Japanese or English Voices?

The only english voices I like more than the Japanese ones are Vader's, Tira's and Scheherazade's (yeah I spelled it).

Vader's is just awesome, especially his taunt "FOOOOOOOOOOOL". I don't know why people hate Tira's, I really like it. And Scheherazade's is just awesome because of how annoying it is. Love her taunt too "*grunts* you idiot!".

The english ones that I hate the most are Xianghua's and the CaS character voices.

Lizardman and Voldo's english voices are awesome too.
Scheherazade < Xianghua :P
I usually go for both,simply because some characters sound better with Japanese voice-overs and like-wise
with the english voices.
Quick little question here, do the characters say the same lines in English and Japanese?

I vastly prefer the English voices anyways, I like to know what they are saying and the Japanese actress who did Cassandra's voice just annoys me, making that not an option.
I usually keep it on the Japanese version for reminiscence sake. When S.C.1 came out on the DreamCast if I remember correctly, you couldn't change it to english. Or maybe I was just to stupid to check all the options, I don't really remember and my Dreamcast was stolen by a crackhead years ago so I cant check. But either way, that's how I remember S.C.1 so thats how I like to keep it.

Plus when Tira goes "I'll Kill You" it irritates me to no end.
I use both, but the English voices most of the time, also for wha I saw,some english lines are not the same from the japanese ones. I don't know japanese very well, but yeah some of them aren't the same.
I use the English voice sets. When I have friends that don't play SCIV much over to play the game, they're usually kind of wierded out from the start if I have the JP voice sets on.
Hearing Taki's Japanese Voice makes me want to quit the game.

Hearing Yoshi's Japanese Voice makes me shake my head.

Tira is the greatest

"I'm not ready to play yet!!"
"Here kitty kitty"
"I'll Shred ya to pieces"
"I'm going to Kill you"

Tira is the greatest
I like Sieg,Taki,Kilik,Cass,Hilde,Mina,Maxi,Nightmare and Xiangua's english voices other than that hate the english voices.
jepjep tiras english voice is great...but i`d prefer to play with jap voices..i love that ^^ oh and hildes english voice is terrible -.- oh and the funny thing is if nightmare taunts in japanese..in german it sounds like "schlumpf im spiel" that means "smurf in the game" XD hahaha
Japanese voices in general I find to be overrated. I wish you could do them character-by-character. I'm about 50/50 on the number I'd want English and the number I'd want in Japanese.

In general I just want them to make sense. I'd have Soph/Cass talking English for example, but Mitsu talking Japanese.
Only english chars I like are the SW chars. I wish you could turn them on in english only and everyone else in jp. SF4 has this option, it's genius imo.

Cass' english voice disturbs me. She sounds too old, serious, and kinda menacing. Since when was Cass supposed to be menacing? The jp voice is more lighthearted, kinda silly, clumsy. Much more what the char is supposed to be imo.

If you can understand the jp, it is definitely better on some chars. The stuff jp Tira says is pretty golden with the tone and expression she uses. Her english version is okay but it just sounds kinda cheesy hearing that personality type in english - it's a staple in anime after all.

Hilde's english voice is only good for one thing - the taunt lol. "Fight with fight with fight with fight with honor!" after doom combo never ever gets old.
I prefer Japanese voices becuase they actually sound pretty good... most of the English voices are good but i still dont like alot of them like: Astaroth sounds like Bowser from Super Mario Sunshine but angry and all of the create a character voices sound really corny (this is not all the voices i hate)! But then there are English voices i like: Nightmares!, sort of Siegfried's, Raphael!, Ivy still sounds nice and British, and Yoshimistsu still has his crazy voice...
btw is Siegfried still palyed by Crispin Freeman in this one if not than BLAH!
Gravedigging much? :D

Anyway, i use Japanese voices. Since I have no idea what they're saying, it makes me cringe less then the English stuff <.<
Namco should make a patch that'll allow us to give the characters that we want to speak english and japanese like SF4.

That option is bitchen!
I use English voices for a number of reasons. First, I don't think anyone is voiced so badly or with so little talent that it's intolerable. Also, I prefer to understand what the characters are saying. I can distinguish voice, tone, and emotion in English, while the Japanese to me just sounds like different people saying the same gibberish. I can't discern what personality the Japanese voices are meant to portray, and they take a lot from the character from my perspective.
Well I play in English, because all my mains (AMERICAN Darth Vader and Apprentice, Nightmare, Mitsu, Cervantes, Algol, Cassie, Sophie) have decent English voices. Plus, in English, Darth Vader probably wouldn't sound like (a fake but good) James Earl Jones anymore, and Cervantes would lose his awesome piratey accent (because I can't recognize different accents in Japanese). Kudos to Vader being voiced by the same guy who does the voice of Chad Vader in all those YouTube movies. Plus it always helps to understand what the characters are saying.

However, I can't stand Tira (Jolly Mode), Xianghua (when she's yelling), Mi-na, Kilik, Scheherazade, Yun-Seong and Talim. If I mained any of those people, I'd play in Japanese.

EDIT: I can tolerate Talim, she just sounds unrealistic.