Here, have some feminism

I'm so tired of people blaming everyone else for there problems. Degredation? Why would you let anyone, let alone a whole sex have that kind of power over you or yours? Talking about we fucked up your self-esteem. It's called SELF-esteem bitch!
I'm all for EQUAL rights between sexes... that being said, I hate feminists, because for them its NOT about equal rights between the sexes. With most feminists, its about BRINGING MEN DOWN, instead of BRINGING WOMEN UP. Yes, you can have equal rights for both men and women, but in order for this, you should give more rights to women, not take rights away from men.
I'm sorry. I tried to watch the video but unfortunately I don't understand dumb people language.
My thoughts equate to this:

I respect a woman more if she doesn't dress like a skank or act like one.
These days, certain women want to date a man who's got a swag or whatever.
And some of these certain women end up becoming the bait for these "hit it and quit it" dudes.
And now thus that's how some drama queens are born.
That's what some of you women get for letting the man in your pants.
If that man loved you, he would respect your wishes and not bang you.
I had to watch it again for this line:

"You do not need to beat us, for us to believe in you."
XD even though meant to be serious, I fucking lol'd.
I'm not even going to bother watching that because feminists just make me facepalm. :|

Take a look see!
BTW, I think that chick is Sexist always talking bout men raping and beating girls!
Men get raped by chicks and beat by em too! (Even though we might like it)
She needs a cock badly! On my list of most hated groups of people, feminists place #3, under PETA members and scientologists o_O.
agreed with Jaxel

Now, here are some readings:
double post

this guy

shameless plug
She needs a cock badly! On my list of most hated groups of people, feminists place #3, under PETA members and scientologists o_O.

I would add Jehovah's Witnesses. I've blasted a few with a hose trying to convert me to their heathen religion.

"No I do not want your dumbass magazine." [blast]
I disagree with that site's viewpoint almost entirely. However, it still is an interesting read. Bit too extreme.

It's Maddox, it's a joke site lol. He did manage to rickroll Dr. Phil and some fat bitch on youtube with it though, which was hilarious. I'm sure the vid is on there somewhere, they took that shit seriously, and bitch got straight up OWNED.
Huh. Here, let's have some feminism. Let's have somebody who's trying to talk about something important, even if they haven't quite managed to think everything through, even if they sound extreme to some of her listeners, and let's just dismiss it out of hand with snark and name-calling and douchebaggery.

I'm glad that everybody took the time to actually address anything she said, instead of just blanketing it with "bitch," and "stupidity," and tired old generalizations that you read once in I'm glad you seem to assume that everybody on this site with a pair of testicles shares your opinion. I'm glad you're proud of hating feminists. It makes me so goddam proud to be a man.

That's SO AWESOME, you guys. Way to go.

EDIT: Look, as I write this, my three month old twin daughters are sleeping in the other room. They have no idea what they're in for. They think everybody loves them. They don't know about rape, they don't know that some people will think they belong in the kitchen frying up eggs and bacon, they've never heard the word "bitch," or "slut," or "whore." This is the internet; this is America; you have a right to your opinion, or what you think is your opinion, even when it's just some shit you're spouting because you think it's funny. But I'm telling you: if I ever hear anybody say this kind of stuff in real life about my daughters, or my girlfriend, or somebody I know, they're going to need to take a really deep breath, because the next thing they'll know their lungs will be on the floor. That's all.
Is it an oxy moron if feminists say they want to be treated the same as men and they want equality but when a dude hits them they say "You cant hit me Im a girl!" Im very confused by feminists =/

Oh and I dont ever hit girls or do anything disrespectful by the way and I completely disagree with everything that bald faggot who wears sunglasses indoors..guys like him are the reason we have feminists
Is it an oxy moron if feminists say they want to be treated the same as men and they want equality but when a dude hits them they say "You cant hit me Im a girl!" Im very confused by feminists =/

Those kinda people only want equality when it benefits them.