Obligitory Animes Thread

Which anime eras are you into?

  • Old School

    Votes: 29 17.7%
  • New School

    Votes: 13 7.9%
  • Both

    Votes: 107 65.2%
  • Anime? What's that?

    Votes: 15 9.1%

  • Total voters
I just finished "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" and I loved it! It makes me wana read the novel, does anyone know if there is an English ver. of the book?
Not watching alot of anime these days... Was a big fan of naruto until they started showing over 100 filler episodes that werent even even aiding them in finding sasuke. Its the same thing with the shippuden series it just got boring. Bleach has it filler episodes not as long as the naruto ones but atleast their interesting. I'm usually rewatching animes that i've seen in the past, like dbz, full metal gundam, inuyasha, etc. Last anime series i saw fully was both seasons of code geass. awesome show!!
hmm, probably fits more in the video game section but I didn't really feel like making a new thread. Touhou is ridiculously fun. It kicks my butt on easy mode, but the gameplay and music is just really addicting. I didn't think I'd get into something more niche and geeky than fighters, but manic shooters is probably a lot worse.
I just finished watching Black Cat Today. It was pretty good but it was a little rushed compared to the manga. I was a little disappointed to see almost ZERO action from number VI (he was my favorite number).
I watched Air Gear and Baldr Force EXE over the break. Both are solid series, if anyone's interested.
So Bones is producing a new FMA due to be released this year. And they might cast different seiyuu (cannot imagine anyone but Romi Paku and Hiromu Arakawa doing Ed and Al) and that it'll be based more tightly on the manga... It'll be really weird to have 2 series about the same premise from the same studio around, but at least hopefully we'll get another quality anime out of Bones as a result.

Haven't really been following anything outside of Gundam 00 (which is ramping up nicely as of late), but I'm planning on watching Soul Eater (<3 Studio Bones) and Toradora! (need to fill my yearly crack!anime quotient, heh) at some point.
Rarely watch anime now. And I don't think it's so much a 'I grew out of it' thing' as a, 'less time willing to devote to it/don't like much of what's been coming out out thing.'

That said, I like anything done by the Bebop/SamCham teams. And am really digging MichikoToHatchin atm. It's just so stylish and somehow entertaining. I had no idea where the story is really going, until about ep 10, but it didn't matter. I'm hooked anyway.
So Bones is producing a new FMA due to be released this year. And they might cast different seiyuu (cannot imagine anyone but Romi Paku and Hiromu Arakawa doing Ed and Al) and that it'll be based more tightly on the manga... It'll be really weird to have 2 series about the same premise from the same studio around, but at least hopefully we'll get another quality anime out of Bones as a result.

Haven't really been following anything outside of Gundam 00 (which is ramping up nicely as of late), but I'm planning on watching Soul Eater (<3 Studio Bones) and Toradora! (need to fill my yearly crack!anime quotient, heh) at some point.

Alphonse was most definitely Kugimiya Rie...<3 Kugimiya Rie...

I think I've been saying consistently that throughout the season that Toradora! was easily the best show this season, which was completely confirmed when everything else totally tanked in the end. It managed to pull off more substance than Clannad After Story as well, and Kugimiya Rie+Yui Horie is WAY TOO SOLID.
Alphonse was most definitely Kugimiya Rie...<3 Kugimiya Rie...

I think I've been saying consistently that throughout the season that Toradora! was easily the best show this season, which was completely confirmed when everything else totally tanked in the end. It managed to pull off my substance than Clannad After Story as well, and Kugimiya Rie+Yui Horie is WAY TOO SOLID.

Haha, brain fart on my part. I typed out the mangaka's name instead of Kugimiya Rie. O.x

Good to hear that you enjoyed Toradora!, my roommate and I randomly picked it as our anime to watch after browsing some picture threads, heh... so it's good to get some actual recommendation to watch it.
I like Toradora too, Oddly enough i don't like any characters in it aside from Inko-chan...
I actually changed my mind about Toradora being the best show about the season. imo, it's actually nodame cantabile, of which i watched all of the first season in a single day, and watched most of the second season the day after. I haven't pulled off a one nighter in years, but it was definitely worth the royal screwing I had the next day. Your mileage definitely will differ depending on how much you like classical music (this was definitely what made it for me), and your tolerance for shoujo manga.
Kugimiya Rie voiced Shana...haha, she's good.

Only thing that has caught my eye lately has been Candy Boy. I don't know what to think of it though.
1.Nana(Manga owns the show just because its much farther)
2.Code Geas season1&2(currently reading Nunnalys Nightmare)
3.Death Note.
4.Naruto(but the manga is leaps and bounds better)
With the release of the new DVD set FUNimation put out, I was FINALLY able to finish Yu Yu Hakusho and I gotta say, the Three Kings Saga was very rushed. Kuramas fight wasn't as good as I hopped (His fight against Karasu was the best.)

genver: I liked "History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi" but I didn't get to finish it... I should work on that one since FUNi is bringing it to states as well http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmgr/d9hLU=knuQraVCPQG2/browse/item/82466/4/0/0