Hoshino silenced by Namco? News from Harada

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As most of you may know by now, Hoshino (@hoshino_calibur), who is the director of the Soulcalibur series as of 2013, has not been actively communicating with other users on Twitter. It is currently a Soulcalibur news station and not the voice or thoughts of the director himself. We generally see Twitter accounts for both game news and for the leading director when we take a look at other fighting games.

Why is Soulcalibur so different in comparison? Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN), the director of the TEKKEN series, had this to say on Twitter yesterday in reply to a comment aimed at him.

Harada in 2015 also had this to say.

Why is Hoshino not allowed to communicate with the fans of the game? It seems like an odd decision from a fan perspective. The only way I am able to rationalize this, is that Namco higher-ups may want to keep the future of Soulcalibur a secret. That way any other games they are trying to market (*cough* Tekken 7 *cough*) will have less divided attention. Is this the correct way to handle the social media aspect for the Soulcalibur series? Only time can tell.
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Michael Stabile

Michael Stabile

Makes you wonder doesn't it? It's a shame that he isn't allowed to speak with fans, it seems pretty petty in a way. But you never know: They could have something in the works? All we can do is wait, because we haven't been doing enough of that already :P, and see. :)
It sounds like they'd just rather have their PR team run that Twitter account. I doubt this is because they're afraid one of their directors would leak major information (especially if he's under NDA about it).

Still, since there isn't really a videogame press (just a bunch of sites running native advertisements that they call "reviews" or "articles"), the lack of transparency is troubling.
Preventing him from conversing with the fans doesn't make sense. Especially when whoever is running the FB page is allowed to do so.


Wonder if they wanted to avoid another let down mishaps like with Daishi. Dude kept dropping massive hints like 'Viola' would be important in the story then she ended up with like 3 lines. Also, if everyone knew that Hoshino can never reply, no one will really care to blow up his twitter if something goes wrong since everyone thinks it's dead or knows he doesn't respond.
P.S hence why I didn't bother saying on his Twitter SC: Lost swords sucked ass.
Agreed with darkwings13. Daishi's overcommunication transformed his statements into "lies" (we took everything for granted). Yet here it's another extreme point of view: they prefer no communication over a faux pas.

If it's a lack of communication for a better SC6, it might be worth the wait, but if they're working on something half-assed and don't "introduce" their ideas to the community... Bamco will get backlashed xD (Even thoughwe don't have much weight)

The only thing I hope is that they will allow the community to participate and give pieces of advice: we managed to change awful ZWEI into acceptable ZWEI, so let's hope they'll listen to us if something is not good about SC6 ^^
Well i hope he communicates with the fans more when the game is announced. To give & receive feedback on FB. The character poll is an excellent move on their part to determine the roster of SCVI.
Soon, Never and When they feel like it. usually interchangeable to better suit their goals at the time they use this expression.
(with this kind of language no wonder they need a shit-ton of lawyers around)
Agreed with darkwings13. Daishi's overcommunication transformed his statements into "lies" (we took everything for granted). Yet here it's another extreme point of view: they prefer no communication over a faux pas.

If it's a lack of communication for a better SC6, it might be worth the wait, but if they're working on something half-assed and don't "introduce" their ideas to the community... Bamco will get backlashed xD (Even thoughwe don't have much weight)

The only thing I hope is that they will allow the community to participate and give pieces of advice: we managed to change awful ZWEI into acceptable ZWEI, so let's hope they'll listen to us if something is not good about SC6 ^^
there is nothing acceptable about zwei
Well, I can back it up right now, if you like. He has no meterless punishment untill i19, and no meter punishment untill i17. He has an i14 AA for absolutely no reason, no useful lows besides 2K, good stepkill, and pretty much everything involving EIN is a gimmick. He is unreasonably bad.

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