I'm new to fighters..


Hi everyone. I'm new to fighting games. I'll be playing this game a LOT. Using Yoshimitsu right now.

I can't wait to see you guys at more events. I'm going to most likely be at all the major events that have SCV.

Take care and support 8WR! <3
I remember you sitting next to my friend Justin who pretended not to know me when I approached him at last years West Coast Warzone.... dick move on his part, but yeah. :P
Welcome! I see that you live in San Diego, CA. You should introduce yourself at our regional thread: http://8wayrun.com/threads/southern-california-kings-of-the-ant-hill.5596/ but I'm sure everyone knows who you are. :P
And look into attending one of our well known Maxi Players Tournament/Gathering on Feb 3rd.
I know that's a little too soon, at least for a tournament, but I mean hey, might as well start this game up with huge hype. ;)
Hope to see ya offline!
Hi everyone. I'm new to fighting games. I'll be playing this game a LOT. Using Yoshimitsu right now.

I can't wait to see you guys at more events. I'm going to most likely be at all the major events that have SCV.

Take care and support 8WR! <3

Hello, MarkMan, welcome to 8WAYRUN! I am one of the moderators of the New Player Arena alongside Senzait and Ghengis_John. Our purpose here is to help you with any questions you may have while browsing the website and to help you find your place within our community. Seeing that you're new to fighting games it might be in your best interest to familarize yourself with the many different terms, acronyms, abbreviations and etcetera you'll see here while you're reading. There is a thread in this very section that explains practically everything which you can find here: 8WR General Directory and Offline Matchfinder Reception. You can use this thread for reference if you see a term that you don't understand. You should also read the stickied threads at the SOULCALIBUR Tactics section to learn everything from basic attacks, to basic movement, all the way up to advanced techniques such as post-Impact mixups to keep your opponents guessing after they've been Guard Impacted.

If Yoshimitsu is your guy, then cudos to you! He is a very solid character that has an answer for practically everything. He can keep the pressure on his opponent and keep them guessing to avoid taking big damage. This makes for a very strong character in SOULCALIBUR so there's no doubt that you've made the right choice. You should check his Soul Arena many times everyday once the game is released as new information about him will be being posted constantly (You should also share your own discoveries as well if you wish). There is already a bit of information in his SC5 Soul Arena based on what people have seen in the demo build versions. You can check it out here: Yoshi SC5 Soul Arena to get your creative juices flowing. Bookmark this section as this will be your home base. If you have any questions about this character feel free to send HajimeOwari a message as he is the moderator for that section.

It's great news to see that you'll be going to as many major tournaments for SC5 as you can. The fighting game community is like one big happy family and you'll be treated like a brother at any of tournaments that you go to. For an up to date listing of the tournaments that are currently scheduled, please check the Tournaments Announcements section. The sooner you make plans for these tournaments, the more money you'll save on flights or bus tickets or however you plan on traveling, and if you post in the tournament threads that you're looking for roommates for a hotel room then you might save yourself even more money by splitting costs.

You seem like a great person so I wish you the best of luck in the future for your SOULCALIBUR career. If you have any questions about anything at all, feel free to send me, or one of the other moderators a PM and we'll be happy to help you. Again, welcome to 8WAYRUN!
Pocky Yoshi says hello and is pleased to meet you. *Squeals like a fangirl* Hooray, another Yoshi user has arrived......and did Pocky Yoshi mention he has some mod powers? You're not gonna scold me for saying that, are you Markman?
^.^ ok

I think I'm going to use Xiba first. Yoshi is fun but not as fun as SCIV :< (initially). x.x
Thus far I like how the game is panning out. I've been playing with NAMCO CM, Filthierich online and just trying to level up my knowledge. My favorite part of this entry into the series is the CPU AI. It is brutal (in the best way possible). It punishes/adjusts and maximizes potential (which is something you have to learn via trial by fire). I love it. I learn something new/useful by playing the CPU!? Who would have thought.
Hi everyone. I'm new to fighting games. I'll be playing this game a LOT. Using Yoshimitsu right now.

I can't wait to see you guys at more events. I'm going to most likely be at all the major events that have SCV.

Take care and support 8WR! <3

It's always nice to see new players joining the community, Markman. We used to have a guy by that name on the old soul calibur boards. Used to be a really cool guy then he got some sweet job and we didn't see him around much anymore. Hope you stick around a while.
lolol ow :(

hahaha, to be honest I don't post much anywhere anymore. But I am at all the fighting game events ;)

I'll be at all the SCV majors for sure.
Hi. I'm the usual scrub that talks a lot of nonsense and hopes to join competitive players someday...
All joking aside, I just wanted to make a new post here saying hi to everyone. I've been playing the soul series since the OG days of Edge/Blade. I played SCI and SCII the most. :)