favola nova crystalis (final fantasy xiii series.)


[12] Conqueror
so.... new trailers for all three games are out...
square enix are taking the trailers off the web.. but here they are for you to enjoy while you can..

final fantasy type 0 (ex- agito) (psp)


Final fantasy vs xiii (ps3)

final fantasy xiii-2 (ps3, xbox360)

enjoy the trailers.

well.. they're gone now.. but hd versions for these trailers should be up on Jan. 27th on their official respective pages. (^ ^)V
FFXIII was the worst FF game ever made... it does not need a sequel.

Tetsuya Nomura should do everything he can to distance Versus XIII from XIII. The game seems completely different, so why doesn't he just call it Final Fantasy XV?
man, i don't know... I found FFxiii to be entertaining. it's definitely not the best game in the series, but I found myself enjoying it. I figure if they released it as a full on cg movie, i might have enjoyed it even more.
but for what it is... i enjoyed it.
as for the sequel, may not need one, but if there's a profit to be made.. then a sequel will be made. I'll give it a looksie.

i've been more interested in vsxiii since i first saw that cg trailer. seeing the gameplay... man. that really is final fantasy meets kingdom hearts. but it's all a part of that trio of games.. since the concept is fabola novela crystalis or however it's spelled.. i'm not hatin on it being an iteration of xiii.

i'm also interested in type 0 now... looking at that trailer, it just seems like an epic game. 2 umds? hot damn... hot damn.

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suphy: yeah.. Ign has the english version of the trailer for ffxiii-2 on their webbie.


again the other trailers will be up again on the 27th of Jan on their respective sites.

chuck: I hate to say it, but I'm kinda looking forward to the sequel of ffxiii-2... I mean, i didn't hate it.. and
the story was okay, so I guess i can deal with it.

to anyone who's dying for a new kingdom hearts... get final fantasy vs xiii. that game should be able to tie you over until KH 3, 6 years from now...
Versus XIII looks slick, but until I know more. I'm not committing as I am already not an RPG kinda guy(and never been a big FF fan. Last one I actually played all the way through was FF on the NES). Though I do enjoy them from time to time.

EDIT: Did the video for VS13 have gameplay footage? I havn't seen it.(Although, out of all those, that game has my attention)
short answer.. yes. the video for vs 13 not only had gameplay footage, it also had a HUD as well as voice overs for certain scenes...
since the trailer will be back up in HD on the 27th of jan... you can see it then, but if you look for it now, you can still find cam versions of it..

both type 0 ( ex 13 agito) and vs13 look freaking sick!
Any word on what's changing between Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2 besides putting Lightning in an outfit that's gonna keep Volpin Props busy for a couple of months?

I'm just kind of academically curious how they plan to win people over who might not have liked the first one. I meant to play it but didn't. I heard all the complaints but I make no judgment. Combat system actually looked fun to me.

Also- Hey, I know that voice actress. Liara T'soni.
all i understand is that they are taking fan "input" into consideration as they are developing this game. not much else is said... i'd wait for E3, Gamescon, and TGS for more information on this game.

I swear Square pisses me off more then the bastards at Capcom have a tendency to do. (DmC... What. The. Hell...)

I can't believe they're making a 13-2! Where the hell is KH3 I had to sit through spin off (Okay, BBS and Days were pretty good) over half assed remake (Re:Chain of memories was worse then a GBA game!? WTF!?) over horrible port! (Re:Code = Re:Garbage. Yes, played it, hated it.) So instead of KH3, they give us a sequel to a game that really didn't profit them more then the classic that were 10 X better!


And like they said, it's just a port, not even a remake...

To be fair, Square always had a fan base that hates them for ridiculous reasons. Argued with plenty of FF fans about Zidane's heterosexuality, Tidus not being a complete cry baby, Squall being more bad ass then Cloud, Cloud actually being the cause of the Emo Epidemic.... Whatever. But I'm starting to see the Darkside of the FF fan boy force because lately, some time it seems like Square just doesn't care about fan loyalty.

Not mad they're making a FFXIII-2. Not excited, just not mad. Infact, even though 13 was my second least liked FF (12 took that spot. Van looks like a flamer) I liked the characters alot more then the last one, the graphics were AMAZING, and I really did enjoy the battle system. It's just...I WANT KH3! Or atleast VersusXIII! Versus 13 looked better when it was first announced, anyway.Gawd!

