Maxi General Discussion

Yeah what krayzie said and also in between cancels such as 3b RO A -66k or 6a RO A(K)-66k and after charged LI B not saying its the best follow up its just something fun about tearing down soul gauge with :D
Yeah got the game by a fluke and hadent played a beat em up seriously before so I was eager to do so and I remembered soul blade from when I was a teen and that was hot sauce way back then. So calibur 4 came up so I thought gotta try to be good at this. I already watched that vid like a million times :D Its good stuff learned alot from it get most of the weird stuff in it to I think. BTW I know video is old but your step game in your mitsu vs maxi vid is just so friggin good im workin on that atm.
I'm with you on 66K, hotnikkelz, but I still disagree with you about 11A.

It may be good on block but 66K is a slow high with poor damage and tracking. In my eyes it's just a somewhat risky way to get in on people.

11A has a fantastic tech crouch that really wish was on a better move. It's slow, unsafe, and negative on hit. Despite the misleading animations it has the same range as 1A. If it weren't for that god damn beautiful TC I'd never even consider using 11A again.

By the way, I don't think I've ever expressed any appreciation for that video. But it was very helpful back when I picked up Maxi.
I said 11A was awesome a few pages ago=/

also krayzie use it online I do it all the time, I stopped caring about that "honorline" shit awhile ago it makes the game boring and nothing but frames and throws. the only thing I dont do is abuse slow knock down lows. I attack at - occasionally and do RC K only when i expect an AA

66K is a move I don't use but it seems good on paper I just can't fit it into my game plan there are alot of moves like that though =/ 66B+K,44K, and 2B included
Kvasir, i vaguely remember you and I arguing about the range of 11A lol :)

The TC is indeed fantastic though. As does 236K. I tihnk i should have started using that move often (when i was playing). It has weird and fluctuating frame data which makes it very safe. It's safe in general though on cancelled hits. hmm, to dust of sc4 and check, or to not dust off, that's the question. Hmm laziness :) it's a good move. What have you guys experienced with it? too linear maybe?
eh what else would you call throwing it at out in order cause someone to make mistakes? Didn't know what else to call it. does anyone have any use for 236A? that move seems like straight ass
If u suspect that they will stay on the ground throw that out and you will still be at advantage and in a position for stance wakeups of choise. Also useable as a tj punish. Ace move after rc A on airhit.
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I agree with wr3k. Also 236 A rings out to maxis right (I believe could be the other side) I use it on people that dont like to fall for tech traps and just lay there!! Like after 33bA RC A, 236A.

But if they tech left, you will not get the trip at the end and you will be at big time negative frames. Be mindful of your thoughts

HRD what in the name is WR 3K. Must I still punch ui in the nuts for your notations :)

LOL..I didnt see that. No not this time. Ive gotten my notations down pretty good now. *remembers the pain I went through*

I was refering that I agree with wr3kgoniz's statement. And instead of typing is whole name (which you have forced me to do...shame on you) i was short-cutting it!! I didnt notice it at the time....thats pretty funny!!
