurt when their rights are being violated. I mean I care about this too. I think it's some fuck up shit too, but he fails to give a clear solution to the problem that is in front of us. I mean the solutions I got from him and BR are unrealistic and vague. Their responses just seem like they are bitching, moaning, and making empty threats to Sony they won't fulfill.

this thread just got awesome.
As I have stated many times before, real men don't bitch about such trifling things.

Real men play Machiavelli and make the world fear them.
I kinda always figured fanboy to be a derogatory word used by 'fanboys'. I mean, really, what is a fanboy? As far as I understand, it's someone who blindly supports *X* while also degrading the quality of *Y* (which shares characteristics with *X*).

Still, while there are some instances of using fanboy to describe a person, they're almost always used in negative connotation (such as, 'You're just a fanboy' or '*X* fanboys'), which dehumanizes those you're referring to while also putting yourself in a position of higher regard (those types of instances almost always look for the 'fanboys' input while simultaneously brushing it aside, which gives them the ability to withdraw from any argument whatsoever that the fanboy in question may bring up because it's due to their fanboyness -not logic- that they draw those conclusions). Reverting that back to my definition of a fanboy, it's no wonder that the 'fanboys' and those on a crusade against fanboys almost always seem indistinguishable from one another.

To add to that even, shouldn't the fact that almost all calls to 'fanboys' bring about negative thought make the whole thing seem petty in itself? It's almost like someone's saying, 'Hey, niggers, tell me why...' in that from the point of inception you're already showing your stance on something, looking to offend, and leaving little room for a response rather than you are anger and/or agreement.

I know it doesn't have much to do with the topic, but that word has always been a favorite of my 'Internet things' and I figured I could pass some time.
i get the feeling that this is somehow indirectly pointed towards me.... you shootin at me gj? you would be xbot, if it's a war you want, i'll tell you right now, i ain't the one for that.

i know you said fanboys in general but i get the feeling that this is somehow a shot at me... you shootin gj?
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i get the feeling that this is somehow indirectly pointed towards me.... you shootin at me gj? you would be xbot, if it's a war you want, i'll tell you right now, i ain't the one for that.

i know you said fanboys in general but i get the feeling that this is somehow a shot at me... you shootin gj?

Nah. I told this joke on another forum and everyone seemed to like it. I came in and told it here and everyone scrutinized it and read things into it I never intended. Que sera sera. I guess I should be happy people take me serious enough here to think I mean something by it, or that I'm smart enough to try to imply something so surreptitiously, lol.