Namco Launches Official Soulcalibur Facebook!

  • Admin
If you were at NEC this weekend, or perhaps watching the 8WayRun video stream, you may have heard that FilthieRich from Namco was in attendance! I myself spent a few minutes talking without and briefly discussed the need for a relationship between the players the Namco itself. Well clearly our pleas haven't fallen on deaf ears and Namco has today, launched the Official Soulcalibur Facebook Page!

What does this mean? Well we can't really say at this point, but now we know Namco is reaching out to its players and they want to know what you think! We now have an official, central place, where we know Namco will be looking!

While you're at it... don't forget to also check out 8WayRun's Facebook Page as well.
Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
lets get it going. keep the message flow going as i have infinite amounts of pens and pads...

btw.. my lizardman is gdlk ;)
oh my. it seems my hope hasnt completly disappeared as i thought. GO TEAM VENTURE!
Hopefully when SCV development is started they'll actually reach out to our community for input through this.
I am stoked. Our effortts are paying off!! Hopefully they take thier time and get input from us and make a great game. Viva La SC5!!

Thanks for the support, keep up the good work Filthierich, it's much appreciated.

I have hope for a bright future for Soul Calibur and its community.
This is a weird feeling for me.

For YEARS we've been trying to get Namco's attention, and now they're finally starting to come around.

Maxi fans rejoice! We have a .000000000001 % chance that Maxi may be back to his SC1 self again! XD
Very nice! I like the sound of this! :)
I can't wait to see a thread that says "Soul Calibur 5 Officially announced!"
*Crosses fingers*

Good work to everyone for supporting the community and achieving this opportunity!
Let's not give up! <3
You do? Because I have a feeling they'll rush it through every stage of development, then release shitty patches when it takes SC pros 1.5 hours to discover 270 game-breaking bugs.
It's crazy how fast the SC fan has grown. One minute it was at 3000, now it's at 14,000+. People love Soul Calibur.

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