How to spell the name of this game


[10] Knight
Before this game comes out, I'd just like to point out that you probably have been spelling the name of this game wrong for all your life. Here are some better ways to spell it.

Soulcalibur is the correct spelling that you'll see in most official work, including game manuals. If you don't believe me, go look them up, you will be amazed (I know I was when I learned this several years ago).

The following are spellings that I think are acceptable variations.

These, however, are unacceptable, though generally understood and even believed to be correct:
Soul Calibur
soul calibur
Soul calibur

The following spellings are completely unacceptable and you have no excuse for using them:
Soul caliber
Soul Caliber

The main point is that it's one word. If you haven't noticed by now, the name is derived from Excalibur, a single word. You would never spell that name Ex calibur, and you should likewise not do the same with Soulcalibur.

And this is my contribution to the community, the chance to avoid eternal embarrassment for systematically spelling their name wrong. As you can see, the wrong spelling is plastered all over these forums, in buttons, thread titles, and posts. Everyone should do their part to make these travesties become forgotten over time.
I have always called it Soulcalibur. Mainly because it is spelt like that on the side of the game box.
Spell check tends to not like the word "calibur", but loves the word caliber.

Especially since "calibur" is a semi-archaic word and "caliber" is not. Much like "dialogue" and "dialog", or "doughnut" and "donut". Or the fact that most people don't use "whose" anymore.

But you know, I'm sure most people tend to get "lead", "lead", and "led" wrong. Much like most people probably wouldn't know the difference between "lay", "lie", "lied", "laid", and "lain".

And I'm sure most grammar teachers would love to strangle writers who use "nor" instead of "or" when there's already a negative in their sentence. "Nor" will take the place of a singular negative, something like "not" or "didn't" or "no", but if you already have one of the above, just use "or" instead, not "nor".

Wouldn't've awesome if you could double contract just like I did? Unfortunately, we don't want you doing that too much, so it's also a misspelling. By the way, don't misspell the word "misspelling". Oh, and the only other case where you could use a double contraction would be "shouldn't've".

In short, don't misspell Soul Calibur. It is two words - a title if you will - and while some groups or marketing might spell it as one word or two, always know that it carries a "u". And if you can't remember that, just spell with an
"SC" and leave it like that.
It's standard in all game manuals for titles to be printed all caps, as well as certain things like PLAYSTATION in the PS3 era and MAIN POWER. That doesn't make it proper for normal written use. If it is all caps, that looks really stupid and should be spelled wrong for the sake of sanity.
If they wanted to emphasize that SC is one word, you should take a look at the SC3 front cover: that's how it SHOULD look for one word.

Then look at the front cover of SC1, 2, 4, and 5 and tell me it doesn't look A LOT more like two. You can't blame people for thinking it's two words...
Jokes aside, people on the internet can't spell. Even on this forum we have different spellings, so I'm not expecting anything to change.

Also, this thread has been moved for those who want to continue discussing. If not, then there are other threads to read.
While we're on this topic, it's OOFMATIC.

The following spelling variations are also acceptable:

Mr. Ooooofmatic

The following spelling variations are unacceptable:


Get it right people!
Before this game comes out, I'd just like to point out that you probably have been spelling the name of this game wrong for all your life. Here are some better ways to spell it.

Soulcalibur is the correct spelling that you'll see in most official work, including game manuals. If you don't believe me, go look them up, you will be amazed (I know I was when I learned this several years ago).

The following are spellings that I think are acceptable variations.

These, however, are unacceptable, though generally understood and even believed to be correct:
Soul Calibur
soul calibur
Soul calibur

The following spellings are completely unacceptable and you have no excuse for using them:
Soul caliber
Soul Caliber

The main point is that it's one word. If you haven't noticed by now, the name is derived from Excalibur, a single word. You would never spell that name Ex calibur, and you should likewise not do the same with Soulcalibur.

And this is my contribution to the community, the chance to avoid eternal embarrassment for systematically spelling their name wrong. As you can see, the wrong spelling is plastered all over these forums, in buttons, thread titles, and posts. Everyone should do their part to make these travesties become forgotten over time.
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