Help get SCV to CEO2013

Jebailey, host of Community Effort Orlando, Florida's own major, has stated that SoulCalibur V will be a side tournament at CEO2013, provided there is enough support.


If you believe you can make it, and want to see SCV there, then write a comment here: Jebailey has stated that we will need at least 32 people in order for SC5 to have a tournament. In addition, should we get that many, top 3 will be streamed.

I've attended CEO for the past two years now, and each time I've had a blast. The venue is absolutely fantastic, and Jebailey runs the event very well. It would be a shame if SC5 was excluded from this year's CEO, so let's make it happen!
We are currently at ~15 right now. 19 People have liked the page though so it could be more. We just need a few more and then he will make it a spot to sign up for on the registration.
This would be another tourney I'd like to and probably could attend. You've got my vote. Also you Florida dewds better roll deep, you all have talent down there.
Wow we are at 31 in just 1 day, that is awesome. Just sent Jebailey an email asking to be put on registration now so well see what happens.

Ok so he wants us to hit 40 just to be safe since if we sit at 32 and people back out it'll be a small turnout. Shouldn't be a problem though as we only advertised for 1 day so far.
I posted a Tweet about it to help push it

Personally I love and played a ton of SCV when it came out so I'm a fan of the game. I hosted it though at 2/3 CEO monthlies and each time the number dropped from double digits to single to literally one guy at my 300 man event back in November. CEO is stacked with games this year and I'm not a fan of adding more and more games just to cram more people so I can stay organized and on top of everything but you guys are really speaking out about it so I hope you pull through. The more that show up the more I can push you guys schedule wise and hopefully even Stream time. I just didn't want to host a game with such a low turnout that it continues and then the players get mad at themselves and their community that nobody showed up, that's never fun.

Keep it coming, I'm listening.
We are sitting at ~ 38-40 ATM so we should be good to get a registration spot. More is always welcome though.

This is out latest hurdle in getting a spot: "If I host it can you guys help with a couple setups? I can make Evo monitors available for you. "
I offered to bring at least 1 PS3 and 1 game. I possibly can get 2 PS3 and 2 games. Anyone else willing to help out with equipment?
You know it son! Also, CEO starts on the day of my birthday, so it'd be nice to see the sunshine state. The more I play offline the harder its gets to settle for online. It just isn't the same game.

P.S. I'll also be attending ECT since I have that weekend off as well.

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