Fc a+bb

i dont know if this belongs in here. but, i've got this move pretty down pat, and i was wondering... what are you guys using after a blocked FC A+BBBB...? by the way, once you have this move down you wont be able to stop doing it. 1k, to either command throw or FC A+BBB... just so much fun. if they try to interrupt after 1k, throw out 6k for your frame trap. wash, rinse, repeat.

SO what do you do against characters that can beat/trade with your 1k 6k frame trap then? I've got a few things, I'm just curious as to how much thought you've given this.
not to much thought... i dont play this game too hardcore. although i wish i could (just not enough time in the day) i was unaware of any moves that are i9 or faster that trade or beat 1K, 6K frame trap. if those moves are highs then you can stay ducked and punish. if they are mids then im at a loss for words about what to do then. any insight you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Hey hey,

dont take that Frame Data for 1K out of the Frame Data :)

1K is +1, not +5. Dont ask what the fuck happened there when i came up with +5. Was like 5 am in the morning. Another mistake, 11K is now unsafe Postpatch, -15 on Block and i think 0 on Hit.

For Post 1K on Hit, most Moves that trade are 2As, 1K leaves in FC, so Yoshi/Taki AAs are not a Problem. You can easily iTP the Sub Mids, cause the Tech Jump of iTP starts around Frame 7. I have to admit, im not a Pro when it comes to iTP, but i can do it a lot better from Hitframes or block than from neutral. Especially from Crouch, dont ask why. If you dont want to iTP you can 22K 2As, Auto GI is ok for this one, Ringouts and is safe. But slow.

But still stuff like Sophies 6A will catch you, so it will always be a Step/iTP/6K or 6A etc etc Mindgame....+1 is just not enough to have all options on your side imo.
wow... all this time i was thinking 1K is +5. ah well. so much for a frame trap lol. thanks for the input doc. on a side note... is there anything else wrong with cervy's frame data? just want to save myself some future frustration.
Most of it should be pretty accurate, just 1K and 11K are false. Its known quite a while, but the Mod did not change this till now.

Im going to reckeck all of the data next week, though.
I don't think I'll be able to perform FC A+BBB on my control pad. My settings are like this:

L1=None (I don't even use this button at all)
the rest are at the default.

not too sure if assigning L1 to B would make a difference though.

Back in SC3 I use the right analogue and flip it up and down during FC A+B and it works pretty well. Too bad that isn't in SC4 anymore.
i dont know if this belongs in here. but, i've got this move pretty down pat, and i was wondering... what are you guys using after a blocked FC A+BBBB...? by the way, once you have this move down you wont be able to stop doing it. 1k, to either command throw or FC A+BBB... just so much fun. if they try to interrupt after 1k, throw out 6k for your frame trap. wash, rinse, repeat.

1A or 44K but it's quite rare, they generally eat it or I don't do the last B and I'm unsafe :|

franman : you have 2 B binded (R1 and Triange I guess), it's the mminimum, 3 is better.
You can assign L1 to B or B+K. you just need to press them really quickly =)

You can remove R2 also, pressing R1 + L2 will launch the critical finish
I can't believe this is even a discussion, who has Germany played outside of their own group? I hate to even bring up SC2, but were they even at the world championship in France? You guys are lookin a lot like Poland right now, sitting around playing each other claiming to be elite players.

Just as expected from a player claiming to be a top one.
Which country has the most WCG player right now? Germany.
However, this seems to be a country specific preconception.
Good luck with your kind of gaming.
lol WCG hasn't had Soul Calibur yet, kid.

Anyway yeah I changed the frame data for 11k but I thought 1k was already fixed, didn't even look at it lol.
this statement was for competetive gaming in general paps, but i guess we`re missing the goal of this thread with our useless discussion.
FC A+B:B:B is worth the effort...10 times worth the 1k/1kk strat.
@ and what do u mean with: i stoped reading by passing the name Jag the Gemini?
do u think that youre going to crush him in offline gaming or sc in general?
Please don't insult Germany. I'm interested in seeing strong commitment in Soul Calibur and simply by degrading any nation with insults like that are no way to promote strong commitment.

I'll see what I can do with FC A+BBB.
...I came in here to read about strat and I find this shit.


I just started messing around with this at Spmans behest. I think they may have made it easier. I have the Hori stick and I just used my normal B, and L2 as be and take my hand off the stick to do it. I find it relatively easy considering how hard it was.

I think if people can get it under control, it could be a huge part of cervy's game. It allows him to keep pressure on, and it pushes characters like Taki out of their range. It gives cervy a legit threat to soul gauge which didn't see very likely without this move.
so does anyone care to actually explain how to perform this move. all i see is opinions on when to do it vs other moves and its tech catch ability. the OP asked how to perform it and i think i saw one post saying to bind a bunch of buttons together.

well how about the people who dont want to button map at all. i enjoy the default settings of the game as that is how i was taught to play through tekken and you cant change them at a tourney so why would i do that here? are we allowed to button map at SC tourneys? that would be pretty lame imo...

last time i played SC it was called Soul Blade (yes i was young and had no idea that later in life this game would be a major part of it. lol)

do any of you use the Type B settings? i see where that can be beneficial but i suck at it because my buttons on my stick arent very responsive. i gotta get new ones..

but back to my question one last time:

how do you guys perform FC A+BBBBB without changing the buttons and without mashing it out. i dont like to look or sound scrubby by doing more than what the move list tells me( people who button mash should just die) JUST LEARN PROPER TIMING AND RECOVERY!! lol

im on type a settings right now so if someone could please answer the question directly without beating around the question without an answer.

dont say "i can do it 85%" and then not say how you have gotten to that point but if you are a masher just dont respond at all
you HAVE to map a extra B to do this move and you HAVE to mash to get this move. There is no "timing" required, you have to get as many B inputs in as possible. The thing is that with cervantes you just can't mash on several B buttons at the same time or this move just becomes impossible. You have to have a rhythm because pressing 2 B buttons at the same time does not register as 2 inputs but as 1 input. Once you have the rhythm then then fcA+BBBBB comes out much easier.

I use a SC4 hori and use the type B settings. I change X to B and thats the only change I make. I use 2 hands when mashing the move out. I take my left hand off of my stick and use it to mash on X. I find this to be the easiest way.
I owe SPMAN an apology. This move is good shit now that I can do it without giving myself carpal tunnel...
After looking at Spman's vids of how he uses FC A+B BBB it seems very convincing I'm slowly gonna learn this move.