Sorry for that rant... Lot of bent up emotions there. I'm good, though. Fang, Snow, Lightning, and Zazh are great characters, in that order. Actually, really did like the cast. Just Hope the game isn't so linear then it's predecessor.
for anyone curious... here's a link to an interview giving some more details on final fantasy vs xiii...


interesting read...

also, this is a translated famitsu interview i got from finalfantasy-xiii.net

The Final Fantasy XIII-2 part of the Premier event began with the first ever formal description of the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythology. This took the form of a five minute narrated animation clip.
Kitase said that the reason they decided to show this now is because they felt that by showing the overall image of the mythology, players would be able to understand it better. The Premier event would be a perfect chance to do this because Final Fantasy Type-0′s release was approaching and they wanted to give the Fabula series a restart.
The video was created by a team headed up by Yusuke Naora (who’s serving as art director on Type-0). The text of the narration was arranged from the mythology book that was created by Kazushige Nojima (who’s heading up the scenario on Versus XIII). Noejima’s book goes into greater detail, telling the feelings of the various gods, for instance.
Kitase joked that the mythology was written five years back and Noejima’s book has been sealed away since then. They had to take it out just for the Premier event.
You can see a translation of the mythology that’s read in the trailer clip at this blog.
The trailer did not show the gods in human form, Famitsu noted. The reason for this, explained Kitase, is that if you use a human form to depict the gods, their image becomes fixed, and the various Fabula series titles would be prevented from having their own interpretation. They decided to go with the forms used in the trailer after considering how to allow the mythology’s image to expand and not get tied down.
You can actually see a sort of humanish form for the mythology’s gods in the Fabula Nova Crystallis logo. The figure shown in the logo is one of the gods. Kitase wouldn’t say which god it is, though, suggesting that players consider it for themselves.
One thing you might not have noticed is that the logo has changed a bit. It no longer says “XIII.” The Fabula Nova Crystallis project was originally announced as Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII, but the XIII is no longer there, neither in the name nor the logo. The reason for the name change, said Kitase, is that Final Fantasy Agito XIII was changed to Final Fantasy Type-0 but is still a member of the Fabula project, so having a XIII in the project name would have been an issue.

The Final Fantasy XIII-2 part of the interview is story focused, so those who haven’t finished FFXIII may want to avoid reading the summary. I ain’t spoiler taggin’ nothin’.
Famitsu first asked for a recap of how the project came to be. The main reason they decided to make a sequel, said Toriyama, is that there was demand throughout the world. In addition to this, Toriyama and the development staff wanted to portray the Lightning character further. The original FFXIII ended with a lingering question: is Lightning really happy? Final Fantasy XIII-2 will come to a clear conclusion.
The “Episode I” after story novella that was included as a bonus with the first print run of the Japanese Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII serves as the prologue of XIII-2. Famitsu pointed out that Episode I shows the various characters from FFXIII returning to their normal lives. Does this mean that Lightning will be on her own? Also, Famitsu asked, will the purpose of Lightning’s new journey be to find a method of helping Vanille and Fang?
Regarding the latter point, Toriyama noted that being helped by the sacrifice of the two characters left a wound in the hearts of everyone. The story will of course show not just Lightning, but the other allies who were hurt by that, Toriyama assured. Additionally, there will be a number of new characters.
Similar to the Dengeki interview, Famitsu’s interviewers asked if there would be any Final Fantasy X-2 style dancing and singing in XIII-2. XIII-2 will have have a serious direction, Kitase replied. Toriyama noted that considering Vanille and Fang are gone and the world is in a state where Cocoon had fallen, there’s no way for the new story to be totally peaceful. XIII-2 will have a darker and more mysterious side over XIII.
Famitsu asked if XIII-2 will possibly being set in the dark world that Lightning is wandering around in at the end of the Episode I novella. Toriyama responded that the principal setting will be different from that of XIII, but he assured that the FFXIII world will be in the game in some form.
As part of the story of the original, Lightning has lost her l’Cie abilities (summons, casting magic, etc.). In response to this observation from Famitsu, Toriyama joked that perhaps Lightning has become an even more incredible existence than a l’Cie. Famitsu countered that she certainly has become sexier. Toriyama responded that even though she’s probably more explosed (I must be missing something here because she doesn’t look more exposed to me!), similar to the original, they’re valuing her refined and noble qualities. He added that her clothing has a more fantasy feel to it this time, and the design of her weapons and other such items will match.
Commenting on the trailer, Famitsu noted that there’s a scene which shows Lightning standing in front of what looks like an alter. That’s actually not an altar but a seat, corrected Toriyama, and it has great significance.
Famitsu also pointed out that when Lighthing and the mysterious new guy shown in the trailer line up back to back, they look like angel and devil. “Which is the angel and which is the devil?” joked Toriyama. He added, Lightning has a new mission this time, and as she attempts to fulfill this mission, she’ll end up in a confrontation with the guy. He’s a powerful character who can fight on equivalent ground with Lightning, the hero who saved the world.
One final point: if you have Final Fantasy XIII save data, you may want to hold on to it. The team is investigating the possibility of giving something to players who have save data in place.

