EVO Update: Top 8

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With the rest of the mods enjoying the nice, cool Vegas casino weather, I felt it was appropriate to update everyone with how yesterday's matches went if for whatever reason you're having trouble (like I initially was) finding the results/brackets, or maybe you're just new to the scene and not quite sure where to go for information.

With a full day off today (Saturday) before they finish out top 8 (Sunday), you gotta keep yourself occupied somehow, right? If you haven't been paying attention to the biggest and hypest tournament in the world, you'll be in for some surprises

Top 8

Xephukai (USA) - Asta (also, Patroklos)
Something-Unique (USA) - Pyrrha
Shen Chan (SG) - Cervantes
CRNA|Ruka (JAP) - Patroklos

Kura (KOR) - Patroklos
Woahhzz (USA) - Alpha Patroklos
Shining Decapon (JAP) - Tira
Kamaage (JAP) - Mitsurugi


-France out!
In a surprising turn of events, both Keev and Kayane lost some tough (extremely hype) matches. Keev now has himself an official EVO nemesis having both losses come from the same player. [NOTE: The EVO bracket is incorrect for the Keev/Kura match; Keev did NOT win that match.]

-International players sans France having a strong performance!
If you were watching the stream and listening to the commentary, you probably noticed that even players like Bibulus were taken aback by the performance of foreign players not normally known for their SC dominance, such as the Singaporeans.

-MAJOR comebacks!
Although this is certainly true for many specific matches (there were SO many close matches to even begin to list), there were some players that have straight-up faced the gauntlet in terms of their bracket. Kamaage (who you'll notice is in the loser's side of top 8) was knocked into the loser's side second round... and hasn't looked back since, stringing along an impressive number of wins to get in to the final 8.

-Some interesting character selections...
We knew we were going to see a lot of Nightmare, Natsu, Mitsu and Violas (to name a few), but... regular Patroklos? Three of the top 8 are regular P players, and Xeph used him in certain match-ups. Looks like that shin kick is making waves. Not to mention, there's even a Japanese Tira that sneaked in there... although his dominance in some matches would certainly mock my use of the word "sneaked."

-Word of the day: Execution
Not just in the sense of killing someone (metaphorically speaking, of course), but also technical execution. So many rounds and matches were won because of clutch, high-difficulty moments... and some were lost because of wasted opportunities. A lesson to newer players: Your ability to execute when needed is crucial on a stage like this.

-Asia VS the US of A!
Of the final 8 spots, the US holds 3 (2 in winner's) while Asian players hold the other 5 (Japan with 3, Korea with 1, and Singapore with 1). With Europe being such an SC hotspot, how surprised is everyone that this game seems to have quite a following in Asia?!?!

-So many killers...
If EVO has taught us anything so far, it's that there are a lot of skilled players in Calibur V, and any one of them can take any given event on any given day. For instance, despite France not making top 8, that doesn't mean that they weren't prepared or didn't play strongly: Keev and Kayane's matches were some of the hypest of the day. Expect more players to surface and this game to have a long shelf-life.


That's all I have for right now. I was not able to catch every match, so if there's something you feel is worth noting as a headline, feel free to comment and I'll add it to the main post. Otherwise, fire away with any of your comments/opinions on how the hypest event of the year has turned out thus far! Oh, and don't forget to throw out some predictions!

Full brackets: http://evo2012.s3.amazonaws.com/brackets/index.html (click on the pool number to see that bracket's results)
I hope this continues next EVO and Omega gets paid and this time even more players participate.

EVO draws a good example of motivation and how ppl can work their asses off; the mysterious power of the Asians (finally exposed) can definitely show other parts of the world that there are other things we have yet to learn.
This tournament definitely lit a new fire in lots of people. I know lots of people are going to go hard at the game now as the tournament opened some eyes as to where they are and where they want to be. I know I'm going to the lab with my new character, if Chicago lets meeeee!

