how much life is left in SC5


[08] Mercenary
i havent played sc5 since the first month after it came out and had an itch to start playing sc5 again but if the game is dead i dont wanna invest the time if another SC ic coming out soon so i was wondering what the status of the game is especially since i hear there is a strong SC community near me (east bay Norcal)
i havent played sc5 since the first month after it came out and had an itch to start playing sc5 again but if the game is dead i dont wanna invest the time if another SC ic coming out soon so i was wondering what the status of the game is especially since i hear there is a strong SC community near me (east bay Norcal)
Now days, it's a little rough in the west coast seeing as how it wasn't in SCR or NCR. But we do a house tournament called Exit Wounds up in NorCal. About 20 people showed up, although it's kinda small in numbers, the atmosphere was amazing.
When I say rough, ir doesn't mean people aren't active. There were plenty of people planning to make it to SCR, but no one knows why it's not included.
where in norcal im in san pablo near hilltop mall its been a while (2+years ) since i last played but i would come through to see how bad ive become
Here in the Toronto, Canadian community one person is planning on either having a reunion type of gathering or a mini tournament. As of now the Toronto thread looks pretty dead, but it is said that its Facebook community is active.
I think that Soul Calibur V will still go on until the arrival of Soul Calibur VI, because "Lost Swords" is a epic fail and disgrace for the Soul Calibur series.
There will always be people playing whatever the most recent iteration of SC is, that's just how the community is. You can always check in the tournament postings and regional threads to see what's going on where.
I feel 5 wont die completely til some time after 6's release. and even after the release of 6 (granting its only on ps4/ xbox1) people who dont have the next gen will still be playing it so probably a while to be honest.
I'm still finding people on SCIV on xbox, the only people playing are noobs and die hard veterans like myself, i will keep playing until the 360 dies...