MLG Winter Championships Review by Alex Strife

Lets be honest.

As a viewer from home, MLG sucked. The twitch streams got canned, and you had to watch in their shitty little player with terrible quality.

There were commercials between every set and you only saw 1 match per ROUND.

There were large sections of time where there was absolutely no movement on the stream for me, other people I talked to had the same problems at different times.

As to the format problems, people say "that's how it has to be with an event like this." To which I respond, that is exactly why fighting games don't belong at events like MLG. It is a tremendously watered down version of what you can get elsewhere.
TL:DR - grow up, everybody, please?

bibulus: i agree that getting personal with interviews can benefit the event, and i like to see it. however, it became more of a mandatory chore than a fun addition in my opinion. the attitude, in my living room at least, among 6 of us, was, "ok that was we have to sit through the interview and two minute blackout." (my adblock made the commercial breaks into simply black screen timeouts)

as for all the criticism to the writeup...well, alexstrife DOES work for MLG. it isn't like he tried to surreptitiously do it from a non-biased perspective at all. i mean, if i worked for MLG i'd have been like "fuck NCR, our event was better and here is why; _____" i'd have done the same for any organization that i had a vested interest in.

i didn't promote it to the front page myself, but i also have no problem with it being there. i think more life on the page is almost always a good thing. hell, i'd have liked to see a similar writeup from an NCR staff member right after it for some fun hype and argument, but that is just me, and that is an argument to be held among site staff, elsewhere.

at the end of the day, the criticisms in the followup of this thread in an effort to avoid making the site look "second rate" and the bandwagon trolling that ensued are in fact what are making it look second rate.

i also hate the idea of positive and hyped up people coming anew to the community (AlexStrife), providing an excited write-up about events (biased or not), and then being trolled, publicly, and made to second guess doing it again.

wtf is wrong with everybody?

please limit yourselves to constructive criticism. this childish name calling and attempting to belittle the OP for no really justifiable reason is bullshit. if you don't like the politics on the front page, PM 8WR staff about it and let us handle it. the guy had every right to make his (well done) summary of MLG and post it. it isn't his fault it got on the front page and arguably didn't belong there. it is no reason to maliciously derail the followup discussion. i am embarrassed for all of us.


AlexStrife, please do not let this discussion...if you can call it that...dissuade you from actively participating in the forums here or promoting your events.

-edit- i stand corrected. i was under the impression he worked for MLG. everything else still stands, though.
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no one has said anything about the aftermath of the mlg event except Alex. i'll take that over nothing. also, the 8wayrun news section is updated like once a month. drama or not, this article is more than worthy of front page news. i don't care what it is, just give me something to read.
no one has said anything about the aftermatch of the mlg event except Alex. i'll take that over nothing. also, the 8wayrun news section is updated like once a month. drama or not, this article is more than worthy of front page news. i don't care what it is, just give me something to read.

Working on that soon, RTD. =)
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I had a blast at MLG. Shoutouts to the SCV community that showed up and tuned in.

Hope I was okay on the mic for those 3 match sets!