(and I catch up with school!)
I've actually wanted to play Hilde since before the game was released. I only haven't because Hawkeyebplays her. Because of Decopon's performance, Hawkeyebis considering Tira again so we'll see!
^Awesome! I'd love to see some Hilde action. I could never play her properly, can't wait to see what you can do.
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I see many people here saying that this game is balanced and every character is equal etc. but nobody mentioned this.... Doesn't viola have an infinite? I remember seeing Tokido abusing the hell out of that on some people and I know it doesn't do much damage but it pushes them to the edge for a easy ringout or timeout victory. Maybe I just don't know exactly what's going on with that but an infinite to me says the game is not balanced. Also, just because a viola didn't make top 8 doesn't mean this is OK. Someone please tell me why nobody is mentioning this lol.
I see many people here saying that this game is balanced and every character is equal etc. but nobody mentioned this.... Doesn't viola have an infinite? I remember seeing Tokido abusing the hell out of that on some people and I know it doesn't do much damage but it pushes them to the edge for a easy ringout or timeout victory. Maybe I just don't know exactly what's going on with that but an infinite to me says the game is not balanced. Also, just because a viola didn't make top 8 doesn't mean this is OK. Someone please tell me why nobody is mentioning this lol.

Patch 1.04 is going to fix the broken stuff. Also I hope Hilde gets overnerfed.
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A couple things we learned at EVO

1. There are many great players from all parts of the world.
2. This game is very balanced.
3. If your name is Shen your prolly pretty fucking good at SC.

Thanks too everyone who had anything to do with making EVO possible!
Hate to rain on your parade man...I disagree with number 2. And I hope that no one really thinks just because shining decagon won EVO with tira doesn't mean the game is balanced for everyone. It's not imo if it were balanced well..we weren't be seeing partisan or another player losing to a back throw viola infinite. Hopefully another patch will tie up some of the loose ends. Anyhoo congratz to Shining decagon actually learned a few stuff for my tira heh.
Hate to rain on your parade man...I disagree with number 2. And I hope that no one really thinks just because shining decagon won EVO with tira doesn't mean the game is balanced for everyone. It's not imo if it were balanced well..we weren't be seeing partisan or another player losing to a back throw viola infinite. Hopefully another patch will tie up some of the loose ends. Anyhoo congratz to Shining decagon actually learned a few stuff for my tira heh.

This game is very balanced man. Your referring to a glitch not actual gameplay. Im judging by past performances as well. Natsu, Mitsu, Nightmare, Tira, Alpha, Algol have all won past tourneys. I'm sure there's more I've forgotten as well. Any character can win with a proven player controlling them which is called balance.
I see many people here saying that this game is balanced and every character is equal etc. but nobody mentioned this.... Doesn't viola have an infinite? I remember seeing Tokido abusing the hell out of that on some people and I know it doesn't do much damage but it pushes them to the edge for a easy ringout or timeout victory. Maybe I just don't know exactly what's going on with that but an infinite to me says the game is not balanced. Also, just because a viola didn't make top 8 doesn't mean this is OK. Someone please tell me why nobody is mentioning this lol.
Yup and Tokido totally won the EVO with that infinite...no wait, he didn't. The game is balance period. Don't get me wrong tho, we do need a patch for this game, we need fixes for Hilde, Viola, the freakings whiffs, Lexia and of course Patch the meter gaining of Patro.

LP if you main Hilde I will literally cheer for you in every competition, you'll be my second hero after Decopon XD
^Hilde is fine, she can't carry you across the ring any more. Just because of one balancing mistake doesn't mean the character should suck forever.
^Hilde is fine, she can't carry you across the ring any more. Just because of one balancing mistake doesn't mean the character should suck forever.

I know her ring out range isn't OP anymore, but what is C2B G over and over again. That's an infinite. I know about Viola's back grab infinite, but Viola is awesome and Hilde isn't. Was Viola Broken & Nearly Killed This Frannchise? No, but Hilde was. She'll always be broken in my mind even if the C2B G infinite is fixed. Project Soul should never fix her ever.

Haha. Crying about SCIV Hilde in SCV.

I'm not complain I want her to truely become unviable and the worst character in the series.
I know her ring out range isn't OP anymore, but what is C2B G over and over again. That's an infinite. I know about Viola's back grab infinite, but Viola is awesome and Hilde isn't. Was Viola Broken & Nearly Killed This Frannchise? No, but Hilde was. She'll always be broken in my mind even if the C2B G infinite is fixed. Project Soul should never fix her ever.
Since you're bringing your emotions into the matter about balance, I'll consider your opinion void.

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