Namco Bandai's E3 Schedule

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Namco Bandai has their E3 lineup schedule available on their E3 Portal. Namco Bandai will be streaming coverage of E3 beginning today; with live updates as well as coverage from the show floor. You can find the SC related information at the below times.

Tuesday, June 7 @ 2:15 pm PDT - Namco Bandai Booth Tour
Wednesday, June 8 @ 12:00 pm PDT - Soul Calibur
Thursday, June 9 @ 3:15 pm PDT - Soul Calibur Dev Interview

Also remember to follow @Filthierich and @MarkMan23 on twitter.
Little Note - The more we see the game, the more we want to play it. Its like Movie previews, don't let our expectations spoil us. We're all hoping for some good news about the game, but it will most likely be what we already know worded in a different way. 2012 is a long time from now, and a short time from....
so... what do we have to show for the supposed 1 hr 45 min window in that schedule? I guess there's always tomorrow

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