My Original Creations/Challenges of Beauty


[13] Hero
Since I finally got my copy of SCV, and played through it a little bit, there is no denying that I am a creation addict, being an artist and all. I figured I could share my creations.

Their stories are all based on the current timeline of Soul Calibur, with SCIV's story mode being some influence. There will be veterans, and there will be new characters (quite a lot of them) that I will create that hadn't been created on SCIV.

Alongside sharing my creations, I will also issue challenges for some of the characters, in case I can't decide on a proper costume for them. Where the challenges are is a mystery (mwahahahahaha). Critiques and Suggestions are welcome as well. I will be updating profiles along the way. If anyone just wants to go straight to the pictures, just click the "Costumes" spoiler under each name.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures. All I can say about that is.......f**k Microsoft. lol. BTW, if any links are broken, be sure to let me know. Photobucket is good at doing that.


Damiano (The African Representative)

Sayuri (My character formally named Harumi)



Riki (My depiction of Li Long and Chie's Son)

Huang Shu
The spoilers are fine, norik. Neatly packed with stuff. jtdam09, when Pocky Yoshi says "intriguing", it just means you have his attention and he hopes to see more. To keep it? Just keep on sharing.
Iga's primary and Sun's secondary are really pretty. I feel as though Huang could use some pants though. Oh, and the spoilers make browsing your thread really convenient. Keep up the good work!
Iga's primary and Sun's secondary are really pretty. I feel as though Huang could use some pants though. Oh, and the spoilers make browsing your thread really convenient. Keep up the good work!
Much appreciated.

I'm in process with some characters, just so people wanted to know. Not very 100% on them at the moment, but it's in planning. I've also Updated some outfits (Sayuri's primary, Ichirou's secondary), and that will be included sometime later.
It looks like you have an army of bureaucrats organizing your thread. An ARMY!
I will say it makes this thread unique, and I like how you in cooperated the challenges and the stages.
holy sh... if my room was as organized as your post i would never lose anything lol

your chars are pretty nice, and one thing i like about them is that upon armor break you still know what and who is the character, i´ve seen a lot of chars around here that look really awesome, neat and decorated, but when they suffer armor break, BOOOM, you are just fighting some dude/chick in a strage unitard or body suit with some strabge tattos
-Sayuri's Primary Updated
-Xiuying's Primary Updated
-Created Ichirou's Secondary Outfit

Now for some new characters. Didn't feel too much about completing their profiles, so I'll just add the tabs now and finish it later.

“Malevolence will suffer by my hands!”

Name: Camilla Borsheim
Birthplace: Copenhagen, Denmark-Norway
Age: 34
Blood Type: AB
Weapon: Sword and Shield (Soul of Patroklos)
Weapon Name:
Discipline: Taught by her father and eldest sister
Parents were killed by malfested
Three sisters and 6 nephew and nieces. 2nd eldest died from illness
Husband: Adolf
Daughter: Caja

Hovering around her eldest sister in the past, Camilla was once naive about her surroundings, but now she has grown to be a regal individual after witnessing so much war and bloodshed. She has a spiteful grudge towards the malfested and helps those who are against it. She vows to protect her family from the malfested as well. Her involvemen



"Power. If this is what vanquishes, then I must achieve it."

Name: Damiano
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Batta, Kingdom of Kongo
Age: 27
Blood Type: Unknown
Weapon: Spear (Soul of Xiba)
Weapon Name: King's Treasure
Discipline: Taught by his father
Mother died of childbirth
Father killed by Portuguese
Younger Siblings whereabouts are unknown
Wife and son were kidnapped by the Portuguese. It is assumed by Damiano that both were sold into slavery.

Damiano's struggling childhood and missing immediate family had affected him mentally. Damiano is always battle-ready and will not stop until that person retreats, or is killed, depending on the enemy. Damiano's greedy and ruthless aura comes about because of his need for power, against his enemies who have caused him trouble throughout his entire life, gathering so much angst against them. He never reveals his pain and suffering except behind closed doors.


In Progress

There is one more, but I have not named him yet. He is the "Persian" character.


Impressive, jtdam09! The amount of work that you've applied to each of them is painstakingly well thought and well written. I do wonder, though, if you're also a writer ~ or an even aspiring one like me, perhaps.... If so, that would explain your style of narrative in each of your character's profiles.

In any case, I humbly thank you for giving me yet another reason to continue doing CaS work of my own ~ as well as giving me another source of inspiration, too! m(_ _)m
Impressive, jtdam09! The amount of work that you've applied to each of them is painstakingly well thought and well written. I do wonder, though, if you're also a writer ~ or an even aspiring one like me, perhaps.... If so, that would explain your style of narrative in each of your character's profiles.

In any case, I humbly thank you for giving me yet another reason to continue doing CaS work of my own ~ as well as giving me another source of inspiration, too! m(_ _)m
I don't really have much of a desire in writing, but I do some forum-based RPG's from time to time to help improve on my literal/narrative field.

I am actually an artist.

Oh, and much appreciated.
And I was just telling someone else how awesome i thought it was to see stories in each character.
Why am I so blown away by seeing this?
Anyway, this is really interesting, stories, costumes, everything.