[on final fantasy type-o (ex agito xiii)]

The title has been rebooted which is part of the reason the name has been changed to Type-0. It’s also to make it independent from the rest of the XIII games. Type-0 was chosen to signify the beginning of what they consider to be a new series. Although they can’t confirm Type-0 may receive its own sequels, they want to raise the importance of the title. The new logo’s hand written kanji is actually written by the same person who wrote the kanji for the Shinra logo in FFVII. The word “Agito” still has relevance though as it is used in the games world to define a “messiah” or “saviour”. The word “Finis” is also mentioned in the trailer which refers to “destruction” or “chaos”.
Machina and Rem who were revealed in the latest piece of artwork are the protagonists companions. They will be the most important characters in the story but the majority of the game will be played with the 12 “trainees” which you also take control of in the game. You’ll be limited to using three of these characters in battle at once. However, if one of those characters dies in battle, they will be automatically replaced with one of the remaining characters on standby.
Multiplayer allows another player to jump in and help someone during battle. The other player will only be allowed 3 minutes to intervene though and once that time is up, they’re kicked out of the battle. Depending on how well the player helps the host in those 3 minutes, will determine what kind of bonus they’ll receive.
The game will include an experience point system as well as enhanced abilities being learnt when leveling and accessories which can be equipped. There will also be a customisable magic system allowing the player to use it more strategically e.g. Using Fire for longer period causing low damage or for a shorter period with high damage. Stronger magic of the same type (Fire, Fira, Firaga) no longer exists but the basic magic becomes stronger with more use. Summons make an appearance again but they will have a time limit.
Concerning development, the game is approximately 60% complete and will span two UMDs to allow them to avoid cutting out any content. They plan to polish the title until the last minute before release this summer.

have fun folks!​
Thanks for the read. I hate that FF13 is getting a sequel but who knew there was demand for one. I am so hype.
for anyone curious... here's a link to an interview giving some more details on final fantasy vs xiii...

There will also be a customisable magic system allowing the player to use it more strategically e.g. Using Fire for longer period causing low damage or for a shorter period with high damage. Stronger magic of the same type (Fire, Fira, Firaga) no longer exists but the basic magic becomes stronger with more use. Summons make an appearance again but they will have a time limit.

Wait.... what? Using "Fire" multiple times makes it stronger, maybe even evolving it into "Fira" and then "Firaga"... but using "Fire" for a longer period weakens it? So, can you cast "Fire" as a flame thrower instead of a ball of flame projectile? So many questions.

The new Lightning looks sexier and more bad ass! Will concur on that. I guess they mean she is showing more upper leg/thigh in her armor.
I'm" absolutely shocked that XIII is getting a sequel. It wasn't a bad game it just didn't meet my expectations for a FF game (though I dislike linear games in general), however if there is money to be made from it then why not? I didn't think that XIII's success gave it enough merit for a sequel. FFX is probably the most overrated game of all time but I can still see why that got a sequel without being biased. I'm" looking forward to Versus XIII and Agito XIII however, as I think they will bring somthing different to the Final Fantasy franchise.