Need help with votes on idea for Sony


[09] Warrior
I do apologize if this is considered spam (Well, it pretty much is but. :p). :p Apparently, Sony has a "share your ideas" section on there blog for PS3 service. I know this definitlly a huge shot in the dark; however, if you have a PSN account, please log in and vote yes on this !! Again, it's a huge shot in the dark and i'm not really expecting anything to happen, but it really won't hurt to try. Thanks. :D
I couldn't get traction for an obvious thing like being able to mute voice chat from specific users during a game. I don't think Sony wants to implement ideas unless they were going to anyway.
I know. :p Like I said, I'm not expecting anything to happen because of this; however, I just find it messed up that people are downvoting it. Plus, doesn't hurt to vote. Nothing lost, nothing gained. Plus I was bored when I found this. :p
I don't understand why someone would be against this? It just opens up the number of games you can play. I would either guess it's all those sack of shit fps addicts or the people who huff and puff about games going multiplatform.